Jail or Kill Dick Thompson

That’s what the government says. The government is insisting that this peaceful man be jailed or killed. Why? Is he a murderer? Is he a rapist? Is he a terrorist or smoker?

No, actually, once again, government wants this man jailed or dead because he won’t obey government.

Mr. Thompson is apparently doing nothing. He is sitting back, minding his own business. He’s 72 years old, and he’s not bothering a soul. In his words, he “just want[s] to be left alone.” But, alas, this government cannot let that be. You see, the government has decided to punish Mr. Thompson for doing nothing. They will kill him if he disobeys.

Mr. Thompson lives on his land, minding his own business. He’s living on his 38 acres in a trailer. But the government doesn’t like that. They say he MUST buy electricity. They say he MUST buy water. And government says he MUST buy sewer services from them. If he refuses, he will be jailed or killed.

No, he’s not endangering anyone. No, he’s not even bothering anyone. But this government cannot have that. You must obey or the government will destroy you. How sad.

P.S. I suspect that the government wants his land to sell to a developer or some such crap. It’s nearly always about the money.


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