Chris Kelly points hatred in wrong direction

Last week I was reading some of the news stories about Jenna Bush’s wedding and I was appalled by some of the comments written in the response sections. While some people were nice and wished the couple well, many could not resist the opportunity to bring politics into the mix and insult Jenna and her husband to be, Henry Hager. The comments fell right in line with those of people who wish that Dick Cheney would die every time he is taken to the hospital. I just wonder why it is that people are so vile they have to resort to this kind of behavior when the issue has nothing to do with politics.

The wedding took place on Saturday and this morning there is a hate filled piece over at the Huffington Post. The article was written by Chris Kelly and it is vile. He likens Henry to an accomplice date rapist and then insinuates that he would need to get some people to hold his new wife down while on their honeymoon. It is pure insanity and it is filled with a hatred that is unhealthy. His attacks on them are just wrong. However, the biggest concern that Kelly has is that Henry will be working for Constellation Energy.

Kelly goes on the talk about how the company is the 33rd worst polluter in the US and how it has applied to build a nuclear power plant at Calvert Cliffs, only 50 miles from DC. I don’t want to shatter his paranoia but there is already a nuclear power plant at Calvert Cliffs and it has been there for decades.

Kelly’s argument is that Hager is cashing in, you know, getting in on the action. God knows that the dirty Republicans are the polluters in the world, they and their accomplices in big business. Thank God we have the Democrats to run rough shod over the polluters or we would all be dying from the acid rain. Yeah, that Henry is cashing in by getting a job. I mean, he will have to work to earn a salary. He will have to produce something at Constellation in order to keep his job. He will make profits for the company so that it can feed big bucks to the Republicans who help them pollute.

The only real problem with all this is that while Chris Kelly was having an orgasm discussing the evils of Constellation Energy and Henry cashing in on his Republican connections, he forgot to look at who the “evil” polluters were giving their money to. Barack Obama received $19,350 from the company and Hillary Clinton received $23,450. John McCain received $500. This money came from the company’s executives.

The other problem that Kelly has is that Bechtel will build the nuclear power plant and their supposed ties to the bin Laden family as well as their past performance is a worry for him. For a group of people who tell us that we cannot stereotype and single out Muslims the libs sure do their best to single out Muslims when it suits their purpose. Regardless, if the Democrats are so worried about Bechtel why do they willingly accept money from the company that hired them? If Kelly wants to direct his anger appropriately then his finger should be pointing to the left.

I am sure that Chris Kelly felt a need to discuss this but I am sure he could have done it without attacking the character of Henry Hager and he certainly could have done it without likening him to a rapist.

Perhaps, in the interest of fair play, Kelly can write a piece about how Chelsea Clinton cashed in on her name and parent’s connections to land a lucrative job at a hedge fund. Perhaps he can investigate how she is part of an industry responsible for the problems we face in the credit and housing markets.

Bet that will never happen. Kelly is too busy pleasuring himself with sandpaper mittens and smearing young couples who have done nothing wrong.

Best of luck to Jenna and Henry. I wish them a long healthy marriage and much success.

Big Dog