Pay Your Taxes

Move On has a misleading post at its website that comes from Socialist Bernie Sanders and it is a list of the top ten companies that paid no taxes last year. I do not know if the companies paid taxes but if they did not then they worked within the tax guidelines set into law by Congress, of which Sanders is a member. If they paid no taxes because of the tax laws then this happened because of Sanders and the rest of the people in Congress who have given us a cumbersome and unfair tax system.

The misleading part comes in the introduction where Move On starts by indicating; “Come April 15, everybody ponies up their fair share, right?”

This is patently false but is designed to turn people against the big evil companies that paid no taxes. The lie comes in the question about everyone ponying up their fair share. The reality is that not everyone ponies up a fair share. The bottom 50% of taxpayers pay 3% of the taxes and most of the folks in the bottom 50% not only don’t pay taxes but, because of tax credits, they get money back. That is correct, they get all that they paid in during the year AND THEN SOME. If Sanders is looking for freeloaders then why does he not start with the millions of Americans who not only pay no taxes but get more back then they ever paid in? Why does he not worry about the billions of dollars we are losing 1) because people are not paying any taxes and 2) because taxpayer money is being redistributed to them rather than going to pay our bills?

While Sanders cries about corporations that paid no taxes (and the truth to that is yet to be seen) 45% of households paid NO income taxes in 2010. How can he be looking for freeloaders without looking at that 45%?

The wealthy in this country pay most of the taxes and though they have paid less in recent years everyone has paid less. That is, those who actually pay taxes have paid less. Those who pay no taxes actually make out in the deal because our government has made the IRS a big government wealth redistribution center where those who pay taxes send it to the government where the IRS takes it and redistributes it to those who paid nothing giving them a net increase.

If people like Sanders are concerned about the tax situation in this country then why don’t they sit down and make a serious effort to fix it so that it is fair and equitable to all and so that everyone pays a fair share?

The tax breaks for companies can be removed and the corporate tax rate reduced. The IRS can be eliminated by having a flat tax of 11% across the board for every person who earns income. MAKE EVERYONE PAY.

This would have to come with a rule forbidding Congress from raising the rates unless 75% of the House and Senate voted on it. While we are at it we could get a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution to force Congress to live within its means.

There are plenty of things that can be done to fix the broken system and set us on the path to prosperity.

One thing that is of no help is for people like Socialist Sanders to cry about companies not paying their fair share when they follow the rules people like Sanders implemented all the while ignoring the nearly 50% of workers who not only pay no taxes but get someone else’s money to boot.

The class warfare crap is no longer going to work. We will not sit around and listen to members of Congress whine about people who follow the very rules that Congress laid out.

Make it fair for everyone because the workers who pay taxes are tired of people piling on for our money while Congress pecks at our wallets like buzzards on roadkill.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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John Edwards Was Right

We do live in two Americas.

He talked about the America of the haves and the have nots and the rich vs poor meme that the progressive left loves to use in its class warfare diatribes though he seemed oblivious to the fact that he was on the have side in a house that was nearly large enough to shelter half the homeless in New York City. He discussed this idea of two Americas and it seems he was right.

At least according to Phyllis Schlafly who has her own interpretation of the two Americas theme.

According to Ms. Schlafly we are divided into a two class society. Our two Americas in her two class society consist of those who pay for the services provided by the government and those who freeload. About 47% of people now pay no federal income tax and the bottom 40% of those get more back then they paid in through tax credits and other redistribution schemes in the tax code. In other words, the people who pay nothing get money from those who pay for government. Schlafly also notes:

Although all wage-earners help fund their own Social Security and Medicare benefits, only federal income taxpayers pay the costs of running the federal government, and are responsible for paying off our $12.8 trillion national debt and for bailing out Social Security, Medicare, and Fannie and Freddie when they collapse.

So true, so true. Those of us who pay the costs of running the government are also footing the bill for those who do not. To top it off we are sending them some of our money to help them get along. This is a massive redistribution of wealth scheme where the only difference between the recipients sticking a gun in our faces and taking the money and the current system is that the government handles the part of robbing us under threat of punishment by its mob enforcers in the IRS.

It is a nice and neat racket that rivals anything Tony Soprano could come up with. It is also quite convenient because the government gets to use the money it confiscates from taxpayers to bribe those who pay nothing for their votes.

I found this video at Ron Smith’s page at WBAL

Wouldn’t it be grand if we had a system where we stopped the forced redistribution of wealth? In the absence of that, wouldn’t it be nice if those who receive our money had to live by rules we established? Perhaps those getting this money from us could come wash our cars, mow our lawns and clean our houses. At least then we would feel like we got some value for the money we spent.

I would love to see us give up the income tax altogether and tax our consumption. A national sales tax (and not the VAT) would allow everyone to pay in or have skin in the game and it would tax all of us fairly because we would be taxed on what we consume (minus things that should not be taxed like food and shelter). If a person can afford the item then that person can afford the sales tax on the item.

In the absence of abolishing the income tax, we need to at least abolish the income tax system we have, give up on the idea of a VAT and go for a flat tax of 11-15%. Everyone would pay that amount on income so that all people would be paying for the running of OUR government. Maybe then it could really be of, by and for the people.

With any of these taxes we need to have a rule that they cannot be raised without a super majority in each chamber of Congress and that no rule or parliamentary trick can be used to circumvent the super majority requirement.

It is time we got everyone in the game. Joe Biden said that paying taxes was the patriotic thing to do. The 47% need to step up and be patriots like the rest of us.

Schlafly has it right and that is unfortunate because we can be so much better than that. But only when people start fending for themselves and stop living off the government which really means living off the rest of us.

UPDATE: Video added

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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