A Glimmer Of Hope From McConnell?

Mitch McConnell addressed the looming debt ceiling and said there would be no government shutdown and that the ceiling would be raised. Anyone who reads this blog regularly (and I know all three of you) know how I feel about the debt ceiling. We need to stop raising it and start lowering the amount of debt we have by cutting spending.

It is as simple as that even though liberals and big government RINOs will tell you that it is not easy and there is too much to pay for. The only reason there is too much to pay for is because they keep spending too much.

If your pipes in the house break and you have sewage piling up you don’t go to the top of the house and keep raising the ceiling. If you do you just end up with more crap. The sensible solution is to stop the crap from piling up and then get rid of it as quickly as possible.

In Obama’s time in office the national debt has doubled from 9 TRILLION dollars to 18 TRILLION dollars. Obama has accumulated more debt than all other presidents COMBINED. What do we have to show for this? Nearly 100 million people no longer participating in the labor force and around 50 million people on food stamps. We have an entitlement society full of people encouraged to live off the government (read the taxpayer) as a way of life.

Democrats built that (Obama made it worse).

McConnell gave a glimmer of hope with the debt ceiling issue. He said that they would likely attach legislation they want to pass to the debt ceiling bill. This is an action I suggested in an earlier post.

Here is what McConnell had to say:

Mr. McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday that Republicans may try to attach some of their priorities to the debate but won’t force another shutdown showdown as it has in the past. Washington Times

The issue I have is he already gave in by stating there would be no showdown. He will likely push something they all agree on, pass it and slap themselves on the back while telling us what a great job they did. In reality the spineless will fold.

I think McConnell and Boehner need to put out what they want and start NOW to tell the public that they are going to do it and if Democrats block it THEY will be responsible for the shutdown. If he has to, since this is a BUDGET item he can make it so only 51 votes are needed. Then he can pass it and force Obama to veto.

Then the shutdown will be on Obama’s head.

This is what I would like to see but I lack confidence that these two so called leaders can muster the testosterone needed to do it. They can’t sack up because they lack a ball sack.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Was Arizona A Sacrificial Lamb?

One would like to think that any court, especially the Supreme Court, would rule based on the Constitution. In an ideal world the judges would look at a case and compare it to what is allowed in the Supreme Law of the land and then decide if it passes muster or not.

Unfortunately, our country is not like that as many judges ignore the Constitution in order to push a political or idealistic agenda. For instance, there is no way that a case involving the right of an American citizen who is not otherwise disqualified (criminal, mental illness, addiction, etc) to own a gun should be shot down by any court. The fact that Second Amendment cases have been 5-4 decisions in our highest court speaks volumes about how some justices view the Constitution and the citizens who own that document.

Today the Supreme Court struck down three of four provisions of the Arizona Immigration Law, a law that was written with the same wording as the federal law and one that did nothing more than enforce ALREADY existing federal law.

Chief Justice Roberts voted with the majority on this and there might be a good reason. Justice Kagan recused herself because she was Solicitor General and was involved in the case against the law. If Roberts votes the other way the decision is split at 4-4 and the lower court ruling that invalidated the entire thing would be upheld. At least this way Roberts ensured that the most important part of the law, that which allows police officers to check immigration status, was upheld.

There is another take on this that I have heard and it is that Roberts voted this way because Obamacare is going to be overturned (or parts of it are) and Roberts wants to be able to show the Arizona case as proof that he is thoughtful in his process and that overturning Obamacare was not political.

It is sad that this takes place but the Court has been a political entity since FDR fiddled with it. Justices are selected based on their political ideology and less so on their judicial qualities. Presidents put people on courts not who will uphold the Constitution but who will provide political decisions in a party’s favor. If justices ruled by interpreting the Constitution (and this means reading what the Founders wrote about what it means and not some liberal living document mumbo jumbo) then there would be no issues and there would be fewer 5-4 decisions.

There would also not be a necessity for justices to vote one way to demonstrate that their decisions are not political. There would be no outcry over judicial activism and we would not have Barack Obama and his liberal minions berating the court and trying to intimidate them.

[note]Another case decided today mirrored the Citizen’s United Case but at the state level. It was decided the way the CU Case was. What are the odds that this happened as a slap in the face to Obama for calling out the Court in his SOTU Address?[/note]

Supreme Court Justices are supposed to interpret law in accordance with the Constitution and base their decisions ONLY on that document. There should be no reference to foreign law or public feeling or opinion polls and there darn sure should not be decisions that run contrary to the words of the Constitution and those who wrote it.

We have these things because nine people sit on a court and play games.

As an aside, Justice Scalia wrote agreat dissenting opinion in the Arizona Case. His was well reasoned and followed the Constitution. It is too bad others could not do this as well.

I think that Roberts voted the way he did in order to keep the entire law from being shot down because of the split. But I can’t help but wonder if he feels as if this were a blessing because now he is on record as voting with the liberals on the Court in favor of Obama’s position so that when Obamacare is shot down (if it is) he will have cover.

It is a shame that our system of government has come to this and unless changes are made we will soon hit a death spiral from which we cannot recover.

On Thursday of this week we will know how Obamacare plays out. We will know if the Court takes its job and its duty to the Citizens seriously or if they have committed us to the loony bin of a banana republic.

Time will tell. I think at least part of the law will be struck down but with politics instead of adherence to the Constitution the MO of the SCOTUS, one can never tell.

Justice Kagan recused herself from this decision because of her role as Solicitor General. She should have recused herself from Obamacare but since she was placed on the Court by Obama to uphold it you can bet she will vote on it.

Though it might get interesting if she did recuse. That would make it a 4-4 and things would really be boogered up.

We will see Thursday if we are a nation of laws or a nation of men.

In Arizona Sheriff Arpaio already answered regarding law…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Democrats Do Not Care About What You Want

Let me say it up front so that the liberals can get their pink panties in a wad. Barack Obama and his Democrats do not care about what the public wants and they are not concerned about health care being provided for all. In fact, they do not want a debate on any of this and any meetings set up by Obama are window dressing. These are phony exercises so that he and his henchmen can claim they worked in a bipartisan manner. This is a ruse designed to make people think they got the message of the Scott Brown election in Massachusetts.

The administration is working on plans to merge the Senate bill with the House bill and then to pass it under the process of reconciliation which would only require a simple majority of 51 votes in the Senate. This entire process is designed to bypass the proper way to do business and to ram through legislation that America does not want. The Senate is supposed to be the tough chamber and is designed to slow the process and keep sanity in government.

The health care legislation is not about health and it is not about care. It is about government control over the population and over a huge portion of our economy and Barack and his henchmen are preparing to ram it though with no regard for what the people want and with little regard for the process that governs the way things are done in the Congress. This is Chicago politics and it is not the way to do business.

The Democrats are working on a way to ram this through after they have their phony meetings with Republicans so they can claim that they worked together. The Democrats crafted the legislation they have now with the millions of dollars of graft and corruption and all the payoffs just to get this far and they will not stop because of something like opposition by the American people.

These people have a radical agenda and they want to turn America into a Socialist nation. The White House library has all kinds of books about Socialism and those books were selected by Michelle Obama.*** These people are radicals and they do not care how they get things done just as long as they get what they want. Keep in mind that Obama told us he was willing to listen to all ideas and claimed that Republicans did not offer any when in fact they did. At the Republican retreat in Baltimore Obama held it [Republican health care plan] up and said he had read it. He showed that he lied when he said that they had not offered any ideas. He will lie to get what he wants. He is a radical and must be stopped.

We need to stop them all. It is time to call the vulnerable Democrats and remind them just who it is they work for. It is time to make sure EVERY Republican votes against this mess. It is time to remind these people that they will be out of a job in November if they are a party to this.

This is not how our country is designed to work. The Democrats are crafting legislation that is opposed by a majority of Americans. Don’t fall for the claim that a majority wants health care reform because that is true but they do not want THIS reform.

If Obama and the Democrats are serious about working together they will stop lying to America and will start with a blank sheet of paper.

Some of these Democrats do not care because they are either not running for reelection or are planning not to run. We need to remind them that we will boycott anything they are involved in if they vote for this as a parting shot to America. We need to let them know that they will not be successful when they leave office if they vote for this. We need to have bus loads of people driving past their houses and showing them the same anger ACORN showed AIG employees.

In short, we need to destroy anyone who votes for this mess especially if they do it under reconciliation.

I predict that if this proceeds in this fashion the Democrats will lose the House and the Senate in November and by large enough margins that Obama will be stifled for his last two years in office.

So ignore the phony shows and watch the Obama behind the curtain because he is working on getting his radical agenda passed regardless of what you want.

Remember America, DESTROY those who vote for this.

Democrats, you dance on puppet master Obama’s strings at your own peril.

***UPDATE: Evidently the tour guide at the White House said that the First Lady selected the books for the library without mentioning that the First Lady he was talking about was Mrs. Kennedy. The person who originally reported on this took it to mean the current first lady. It would seem a tour guide might be a bit clearer.

This does not take away from the fact that the current administration is full of radicals who want to bring Socialism to our country as its form of government. The history of the Obamas is rife with their Socialist beliefs and this is what he wants to fundamentally transform this nation to.

Also notice that liberals will focus on the mistake made from a tour guide’s information rather than the actual subject of the Dems circumventing the process to pass a very unpopular piece of legislation.

Big Dog


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Democrats Say Screw You, We Want To Win

The Democrats are not concerned with high energy prices and they do not care about people who are suffering because of it. They have made it clear that they will not allow drilling for our own oil and they have made it clear that they would rather go on a five week vacation rather than solve problems. It is evident that they are playing politics when one reads an article at Politico.

According to the article, Nancy Pelosi has been secretly telling vulnerable Democrats to support drilling and push the idea. She will continue to oppose it and allow the focus of the wrath to be on her. This is designed to fool voters into voting for the Democrats who are vulnerable by making people believe they actually disagree with the Speaker.

But what looks like intraparty tension on the surface is part of an intentional strategy in which Pelosi takes the heat on energy policy, while behind the scenes she’s encouraging vulnerable Democrats to express their independence if it helps them politically, according to Democratic aides on and off Capitol Hill.

Pelosi’s gambit rests on one big assumption: that Democrats will own Washington after the election and will be able to craft a sweeping energy policy that is heavy on conservation and fuel alternatives while allowing for some new oil drilling. Democrats see no need to make major concessions on energy policy with a party poised to lose seats in both chambers in just three months — even if recess-averse Republicans continue to pound away on the issue.

No need to make concessions since Republicans will lose seats. in other words, no need to do our jobs and do the work America expects of us. No, screw the people, we want to win.

Democrats are extremely confident that they will pick up enough seats to be push any legislation that they want and they are absolutely certain that they will have a Democrat in the White House to rubber stamp what they push through. The idea is to play voters as fools until they can win enough seats to make the Republican party inconsequential.

In other words, they are playing games now, while people are suffering, so that they can win. I have always said Democrats will do anything to win because they believe they know better than you how to run your life. They want to have no opposition from the other party so they can run roughshod over the country.

They are so confident that they are going to win big they do not feel the energy issue will hurt them. They believe that by allowing vulnerable Democrats to feign support for drilling they will have taken care of the only obstacles to their victory in November. They are so arrogant they do not mind if people are hurting and if their budgets are suffering. Why should they, we pay for everything they need in addition to paying for our own needs.

Remember this in November. Democrats went on a five week vacation without addressing the major issue on people’s minds. They went on a five week vacation at a time when many families are canceling vacation plans or staying at home because they cannot afford the fuel involved in traveling.

They really care about you. Vote them out in November and show them that we will not be used as their pawns.

Big Dog