FBI “Finds” Terrorist

Now, I have to tell you, I’m not big on government conspiracies. Seriously, most of the time I don’t believe the crazy theories. Of course, what’s crazy or not is certainly open to interpretation. But I have to tell you, when I read this news about the “Somali-born teen,” I started to wonder.

I read carefully into the story, and I’m not sure I could find any crimes. Well, other than those committed by government, of course. And the strangest line of all is the now-standard FBI press release: “the public was never in danger, authorities said.”

Read the story carefully. The FBI provided everything. They provided the tip. They provided the fake explosives. The FBI provided the van. They provided undercover agents. The helped with the planning that was undertaken “without any instruction from a foreign terrorist organization.” The FBI even provided a test bomb that they detonated.

In other words, this 15-year old just showed up when he was asked to. On his own, it appears quite unlikely that this kid could have gotten any bombs, detonators, or anything to bomb anyone. But when the FBI gave him ideas, gave him supplies, provided him with secret agents, bombs, fake bombs, and a van, the kid says, “Ok, cool.” Then the kid goes to jail for life.

While I’m well aware that many Muslims do want to destroy America, this is yet another case where it certainly appears to me that the FBI spent millions of dollars just to make themselves look like they’re catching the evil bad guys.


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