Mohammad the Prophet Balloons

Mohammad Balloon

I think that these Mohammad (PBUH – Pig Be Under Him) balloons are pretty classy and people should get some for when the Muslims have parades and march around screaming about cartoons or some other crap that people think we should care about. I made this, BTW, in response to a picture that shows Osama bin Laden as Jesus which is pretty ironic because Jesus was a Jew and we know how the worshipers of the child molester feel about them.

Enjoy the picture!

Big Dog

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No Confidence Vote for Congress

The Congress, particularly the Democrats, have been bullying around members of the administration in what is clearly a partisan witch hunt. It does not matter how honorable people are or if their intentions are good, Congress will demonize them, especially if they are Republicans. Clinton fired all 93 US attorneys and not a word was uttered. Bush fires eight and all hell breaks loose. Rove advised Bush to fire them all, how right he was.

In any event, this political atmosphere is violent and the quips from Democrats regarding the Resignation of Alberto Gonzales has prompted me to start a new poll. You see, these people who are decrying the rule of law often break the laws themselves. With that in mind, I am asking for a “No Confidence Vote” on the US Congress. The poll is located in the right side bar and reads:

Do You Have Confidence in Congress?

Let us see how well Congress fares with regard to the confidence of the American people.

Big Dog

DNC Disenfranchises Florida?

The DNC has voted to strip Florida of its delegates if the state keeps its current schedule for the primary. Florida has joined many states in trying to have the earliest primary and be the first state to have a say in the matter. Like the Democratic Party, the states don’t care about anything but being first, being the “one that matters.” The DNC has rules and these rules are being flaunted by Florida and other states as well.

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Liberals Read While Conservatives Work to Support Them

Extreme liberal and former member of Congress Pat Schroeder responded to a poll that indicated those who consider themselves liberal read more books than those who consider themselves conservative. I can not comment on that poll because I do not know anything about the methodology or how scientific the study was. I can say that I read a great number of books every year as does my wife and neither of us are liberal. Schroeder though, chimed in that the reason for this is that people like Karl Rove have made conservatives only live for slogans and that slogans do not make great books. To a liberal lies make great books, witness Clinton’s thriller (that had to be read by three lawyers to ensure he did not perjure himself).

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Hateful Comments Show Liberal Leftard’s Ignorance

I recently wrote about Tony Snow and how he will not stay on as White House Spokesman. Snow has indicated that he can not afford to stay on but that he will stay as long as he can. The reaction from the left was horrific. The comments are all about Snow’s illness (cancer) and how they hope he dies a slow and agonizing death. Before I say that all the comments were like this let me point out that a few of the ones at Huffington’s dive were kind. A few people indicated that they did not like Snow and thought he was a liar but that they want him to recover from his illness and wish no one the misery of cancer or any other illness. These people, unfortunately, are a very small portion of those who actually commented.

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