Get Ready To Be Gagged

Ooh, today, the Congress is set to vote on a new Hate Crimes Bill, and the convoluted language in this one really takes the cake. It is the true first step to abridging your right to free speech, and it should make you madder than anything else this boneheaded administration has proposed so far.

What, in effect this bill does is hold, for example, a minister liable for the sermons he preaches. Oh yeah, that’s right- this takes on free speech AND religion at the same time in a patented end- around that this idiot administration is rapidly becoming famous for.

An example here would be a minister speaking out against homosexuality, and someone in his congregation going, after the sermon and spray painting a sign demeaning homosexuality. This would lead to criminal charges against not just whoever painted the sign, but also the minister, who would face, because it is a hate crime, an additional TEN years in prison. This is nothing more than a naked attempt to gag free speech, and stifle religious thought, all in one bill. They should call it the Taliban Omnibus Bill.

Listen up, all you liberal mush brains. The First Amendment not only gives the right to free speech, but implied in that amendment is the right to offend people with that free speech. Not everyone will like what you say, but you DO have the right to say it, at least for now. This is why the KKK and Black Muslims can say inflammatory things- their right to free speech cannot be stifled just because you do not agree with what they say.

In the pulpit, the right to free speech is combined with the freedom of religion- if you do not agree with the religion, you may leave the church. You have that freedom- the church has the freedom to preach as they will, without government interference.

This is as wrong- headed as attempting to hold handgun manufacturers responsible for the shootings that happen in this world.

This is another blatant attempt to socially engineer our world, and shrink our rights. Because these liberals believe that the Constitution is “a Living Document”, they believe that the rights contained therein are malleable, and subject to change. Listen up, Dummies- the only way to change the Constitution is by an Amendment, which requires three fourths of the States to ratify the proposed changes. This is the only way to change it, but this bunch of morons feels that they can slide a bill through and fundamentally alter free speech through the legislative process, bypassing the process needed, because these ethically “challenged” people know that they can’t win with the process our forefathers put in place. Three quarters of the States would not ratify this retarded bill- it, like much of this administration’s legislation, goes against rational thought.

First- a Hate Crimes Bill? I pretty much believe that any crime has an element of hate to it. You will never hear that someone loved someone else to death- not literally. This is an oxymoronic bill, and all it does is make the liberal mokes feel good, but not much else except restrict our rights.

You know, the one thing that liberals never talk about is personal responsibility. You know what that is, right? It is when you own up to your actions, and don’t blame it on society, your inner child, your abusive past, a bad hair day, or the fact that the government didn’t prevent you from doing what you did. Be a real person and admit to your actions. If you can’t do that, your parents didn’t do their job. The government, however, can not, nor should it act as your parent. If you can’t be an adult, and do adult things in an adult and responsible way, why should we coddle you?

This bill would be the legislative equivalent of communistic thought control, and should scare the heck out of anyone who loves our country, because if this bill passes, our freedoms just got smaller and more restrictive.

That should never happen.
Big Dog

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