Will Big Brother Ever Leave Us Alone?

The EPA is working to get hotels to monitor how long people take showers. Yep, the shower is now the target of the EPA and while it is starting at hotels how long before some unelected moron in that agency decides to require all homes to have a device to monitor how long we are in the shower?

Yes, taking showers wastes water. That is the cost of being clean. Filth and disease cost a heck of a lot more than water. You pay for the water and the EPA should mind its own business.

The idea is to devise some item that can transmit water usage through a wireless connection so people can be educated on how much water they use.

I get it that some folks waste water and hotels use a lot of it. I also know they use a lot of water cleaning towels and bed linen even when it does not need to be cleaned. No matter how many times I hang my towels up they still replace them. But I digress…

In any event, it seems rather invasive to have someone monitor how long you are in the shower. It really is none of their business.

The EPA says the average shower is 8 minutes and they want people to cut 1 minute off that time. They also suggest people take Navy showers to get the time down to about 5 minutes.

If I wanted to take Navy showers I would have, you know, joined the Navy.

Perhaps the EPA should concern itself with real issues like how its policies and the pressure from environmental groups has left California with about a year’s worth of water. Perhaps they can remove the stupid restrictions so the people there can get water for things other than showers like CROPS.

I am really tired of the government involving itself in every aspect of our lives.

Will Big Brother EVER just leave us alone?

Just a note. This is not something that will happen right away. They do not have the technology to do this but are wasting a lot of money to obtain it…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Endorses Romney For President

Hurricane Sandy struck the East Coast of the United States with fury and the states of New York and New Jersey took devastating blows. Hundreds of houses burned to the ground in Jersey and New York’s lower Manhattan is in the dark and under lots of water.

Barack Obama toured New Jersey with Governor Chris Christie and Obama vowed that the federal government would be there to help. In fact, Obama instituted a 15 minute rule where anyone who calls will get a return call in 15 minutes. He also said that he would not stand for delays caused by red tape:

Obama said he issued a “15 minute rule,” explaining he issued an order to his administration to respond to requests from local government officials in 15 minutes or less.

“We are not going to tolerate red tape,” Obama said. “We are not going to tolerate bureaucracy.” Politicker NJ

What Obama is admitting here is that the government, on any given day, is an obstruction to the states and by extension, the people. By telling us that he will not tolerate red tape and bureaucracy he is admitting that this is the norm from our government. He unwittingly has given an endorsement to Mitt Romney who has called for smaller, more efficient government.

When Romney calls for that Obama says he wants to take us back to the policies that got us into this mess which is a lie. The things that got us into this mess involved politicians from both parties spending too much and making rules that allowed people to borrow money they could not afford to pay back. The problems we have are the result of decades of more and more government involvement in our lives. Romney promises to have a smaller more efficient government while Obama espouses polices that will grow government (which he has grown a lot in four years).

There is a crisis on the East Coast and Obama is now touting what Romney says he will bring. Obama says he does not want the usual government way of operating to get in the way of the recovery. Romney says he wants those policies to be the way government does business every day.

Obama has endorsed Romney for president.

At least one agency within the federal government has admitted that its policies are a hindrance to business in America. The EPA will suspend gasoline blend requirements so that states affected by Sandy can get gasoline in a timely manner. By admitting that its rules are a burden the EPA has told us that it is a hindrance in our lives and it has admitted that Romney should be in charge of the country because his policies involve smaller government that is less intrusive in our lives.

Barack Obama and the EPA have endorsed Mitt Romney for president.

And I approve this message….

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Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Is Republican Protecting HIS Special Interest

North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Robin Hayes is a wealthy man whose family fortune comes from ownership of a textile plant that manufactures Cannon towels and sheets. He is entitled to spend his wealth any way he sees fit but when he uses his wealth and influence to affect people in a state thousands of miles away then there is a problem.

The Pebble Mine Project is near Bristol Bay in Alaska and that project would provide jobs to many people, assist the area’s depressed economy and provide for this nation’s energy needs.

There is one problem. Hayes likes to vacation in the area some 65 miles or so from the project site. He spends time at a luxury lodge that costs thousands of dollars a week (more than the per capita annual income in the area per the article). Hayes likes to spend time at Brian Kraft’s Alaska Sportsman’s lodges where he is able to fish for the week.

Yes, Hayes is working with the EPA to keep the Pebble Mine Project from moving forward in a state that he has nothing to do with except he likes to vacation there.

Isn’t this similar to Ted Kennedy liking wind turbines but not near his home because they would block his view?

It is not unusual for people to put their desires above those of others and this is particularly true of wealthy people (especially if they are liberals) but when their desires affect the livelihood of people and the needs of the country then there is a problem.

If Hayes is involved because of his vacation spot then he would be better suited as chair of the Democrat Party in North Carolina.

There is no indication that he is involved because he vacations there but anyone with brains can read between the lines.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


No Drilling In Alaska For Shell

Gas prices keep going up and the unrest in the Middle East will not make things any better. Some analysts predict $5.00 a gallon gas this year and if that happens any hope for economic recovery will rapidly fade. We have plenty of our own resources but we are not allowed to use them. We already see how the Obama policies are affecting Texas (in the spotlight of the Superbowl) and now we see the result of his oil policies.

Shell will not be drilling in Alaska this year.

Shell Alaska has dropped plans to drill in the Arctic waters of the Beaufort Sea this year and will concentrate on obtaining permits for the 2012 season, company Vice President Pete Slaiby said Thursday.

The recent remand of air permits issued by the Environmental Protection Agency was the final driver behind the decision, Slaiby said at a news conference. Yahoo News

The administration is doing everything it can to keep us from using our resources. Hell, Obama and his minions are in contempt of court for the refusal to follow court orders related to drilling in the Gulf because they do not care about the law.

The regime has an agenda and it will keep pushing until it destroys us.

How long will this continue before we have push back?

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Government Overstepping Bounds

The EPA will consider banning lead ammunition along with lead shot and lead sinkers used for fishing. The EPA is not allowed to regulate ammunition (by statute) and this would seem to be out of its jurisdiction. That does not seem to have hampered the agency from taking up the issue.

The Weekly Standard is asking if the EPA will rule to ban lead ammo and further push voters to remove Democrats from office, particularly in conservative areas where Democrats hold office. This is a valid question given that lead is used by sportsmen and a ban on it will likely double the cost of sports items, particularly ammunition.

The answer here seems to be a simple one. The EPA has no jurisdiction to regulate ammunition so it should not be allowed to regulate the composition of ammunition. The problem is, rules and statutes are seldom followed by government unless those rules or statutes support what it wants to do. Otherwise it ignores them and pushes on with its agenda.

The voters will be sending a very simple message in November and if the EPA does something unlawful and stupid then that message might be sent to a lot more people than Democrats would be comfortable with.

The EPA is typical of a government agency that gets too big and involves itself in things that it ought not to. The problem we face is that these ever expanding agencies are not held accountable for what they do.

We can start that making government accountable by holding the politicians accountable. They make sure things get done the way we want or we bounce them on their rear ends.

November will be a good time to start and we can keep getting rid of the temple monkeys until we are governed by a smaller government that does what we tell it to.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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