Is Fed Trying To Give Us Inflation?

I keep saying that inflation is not that far away (I think it is here already) and when it hits it will be massive. Prices are going up and things are going to get worse before they get better. To top it off, the Fed’s policies will definitely give us inflation. Rick Santelli sees it this way:

My conclusion is that the goal of Chairman Bernanke and the Federal Open Market Committee was to monetize the growing U.S. debt and generate future inflation. On the last scoreā€¦.generating inflationā€¦.I think time will prove the Fed highly successful. CNBC

Make no mistake about it, the Fed is monetizing our debt and when it does you will need lots and lots of money to buy a loaf of bread.

Better stock up on basic necessities now.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Quick News Hits

In case you don’t follow the news, or even if you do, a few stories that caught my eye today:

Mayor Bloomberg is an ass. I’m sorry, I really don’t like to say such things about people, but where do you draw the line? The mayor is spending taxpayer money, money taken at gunpoint, to attempt to force you to not eat salt. I have no problem with him stating his own opinion on salt — but the fact he is taking taxpayer money (MY money) to do it is completely wrong. He should shut up, and mind his own damn business.

Lauren Rymer, of Baltimore, is a whiny, selfish person. Again, I really don’t like calling people out and calling them names, but this is ridiculous. Miss Rymer is saying, “I think I should get my house for free and shouldn’t have to pay for it.” What a selfish person. What about the person whose money she used to buy that home? If she should get a free house, shouldn’t everyone get a free house who wants one? That’s just horribly self-centered.

Does anyone else immediately get the feeling that Nero fiddles while Rome burns? I’m not complaining that Obama is dancing or anything, I’m just getting the idea that America is in serious trouble and instead of doing something about it, Obama’s spending money and ignoring the country.

Why would CAIR file a lawsuit to stop Sharia law in Oklahoma while at the same time claiming it is “a legal impossibility” to implement Sharia law in Oklahoma? Yet again, something about CAIR smells really bad.

The Fed continues to demand that prices increase. I’m not making this up. They are still complaining that inflation is too low and that they WANT prices to increase. Since Wall Street went up, they’re happy. Keep that in mind next time you hear about the fed. They DEMAND things cost more for you.

Finally, if you needed it, another example showing how government is out of control. There is absolutely no way you will ever convince me that any janitor is worth $140,000 a year. But that’s the power of unions and government collusion. This government, I believe, cannot be repaired.


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