Why Does AP Need List Of IL Gun Owners?

The Associated Press filed a Freedom of Information request to get a list of names of those citizens of Illinois who have a Firearm Owners Identification card (FOID). The FOID is an unconstitutional restriction on gun ownership issued by the state police and required before anyone is allowed to own a gun (shall not be infringed).

The state police have refused the request stating that it would violate the privacy rights of the people who have the cards. The Illinois Attorney General sees it differently. Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s office released a letter saying the information should be made public.

So not only is Illinois violating the Constitutional right of people to keep and bear arms by infringing upon them, it is also declaring that people who own guns have no privacy.

I imagine the liberals and the people at AP (but I repeat myself) have no issue with this but let us look at it differently.

Suppose some group requested a list of women who have had abortions or a list of politicians who have been treated for a sexually transmitted disease or perhaps a list of people who have been treated for mental illness. Now suppose that these requests were denied based on the expectation of privacy but some Attorney General released a letter saying that the information should be released.

Imagine the uproar we would hear from the left.

So what happens if the list of people who own guns is released?

The criminals will know who does not have a gun so it will make it easier for them to decide whose house to rob…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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