Maybe If They Were Less Worried About Gay Marriage

Looks like California is going further down the tubes. While an activist judge with a homosexual bias (he is gay) disregarded the wishes of over 7 million people and while people are sashaying around celebrating the shredding of Constitutional Law (at either the state or federal level) the state of California is falling off the planet.

California is home to lots of very rich people and the state taxes everything imaginable. Unfortunately, it has a plethora of union workers (particularly public sector workers) who suckle the teat of government and have bankrupted the system. California has too many unions, too many public sector employees, too many illegal aliens and too many welfare programs. It cannot afford all of this.

The state intends to issue IOUs to those who are owed money:

State Controller John Chiang said Tuesday that without a state budget, California’s government would be unable to pay its bills in late August (or maybe early September). That means issuing IOUs to some people. Possible dates for IOUs could be either Aug. 27 or Aug. 31, when big payments to schools are due, according to this schedule on the controller’s website. NBC Los Angeles

The IOUs are a result of not having a budget but the reason there is no budget is because they cannot balance one. They owe more than they take in and they have not figured out how to cut what needs to be cut in order to get out of debt.

While the Governor and the courts are occupying their time worrying about gay marriage, the state is drowning and there is no hope in sight.

But like the passengers of the Titanic, they will have a gay ole time while the ship sinks…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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