The Protectors of Hussein

I have been posting on this site for a little while now, and I have begun to notice something curious. Some of my posts have been, in my opinion, critical of BHO (Barak HUSSEIN Obama), the “Christian” man with muslim roots, who is doing such a bang- up job of destroying our country at a break- neck pace. Some of my posts have been on different subjects, barely touching on Hussein’s gross incompetence when it comes to all things real and important.

The one thing I have found is that when I post something critical of his Saintedness, the moonbats come out in droves, ready to feast, much like buzzards at a carcass- and with all the finesse and manners, I might add. One might think there would be an automatic “Hussein” alert-” quick, roll out so- and- so— we HAVE to refute!” To the keyboards, one and all! And so they arrive, circling the post like a pack of hyenas, ready to attack with half- truths and innuendo, plus the occasional outright slur. That’s okay, but there is something curious here.

If the column is not critical of Hussein, they leave it alone, by and large- no comment, positive or negative, and that is curious indeed, because several of the most rabid, left wing, atheistic moonbats just LOVE the “sound” of their own voices, and feel the more the better. Not true, but you just can’t convince some people.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I welcome the back and forth- I have my opinion, and they have theirs, but I find it to be curious that they only have an opinion that they want to share if it is about Hussein- but not so much if it is anything else. Are the mindless acolytes of the Sainted One actually that mindless? Have they no opinions other than hiz Lowness?

I see a lot in the political world that outrages me- I know that there’s a lot that outrages the disciples of Hussein (probably some of what I write does this- tough), but I would think, indeed I would hope, that they are not as one dimensional as they seem to be. Their whole being (and keyboard) devoted to one thing and one thing only, the unquestioning and blind devotion to the Cause- the destruction of America as we know it.

Oh, I know they do not think of it as such- if they did, they would be in support of me, but they are not- alas!I guess I will have to truck on, trying to convince many of the baby- boomers and failed hippies that their 60s philosophy never did work, and it is time to grow a new set of philosophies- ones that actually relate to the real world and its threats.

In the fifties and early sixties, people left their teen years eager to become adults, and embrace adult ideas and ethics. but now, since the late sixties and on, people seem to want to stay children, and abrogate many of their responsibilities. This has led to an unfortunate emphasis on self- how does this affect me, how do I profit, what do I get out of this? It’s all about “me, me, me!”

All of this egoistic nonsense instead of “how does this affect my country, how can I help my country?” How self absorbed, how conceited some of these people can be.

Oh, there are true believers on both sides, and the sides have become polarized- often not by the problems and their possible solutions themselves, but by the personalities driving these ideas. The acolytes who attack me and others are rabid in their unquestioning adherence to blind faith dogma, rather a contradiction to the atheistic ones, as they have traded their belief in God for a belief in someone they treat as a god- kind of hypocritical in a twisted, very perverse way, but it takes all kinds, I guess.

So bring it on, all you excusers, and “explainers”, and protectors of Hussein, the patron saint of wanton government control, I can take it. Believe me, I am not going away.

It’s just a shame you have no opinions other than those relating to Hussein.
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