Enforcers At The IRS Harass $10 An Hour Worker

A hair stylist in Seattle who makes fewer than $20,000 a year was recently investigated by the IRS because the government organization claims that she does not make enough money to live where she does. According to the IRS, Rachel Porcaro, cannot possibly be living on her low wages and they have determined that she is not making enough to provide for her children so she is losing her earned income credit.

I am no fan of the EIC but it is legal and if she is entitled to it, she should get it. But the IRS is convinced that she makes too little and they believe she must have unclaimed income.

Porcaro lives with her parents and does not live a lavish lifestyle. The IRS spent tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars in order to get a little more than a thousand dollars from Porcaro. That is efficiency at its finest. To top it off, Porcaro and her family are out thousands of dollars because they racked up bills defending against the harassment.

Why is it that a guy like Tim Geithner can deliberately not pay his taxes and he does not get fined or put in jail but a $10 an hour worker is harassed by the IRS? The same is true for Charlie Rangel who is a tax cheat. Why does not the IRS spend more time going after real tax cheats (just look at the Obama administration or Congress for that matter) and leave hard working people alone.

Obviously if this woman or any other taxpayer is breaking the law then the IRS has a duty to check it out but people in this income pay NO taxes. Why harass them when there are people skirting the tax laws everyday?

We need to abolish the IRS and simplify the tax code so that everyone pays a piece of the bill and we need to eliminate things like the EIC that allows people who pay NO taxes to get money back. This is backdoor welfare.

But until we do just that, this woman and many more like her are living on what they make and filing taxes in accordance with the law.

H&R Block did her taxes so it is not like she cheated them. Besides, she pays no taxes so how could she cheat anyone?

As for her kids, neither she nor her parents can claim any EIC. She cannot claim her kids because the IRS says she can’t possibly be taking care of them.

And yet she is.

Government idiocy at its best.

Hey IRS, go pick on the tax cheats in government and leave the hard working folks who try to obey the laws alone.

Big Dog

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Debt Ceiling Continues To Rise As Congress Continues To Spend

The Democrats went nuts when George Bush asked them to raise the debt ceiling. To be fair, the party not in power usually raises hell when the majority party asks for the ceiling to be raised. Both parties are guilty of spending more rather than spending less and this causes havoc with our budget process. The Obama administration is adding to the debt at record levels (the previous record was set last year by Bush and the Democratically controlled Congress) and there appears to be no end in sight. On top of the stimulus that did not stimulate, Obama and the Democrats are pushing for a health care overhaul that will tremendously increase the US debt burden. Obama has been in office for 7 months and already his Treasury Secretary is asking that the debt ceiling be raised:

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner asked Congress to increase the $12.1 trillion debt limit on Friday, saying it is “critically important” that they act in the next two months. WSJ

The federal deficit grew by $181 billion in July and will likely continue to grow. Tax revenues are way down because of the bad economy and the Obama Administration has spent a fortune on a stimulus package that added to the burden and produced no positive results. The cap and trade legislation will further burden taxpayers, including those in the middle class (particularly those in the middle class) and the health care overhaul will likely be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Congress will likely approve the increase in the debt limit and the vote will probably be party line (or close to it) as it usually is.

The funny thing is that the very same Democrats who balked when Bush wanted to increase the limit and claimed he had no plan to reduce the deficit are the ones asking for an increase when they have no plan to reduce the deficit. By all accounts the Democrats will only continue to add to the problem.

Democrats blamed Bush’s tax cuts on the problem. When taxes are cut the revenue to the treasury increases but that is often ignored for the sake of political grandstanding. Obama has not cut taxes and the deficit is still rising out of control. That is what happens when they spend more money than we have.

Our government needs to go line by line, program by program and make meaningful cuts just like Obama promised to do. Until the out of control spending is reigned in there will be more and more debt and future requests to raise the ceiling.

That is no way to do business.

Big Dog

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GM- Contract Law is Now a Handi- Wipe

Yea, I know, another interminable piece on the Auto Industry, but this has wider implications than just your ride to work, or even what you drive. The bedrock of our legal system, at least when it comes to doing business in this country, as well as many other countries, is Contract Law.

contract is an exchange of promises between two or more parties to do, or refrain from doing, an act, which resulting contract is enforceable in a court of law. It is a binding legal agreement. [1] That is to say, a contract is an exchange of promises for the breach of which the law will provide a remedy.

Agreement is said to be reached when an offer capable of immediate acceptance is met with a “mirror image” acceptance (ie, an unqualified acceptance). The parties must have the necessary capacity to contract and the contract must not be either trifling, indeterminate, impossible or illegal. Contract law is based on the principle expressed in the Latin phrasepacta sunt servanda (usually translated “pacts must be kept”, but more literally “agreements are to be kept”).[2] Breach of contract is recognized by the law and remedies can be provided.

Technically, any oral agreement between two parties can constitute a binding legal contract. The practical limitation to this, however, is that only parties to a written agreement have material evidence (the written contract itself) to prove the actual terms uttered at the time the agreement was struck. In daily life, most contracts can be and are made orally, such as purchasing a book or a sandwich. Sometimes written contracts are required by either the parties, or by statutory law within various jurisdiction for certain types of agreement. For example when buying a house[3] or land.


In plain language, the written contract trumps all else- unless kyou are the United States government intent on rewarding friends of those in power. In that case, contract law becomes null and void- or what ever the king says it is. 

In this case, the King and his diminutive jester, little Timmy Geithner, have declared that the unions, who supported the Chicago gangster in his bid to steal our country, have to be repaid, and now they have received not one, but two shiny car companies to play with, while the people who invested in GM and Chrysler have to stand in the back of the line, hat in hand.

I know that Barama and his party love class warfare- without it they wouldn’t have been elected- however, the facts are that these “big, greedy, Bond- holders” that the liberals love to demonize are holders of the same bonds that school teachers, pipefitters, and other, more mainstream workers have in their portfolios for their retirements, and now they are darn near worthless, all because Barama put the unions at  the head of the line.

And it’s not just that, although the breaking of contracts is as serious as a heart attack, legally- all of this could have been done six months ago, without all of our money going into a pit of no return- the sheer idiocy is shocking.

GM’s bondholders had a 5 p.m. Saturday deadline to accept an offer to swap their $27 billion in debt for at least a 10 percent stake in a new GM. If the Treasury doesn’t get the support it wants, bondholders could wind up with far less in bankruptcy court.

The Treasury Department had no immediate comment on the deadline passing, and GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson said the automaker did not plan to make any statements Saturday.

GM took a huge restructuring step Friday when the United Auto Workers union agreed to a cost-cutting deal, and early Saturday, Germany’s finance minister said a plan was approved for Canadian auto parts maker Magna International Inc. to move ahead with a rescue of GM’s Opel unit.

But there was still much to do to beat the government’s Monday deadline to qualify for more aid. The company already has received about $20 billion in government loans and could get $30 billion more to make it through what is expected to be a 60- to 90-day reorganization in bankruptcy court.

But there was still much to do to beat the government’s Monday deadline to qualify for more aid. The company already has received about $20 billion in government loans and could get $30 billion more to make it through what is expected to be a 60- to 90-day reorganization in bankruptcy court.

Houston Chronicle, Sunday  May 31, 2009

Over 50 billion dollars, and that is just GM that they are talking about. If we had had the bankruptcy in November, we could have saved this money, and the unions would have gotten what they deserved under the law- far less in the immediate future, but a possible future, at least. This way, they have a shiny toy they have no idea how to operate efficiently, nor will they have the time to learn on the go, because I am certainly reluctant to buy something that would be designed by the government, and bossed by the unions.

Unions are good at putting nuts on bolts (and even then they have robots to show them how and help. What unions are not good at is management- they are vastly unsuited to the task, as unions and management have been natural adversaries for as long as there have been unions. Oh what will they do when someone has that inevitable grievance- who will they demonize? The we did it to ourself scenario doesn’t play well with liberals who like to always deflect responsibility and blame- but with the unions in charge the buck’s gotta stop somewhere. Perhaps they’ll play a version of spin the bottle to see who to blame.

Meanwhile, the poor bondholders have to do as the government tells them to do- they have no options, unless they want to run into a buzz saw of governmental red tape that would make their life hell for the next five years or so. Wow, what a deal- this is certainly a day to remember, when your own government screws you out of the money  you are legally obligated to by law, but are denied because of crass, lowly, political favoritism dished out by a group of mafia wannabes in governmental guise. 

They’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.
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Obama The Watchdog

If there is one thing we can be thankful for, it is that Barack Obama is a watchdog. He is on duty like a faithful sentry ensuring that we, the little people, are guarded. Obama is such a watchdog that he walks in several circles before he lies down.

There’s no need to fear, Obama the watchdog is here and he will find the lying, stinking, tax cheats who are defrauding the government out of its money. Today the watchdog announced that he would be going after the tax cheats:

President Barack Obama vowed to “detect and pursue” American tax evaders Monday as he announced a plan to close tax loopholes and clamp down on overseas shelters. Breitbart

I will have to give him a passing grade on this so far. Since he has been in office he has pursued a number of Democrats to serve in his administration and he has detected that many of them failed to pay their income taxes. These unpatriotic ingrates failed to pay their taxes and the watchdog Obama discovered them and ensured they paid up.

OK, many did not pay interest and penalties and none of them were frog marched to jail for deliberately avoiding taxes but at least they were detected by watchdog. The problem seems to be that after watchdog Obama finds them and forces them to pay their taxes he then rewards them with high paying jobs. In fact, the Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is a major tax cheat who defrauded the government until watchdog found him.

Watchdog needs to head on over to Congress and sniff around to find out what is happening with the tax cheats there. Charlie Rangel, the pimp from New York, is responsible for writing tax laws and he must have thought he was exempt because he did not pay his taxes either. So far he has been able to escape sanctions.

Does anyone want to bet that watchdog will not be so easy on the regular folks who failed to pay taxes?

Then again, maybe this is how Obama plans on creating jobs. He is hiring 800 IRS Gestapo to go after tax cheats. Once he finds them he can force them to pay their taxes and then give them a job.

What a guy this watchdog is.

Watchdog will also go after companies that supposedly benefit from moving their businesses overseas. They already pay taxes to the US on their US profits and taxes to the foreign country on their foreign profits and then they pay taxes on the foreign profits when they move the money to the US so I don’t really know how watchdog is going to get any more out of them, but he says he will.

I predict that more companies will move their businesses out of the US.

I also predict Joe Six Pack will get hammered with interest and penalties for not paying his taxes.

Watchdog is spending like a drunken sailor and he needs all the money he can get and he will screw people to get it (unless they are Democrats and he wants them to work in his administration).

Fortunately, the Klingon ensures he gets walked or he would not be house broken.

We don’t need any more stains in the White House. Clinton left enough for the both of them.

Big Dog

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IRS Agent Not Too Bright

A 43-year-old IRS agent named Jim H. Liu from California has admitted that he filed a false tax return by claiming a loss on the sale of property on which he actually made a profit. This guy actually admitted that he did this deliberately after two months of expert instruction explaining how to avoid taxes. Nominee after nominee for the Obama administration has stepped up to explain that taxes were not paid and that the slight was merely an oversight. Tim Geithner deliberately failed to pay his taxes and he is now in charge of collecting them. He is even threatening those who have failed to pay their taxes. Now this is the way it is done.

Obama’s newest nominee for Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius, has admitted that she made a mistake on her taxes and she paid around $7000 plus interest to clear the matter up. She follows Tom Daschle who failed to pay his taxes.

Liu faces three years in prison (though there is no indication he will get that) for cheating on his taxes.

If he had been a nominee for the Obama administration he would have gotten the job, kiss, kiss, all forgotten.

Big Dog

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