Obama Invokes Reagan And Claims Support From God

Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) is out campaigning for reelection and is talking up Stimulus II. That is his new jobs bill which is as bad as the old one. Stimulus I was supposed to keep unemployment below 8% and provide all these shovel ready jobs, jobs Obama admitted were not there. His first plan spent nearly a trillion dollars and provided very few jobs. We have lost more jobs than gained since he took office and if he had not expanded the size of government there would be an even greater job loss.

The public is not in favor of Stimulus II. Most were not in favor of Stimulus I but Obama had control of both chambers of Congress so he was able to ram it through. Now that Republicans are in control of the House Obama is meeting resistance. Tyrants hate when they meet resistance because they feel that they should be able to do what they want (which is why King Barry has bypassed Congress claiming that we can’t wait for them). I have failed to find the “we can’t wait for Congress” clause in the Constitution.

The public is not in favor of this despite Obama’s claim that it is. The public does not want us to have Stimulus II because it will be like Stimulus I, a slush fund to pay off Democrat constituencies. Obama knows this and his game plan is not to really pass this because he really does not care about job creation, he cares about pinning the blame on Republicans.

If Obama cared about jobs the economy would be better. He has been claiming for three years that he is focused like a laser on jobs. If he has then he either does not want to create them or he is inept (I believe both). I will leave it to you Democrats to decide which. The fact is, he has not created jobs nor does he want to. He needs things to be bad and to get reelected so he can be unleashed for four years imposing new and ever expanding government programs to help the people. He wants to impose his Marxist beliefs and he needs it to be bad AND get reelected. That is why he is blaming Republicans.

Obama has told us, from in front of a bridge, that God wants us to pass the Obama jobs bill. Jay Carney (as in carnival barker) said that this is like the Biblical passage that Jesus helps those who help themselves. This IS NOT a passage from the Bible but I don’t hold liberals too critically in this area. They don’t read it, think religion (particularly Christianity) should be barred from everything and only invoke religion when they need to use it as a political tool, not a tool for living a good life.

Obama invokes God from time to time. I, unlike Obama, do not claim to speak for God. I don’t know if God wants the jobs bill passed though I would doubt he would want anything that takes even more freedom away and gives government more power to pass. I find it hard God would side with Obama given that Obama thinks having a baby punishes a woman, supports abortion AND murdering children born alive after an unsuccessful abortion. I just don’t see God supporting that kind of person but I don’t speak for God. I speak for me and I don’t support it.

Obama also, as he often does, invoked Ronald Reagan.

Obama also resorted to one of his favorite rhetorical tricks by quoting Reagan, who was president from 1981 to 1989, and is a hero to modern day conservatives, to decry Republican policies.

Reagan, Obama said, argued that it was “common sense” to repair bridges and highways before they needed to be rebuilt in future years at many times the cost.

“Since when do we have Republicans voting against Ronald Reagan’s ideas?” Yahoo News

The real question is, since when does Obama agree with Reagan? I know Obama did this to try and give the impression that Republicans are against Stimulus II because and only because, they are opposed to Obama and it is all politics. Republicans loved Reagan and what he did and I want to do the same thing so it must be because of me.

Yes Barry, it makes sense to fix bridges before they need to be replaced. You had that chance with Stimulus I which you said would create jobs, fix roads, and repair bridges. None of that happened on any scale to make a difference. You are playing politics.

But, if you are on board with Reagan and are not opposed to doing what he did then don’t take half steps. Don’t play politics. Use the full Monty. Reagan CUT TAXES. You and your Democrats want to raise taxes on the so called rich (though the increases will be felt by everyone) and Reagan CUT TAXES. The Reagan tax cuts stimulated the economy and allowed private businesses to create millions of jobs. Reagan’s policies got us out of the Jimmy Carter funk of high inflation, through the roof interest rates and high unemployment. Reagan reversed all of the Carter malaise and turned this country around. Unemployment went down and the economy improved. So Barry, go all the way and do ALL the things that Reagan did.

Then Republicans can get on board.

I know that Obama thinks God is in his corner and Carney thinks the Bible says Jesus helps those who help themselves. They are incorrect but since they seem intent on following scripture (just like Obama now wants to follow Reagan), let me help them and those who want government to provide for them:

“And to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs, and to work with your hands, as we instructed you, so that you may walk properly before outsiders and be dependent on no one.” – 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

And for the Obama regime as well as the OWS crowd, I offer this:
“For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” 1 Thessalonians 3:10

So what I think we have here is the Bible telling people not to depend on anyone else (including government) and to DO FOR THEMSELVES. And if they don’t, they don’t get to eat!

Beware of Obama. Marxists are inherently evil…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Religion- What’s it good for?

There’s always been a tug of war over religion- which one is the right one, does it offer eternal life, does it exclude belief in, or tolerance of other offshoots of that religion or others? Just what HAS religion done for us, humanity? What has it done TO us? Does the one out weigh the other in a positive way? A negative way?

All of these are thorny questions, ones that not everybody has handled with grace and tolerance- witness the schism between the S’hia and Sunni sects of Islam. Each one holds the other to be apostate, and thus an enemy of true Islam, and this goes back to one small thing- when Mohammad died, he did not leave a will, directing the continued rule of Islam in one direction, thus leading to two different interpretations of the same religion, and conflict over the disparity between the two.

The same sort of schism with Christianity- first was the Catholic church, with its eventual corruption (the selling of blessings, etc) that led to the schism that Martin Luther fostered, that became Protestantism, with Lutheran, Episcopalian, and Methodist sects of Christianity.

And then you have the Mormons, and Quakers, and others, oh my.

We won’t even get into the Eastern religions in this discussion, not that they are not important, but for this discussion, they are not germane to the conversation.

“Religion is the opiate of the masses”, was a favorite maxim of the communists, as they attempted to leach the religion out of their citizens, but for all their atheistic rant, they never quite kept the faith out of everyone’s life. So why? Why does religion hold such sway over people? What does religion do for the people?

For starters, religion grounds people, gives them a reason to go through another day, despite what at times seem like insurmountable odds. Belief in a higher being gives many people some solace in times of need. To those who do not believe, it might be a useless waste of time but to those who do believe, the peace that this belief brings is, no pun intended, a Godsend.

But let’s get down to the nitty- gritty here- just what has Religion done for people over the years?

The obvious thing is that the Ten Commandments has given us a baseline for our acceptable behavior towards other people, and started us on a pathway to a society that has laws that punish the defendant, and compassion towards the victim. Virtually every major religion has a version of these commandments, that give us a pathway to civilized behavior. This is a good thing, otherwise you have no society at all, as everyone is out for themselves, and if there is no God, and no afterlife, what is the use in following laws?

Some might say that this is the case now, but I would say that this is because not enough people have taught their children well. Religion has not been the problem- not teaching the religion has been the problem. Part of this is the disintegration of the family, where a father or mother is absent, and the children do not have a parent set that reinforces the laws and codes of behavior that the child is expected to adhere to. The phrase “God- fearing” is often used in a negative connotation to the adherence of the Commandments, but this is really a positive in the scheme of things.

If you have a fear of God and/ or his Judgement, your obedience to the Commandments may be reinforced, and you might be better able to resist the myriad temptations in life. God, in effect, becomes another parent, one who never grows old, or dies. Praying is just having a conversation with God- and everyone needs someone to talk to, even if, at times, the talk is all on one side. God is nothing if not a good listener.

Atheists often denigrate me and my faith, poo- pooing the beliefs of the Christian peoples. That’s all well and good, for I am not evangelical. I think that God has provided the book, but there will always be people who do not want to read, so I am fine with their atheism, except when it gets in my face.

That’s not socially acceptable, or very gracious, but I have come to expect ungracious behavior from some, as well as ridicule, to which I simply reply that if I am wrong in my belief, I simply lose some time in my life, but if they are wrong, they risk losing eternal life. That’s a gamble I wouldn’t take.

Do you feel lucky, punk? Well. do you?


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Democrats in, Congress Godless

Nancy Pelosi defended the actions of the Capitol architect who took it upon himself to decide that the word God and any other religious phrases may not be placed on the certificates that accompany Flags ordered by constituents. Nancy Pelosi and the architect are denying people their right to free speech. People have a right to have whatever they want, within the limits of good taste, added to the certificates. In case these people do not know it, the Flag and its accompanying certificate are not free. People order them and PAY for them. Since they are paying for them, they should have a right to get just about whatever they want on them.

The case stems from an Eagle Scout who wanted, “In honor of my grandfather Marcel Larochelle, and his dedication and love of God, country, and family” written on his certificate. When he received it, the word God was not on it. He paid for the Flag and certificate and the PC police at the Capitol decided that the word was inappropriate. Who is this jackass and what power does he have to decide what people have written on certificates that they pay for? Additionally, if he was not going to put what the kid wanted on the certificate, he should have returned the money and the form with an explanation.

Unfortunately, Nancy Pelosi is so anti religion and liberal (but I repeat myself) that she lacks the courage to tell the guy to print what people pay for. How dare this woman decide that this is appropriate and to declare that she does not see the point of the Congressman who was upset about it? I am willing to bet this jackass architect accepts his pay in US dollars that have the words “In God We Trust” imprinted upon them. I am willing to bet Pelosi has no problem accepting the millions of dollars in graft she gets even though those dollars contain the very same words.

I believe that all Americans should stop ordering Flags from the Congress. Just stop completely and let them figure out something else to do with their time. I also think we should refuse to pay our taxes because we would not want to offend any of these jackasses who don’t like to see God’s name in print. These jackasses are only religious when they are running for office ala Hillary and B. Hussein.

Check that idea about not paying taxes. That could be risky given how the federal government sends jack booted marshals to arrest you and harass your friends if you refuse to surrender your money to those who extort it from you. You could fly planes into buildings and Democrats will praise you and demand that you not be tortured but fail to pay your taxes and they send SS storm troopers from the Federal Marshal’s office to beat the money our of you or take you into custody. When the Mafia did that it was called extortion. When the federal government does it, it is called the tax system.

Just ask the Browns and their friends.

Big Dog

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