Pitchforks Pointed At Obama And Congress

Barack Obama had the most powerful CEOs of the financial world in his office last week and he had this message for them. I won and I am going to tell you how to run your business. The days of huge salaries are over and you had better get in line or there will be hell to pay.

The CEOs tried to demonstrate why salaries are what they are and how they are competing for top financial talent but Obama would have none of it. He informed them that his administration is the only thing standing between them and the pitchforks.

What Obama fails to realize is that the pitchforks are aimed at him and Congress. People are fed up with government. Real Americans are not concerned about how much money a private company pays its workers. That is a contract between the employers and those employed and the government has no right to stick its nose in. The companies that received bailout money might have to listen but there are problems with that as well. Many financial executives were forced to take the money even though they did not need it. This was to prevent the public from losing confidence in those on unsound footing. If everyone took it then the public would believe it was an across the board problem and not single out only certain businesses.

These people need to pay the money back and tell Obama to pound sand. Any company that Obama tries to interfere in needs to tell him to mind his own business. It is not the government’s business to decide how much a company or its employees should make. The people who think that salaries of private business should be capped are the ones who sit on their cans collecting from those who produce. They are jealous and think they are entitled to money that is not theirs.

Businesses are not obligated to show social concern or to do things for the good of mankind. They are in business to make money and are only accountable to stockholders. Money is earned as the result of a person’s work and that money is used in exchange for the fruits of someone else’s labor. We exchange our money for goods produced by others and they do the same. Money has no value to producers if it is confiscated and redistributed to those who produce little. They have nothing to exchange for it and as long as we give it away for nothing we will get more of nothing for our money. Money has value to both parties when they are exchanging it for goods. Money only has value to one side when it is given away. Those who have their salaries capped will have little incentive to work harder and produce more.

We know, Obama won. It is obvious that he won and even if someone did not know it he would be sure to tell them. The reality is that just because he won it does not mean people have to agree with him or do what he wants. We are free to oppose him any way we want because no matter what else happens and no matter that he won, he works for us. We DO NOT work for him.

The beauty is, he works for those of us who did not give him the job. He works for me, I do not work for him. I pay taxes and I have a say in how they are spent. They are not to be spent on the whims and crisis management of a rookie and his toadies.

Never let a crisis go to waste. The real crisis is that this country put a Socialist in office and we are rapidly going in the wrong direction. Let’s not let this crisis go to waste. Work to get rid of all the waste in government and that includes the waste in the White House and the waste in the Capitol.

Obama won, but America lost.


Big Dog

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