Obama Ignores Disasters But Looks For The Money

Barack Obama’s regime denied federal assistance to the state of Texas which has been hammered with wildfires. A cynic would say that this is because Texas is a red state and Obama has no chance to win the large pool of electoral votes in the next election. Obama has however, gone to Texas to raise money for the political campaign and I bet there are plenty of liberals there who will give it to him. He will ignore their pleas for help but they will not ignore his.

To get to Texas Obama flew over the Mississippi River and the devastation that it has caused through middle America. The water is at record levels and places are flooded all over and various accounts report that Obama did not even look out the window to get a look at the damage. He was too busy thinking about what to say to Hispanics in Texas regarding amnesty so that he can get their cash now and their votes in 2012.

George Bush was hammered by the press and the liberals when he was photographed looking out the window of Air Force One at the damage from Hurricane Katrina. He was said to be uncaring and Kanye West said that he hated black people.

Obama is only concerned with power and how to hold onto it. His gig in the White House gets him the best tee times on cleared golf courses and free flights to all the hot vacation spots in the world. He needs to hold onto the power he has so he can continue to improve his golf game while working on transforming America into a Socialist country.

And don’t worry about missing anything. The government is working on a mandatory system that will allow it to text your cell phone in the event of an emergency. Of course, it will likely be a plan where those who pay for their cell phones continue to do so while the government uses their tax dollars to pay for phones for those who cannot afford them. It would not be fair, after all, for those poor folks not to get the same warnings as the people who pay for cell phones. Whatever happened to the Emergency Broadcast System?

At least the government will have a way to blast text messages to all of us from Dear Leader.

Wouldn’t want the masses to miss an Obama plea for campaign cash…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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