Let Them Eat Birthday Cake

Michelle My Belle Obama is on a four day vacation with her youngest daughter while hubby Barry spends time away from family but with his friends, in Chicago. Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) spent his birthday in Chicago while the rest of his family did something else. While Barry told the country to visit the Gulf for vacation his wife, Michelle, evidently did not get the memo. She is spending time in Spain at a posh $2500 a night hotel.

Yes, while millions of people are unemployed, while her husband destroys the economy, while the near future is bleak, Michelle Obama is spending time at a hotel in which her room will cost $10,000 for the four days. That is more money than some people make a year. You’ve gotta love royalty…

And it gets worse because MO took up 60 rooms for 40 of her friends. I assume the other 20 rooms were for Secret Service Agents. Don’t be fooled by anything you read in the MSM. Michelle Obama is on a political trip paying off political friends and looking for more support. Hubby is sinking in the polls and most Democrats are avoiding him like the plague so MO is the one to garner support.

The big question is, who is paying for this? We know that part of the bill is being paid for by taxpayers. The plane ride over was on the taxpayer and the 20 or so Secret Service Agents are being paid for by the taxpayer. I don’t know who paid for the rest but if it is her vacation she shouild be paying for the entire trip out of her pocket (with the exception of reasonable items afforded her position as First Lady).

Somehow I feel like the bill will go to the taxpayer.

I do not begrudge anyone a vacation. I don’t really care how people spend their money (if she is indeed spending her money on this) but I can’t stand hypocrites and elitist pigs who tell us one thing and do another. The Clintons bash rich people all the time and discuss how terrible they are and how they should be giving more and why do they need so much and then they spend $5 million dollars on their daughter’s wedding. Think of how many of the poor folks and children that kind of money would have helped.

MO is the same way. She and her husband are liberal elitists who think that the government can decide how much a person can make. They believe that government should provide cradle to grave care for people. They think the evil rich make too much and spend it on lavish things. Then MO spends tens of thousands of dollars on a vacation. What do you expect from a woman whose husband eats $100 a pound steak?

To top all this off, MO did not spend the tens of thousands of dollars here in the United States. She could have gone to California where they could certainly use the money. She could show that she believes what her husband says and vacationed in the Gulf. Think of how welcomed that kind of spending would have been in an area devestated by the oil spill and the ensuing ineptitude of the Obama regime. The people down there are hurting and could have used an influx of money. The presence of MO could have sparked the rest of the country to vacation in the Gulf and help out our fellow Americans.

No, MO went to Spain where the State Department had determined that racist cops were arresting people for being black. Fortunately for Michelle, the State Department lifted the look out black folks memo in time for her to walk around Spain without worry (as if a platoon of Secret Service would ever let anything happen).

With more people claiming unemployment benefits (unexpectedly, of course), and more people using food stamps it would have been nice to see the First Lady spend money at home.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Dereliction Of Duty; The Obama Way

A lot of ink was used during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in order to paint George Bush as incompetent and to blame him for the failures in New Orleans. As I have stated many times, there were problems with the federal response but the bulk of the incompetence lies squarely on the shoulders of state and local government. That did not stop the rabid and radical left from using the issue as proof that Bush was the incompetent one.

Obama’s problems in the Gulf are a little different because there are no levels of government between him and the disaster. It happened in an area where the feds have jurisdiction and the line from the incident to the federal government is straight and unimpeded.

Barack Obama claims to have been on things from the start but this is not true. The Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on 20 April 2010 and the response has been slow especially when one considers that Obama was aware of problems nearly two months prior to the explosion. In fact, there were warnings that there might be an explosion and BP asked the federal government for help because of cracks and leaks at that time.

It seems incomprehensible that the president and other members of the administration still have jobs when it is now being reported that the federal government was apprised by BP on February 13 that the Deepwater Horizon oil rig was leaking oil and natural gas into the ocean floor.

In fact, according to documents in the administration’s possession, BP was fighting large cracks at the base of the well for roughly ten days in early February.

Further it seems the administration was also informed about this development, six weeks before to the rig’s fatal explosion when an engineer from the University of California, Berkeley, announced to the world a near miss of an explosion on the rig by stating, “They damn near blew up the rig.”

It’s also now being reported that BP was asking for the administration’s help on this matter long before the deadly accident and the now gushing well of tar. FOX News

Not only is Obama derelict in his duty, he is responsible for the deaths of the 11 men who perished on that rig. Why would the guy who told the world that his election would mean the Earth would heal as oceans receded ignore an issue that could, and ultimately did, end up being a terrible environmental problem?

Perhaps it is his business dealings with George Soros that prevented him from acting. Maybe he needed an excuse to shut things down to help Soros make some money.

Soros has invested heavily in a Brazilian oil company and after he invested the US government loaned them 2 BILLION dollars. We loaned them the money even though they are profitable (and we really can’t afford it). I wonder why this was?

Now that Obama has issued the moratorium on the wells drilling and pumping the company Soros invested in stands to be in real good shape and it is drilling about three times deeper than the Horizon.

I don’t think Obama thought the oil well would explode (even though that warning was quite clear in February). I think he was hoping that a few months after he was informed of the problem and refused to help BP that some small thing would happen or he could make a big deal about how much oil had leaked thus far and then he could shut things down and push his green energy and cap and tax agenda.

But the rig exploded before he ever got to it and now he is left holding the bag for the worst environmental disaster in US history. Obama and his people knew about this in February and they ignored it and the result was a disaster.

It is possible that the explosion and leak could have been averted if Obama would have heeded the warnings and had responded to the calls for assistance. We will never know now because he ignored the issue and now we have a catastrophe.

People gave George Bush hell because of the federal response when the entire country was aware a few days in advance that a hurricane was heading for New Orleans. Regardless of the reality in the case, the perception painted by Democrats who were looking for a political edge was that Bush knew the hurricane was coming but still could not muster an effective response.

Well my friends, Barack OILbama knew for nearly TWO MONTHS that there was a problem and he ignored the issue. Bush was working to get the state to request help and he was accused of incompetence and a hatred of black people and Obama ignored the threat for nearly two months prior to the explosion and has dithered for the two months since it and he has been given a pass by the state run media.

Obama has not been on top of this since day one despite his repeated claims to the contrary because day one in this issue was two months before the accident.

This is what happens when you put an inexperienced man-child who could not lead a group of people out of a burning building in charge.

He screws things up.

In this case, 11 men died because of it.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The Weekend Wrap Up

Oil Waivers Still Flowing

The Obama regime issued a waiver for the oil rig that exploded and spilled thousands of gallons of oil into the Gulf. The government had a plan in place to handle it but did not have the equipment needed to carry out the plan even though it has been in place since 1994. Not to worry, the regime has issued 27 additional waivers for oil companies in the Gulf.

Since the Deepwater Horizon oil drilling rig exploded on April 20, the Obama administration has granted oil and gas companies at least 27 exemptions from doing in-depth environmental studies of oil exploration and production in the Gulf of Mexico. McClatchy

Maybe these waivers have something to do with all the money Obama has gotten from companies like BP…

Obama Rode In On A High Horse But Is Now On A Pony

Looks like Obama rode into Colorado during the Democratic Convention looking like a Greek ruler who could take the world and now will lose seats in that state because of his policies:

Republicans are now well positioned for a statewide resurgence, threatening several Democratic seats in the midterm elections and raising questions about whether the opening chapter of the Obama administration has eroded gains that Democrats had been making here for the previous six years. New York Times

Seems that a lot of people are waking from the contact buzz they had with Mr. Hope and Change and are beginning to realize he is just another hack politician who cannot do what he said but is pushing us toward Socialism. The November elections will be key to stopping him.

More Bad Election News And News Of Diminishing Support For Democrats

Obama might lose the seat Murtha held as people become even more disgruntled with Democrats. If the May 18th special election is close, even if the Democrat wins, it will be a statement because the district is 2:1 Democrats over Republicans. Alan Mollohan of West Virginia could be in trouble as well. He has been around for quite a while but might be unemployed come November.

To top it off, Obama has lost half the support he had among Jewish voters. He went from 78% to about 40%. Looks like this traditionally Democrat voting block is seeing the light and is now realizing that Obama does not really care too much about Israel. He is more concerned about the Muslim countries than he is about our only ally there in the Middle East.

Obama Derides Modern Electronics And Access To Information

Barack Obama lamented the modern electronic devices that provide 24 hour news coverage and tons of information. Obama said these things were distractions and made people focus on minute things rather than the important ones.

“With iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations, — none of which I know how to work — information becomes a distraction, a diversion, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than the means of emancipation. AFP

First of all, this is amazing since this regime is full of people who know how to throw a lot of BS around in order to keep people from getting too far in the weeds on the important stuff. Second of all, Obama claims that he does not know how to use any of this stuff but I find it hard to believe. One thing is for sure though, he knows how to use his Blackberry, which he is addicted to.

And let us not forget that Obama advertised in video games during the last presidential election.

Looks like things are getting pretty dicey for the Democrats. People are waking up. Also looks like Obama is learning what it is to have a real job with real pressures. I wonder how long he will keep blaming Bush?

Michelle: Barack honey, I’m pregnant.

Barack: BUSH DID IT!!!!!!

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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