Maryland Aggressive Driving Campaign

There is a commercial on local radio discussing aggressive driving in which things like speeding and tailgating are discussed. The commercial talks about this ailment and indicates the cure is tickets and fines.

About a month ago I was traveling on MD Route 40 in Harford County about 0600 during the work week. I was on my way to work and traffic was moderately heavy. A Maryland State Trooper in a marked vehicle entered my area at a high rate of speed, followed close to me and then abruptly changed lanes in order to get ahead of me. He continued to speed in and out of traffic tailgating and zipping in and out just to get ahead of other people.

It is obvious he was not on an emergency call as his emergency lights were not on. If he were on a call then it was not an emergency. If the call does not warrant emergency lights it does not warrant driving like that (and even using lights requires prudence when driving).

[note]At least if he had his lights on people would know to get out of his way. In this instance people did not know what was going on. Several tried to move but his actions made him unpredictable.[/note]

If you are charged with upholding the law then you are obligated to follow it. The description in the commercial fit this police officer to a T and he, according to the radio spot, should have been ticketed.

As a public service I will disclose that the car had an aviation tag and the number was F-20.

Would one of the law abiding officers be so kind as to go write him an aggressive driving ticket so he can be cured?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Swine Flu Diverts Attention

A great deal of attention has been given to the newest outbreak of the flu mostly because this is a strain that is not commonly associated with transmission among humans and there is no vaccine. While it is well and good to pay some attention to it one must wonder why all the CDC warnings and the elevations of threat levels. I certainly understand the travel restrictions but the reality is that there are only 40 confirmed US cases and no one in the US has died (as of this writing). Mexico has handled the issue fairly well and there have been just over 140 deaths in that country.

In the US each year about 36,000 people die from the flu and about 200,000 require hospitalization.

I think that the fervor over the flu is designed to take our attention away from the bad news that has come out lately. GM is getting rid of Pontiac (if you have a low mileage one put it away) and that will result in the loss of 21,000 manufacturing jobs. GM and Chrysler are preparing to file for bankruptcy and this will cause a lot of turmoil in the automotive industry. Ironically, Ford, the only one of the big three not to take bailout money, is doing OK, not great, but better than the others.

The Swine Flu scare is also a great cover for Congress who can work on passing more and more spending packages and enact things designed to give us universal health care coverage without the public debate. They can take advantage of this emergency to pass even more items to drive us ever closer to Socialism.

The Obama Administration has shown that it is a smoke and mirrors operation. They manufacture one crisis after another in order to tire people and wear them down. Then they can keep passing stuff unnoticed and before you know it, BAM, we have all these expensive things and even greater tax burdens. The economy was a crisis that we had to act upon immediately or we might not recover. Then it was not as bad as he thought. Of course, he came to that conclusion after spending a couple of TRILLION dollars to fix the spiraling economy. The stimulus will not kick in for some time. We are seeing some signs of working out of the economic downturn now. This means that things are turning around before the stimulus has had a chance to affect things. If we had done very little or nothing we would be turning around and we would have saved a couple of TRILLION dollars.

But Democrats had an “emergency” to exploit. Let us not forget that George Bush helped put this in motion. I did not agree with it then and I don’t agree with it now. I think the difference is Bush was making an honest attempt to fix things and not taking advantage of the situation. Obama is taking advantage of the problem to nationalize the banks and take over companies.

The Swine Flu, as of right now, is not a cause for alarm (just as Obama said). It is something we should keep an eye on and we should take the basic steps to prevent transmission of the disease. The number one way to do that is to wash your hands. Wash them frequently and the transmission of disease will be drastically reduced. Your mother told you to wash your hands for a reason.

The flu comes each year and makes a lot of people sick and it kills quite a few. These Swine flu reports might be sentinel events indicating a larger problem ahead. We need to keep track but we also need not lose sight of what is going on around us with regard to our politicians.

They will use this “emergency” to their advantage as long as we let them get away with it.

The CDC is tracking the outbreak and has a sign up for Swine Flu updates. There is also good information about the disease and what you can do to reduce your risk. Take the time to read it but don’t let the flu take your focus away. We can worry when it looks like this will become more widespread. Let’s keep an eye on it but let’s keep in mind that thousands get sick from the flu at any one time during flu season and they don’t go bananas like they are right now. This could certainly get worse but as it stands right now, it is a minor outbreak.

The sleight of hand artist The Amazing Obama wants you to look away.

How do the open borders folks feel now? ILLEGALS with swine flu could walk into this country at anytime undetected and spread the disease. This is what you get when you don’t uphold the law.

Big Dog

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What A Difference Being A Liberal Makes

Barack Obama is getting ready to take a train ride through Delaware and Maryland on his way to DC for his coronation. He will pick up Gaffe-O-Matic VP Elect Joe Biden in his home state and make a stop in Baltimore. Obama and Biden will spend an hour at The War Memorial in an area designed to hold 30,000. The police expect 100,000. It is expected to be bitter cold and people will start being screened around 1100 (11 am) for the 1700 (5 pm) visit. The cost to the state of Maryland; around 11 million dollars.

The state had about a 1.5 billion dollar deficit last year and the Democrats raised taxes. Now we have a 2 billion dollar deficit and the state is spending 11 million for an hour visit from Obama. This is all taking place while the Governor reveals that he will be laying off state employees because he is incompetent and cannot run a state or a budget (yes you O’Malley you lop eared, beady eyed, liberal moron).

Keeping in mind we are on our way to a depression and that the Democrats who caused this mess (with the assistance of a lot of Republicans) are now completely in charge; how do you suppose they will act during the inauguration?

Why, spend, spend, spend, of course. The total event in DC will cost upwards of 70 million dollars and in addition to the millions it will cost Maryland, Virginia and other nearby states will bear the burden of costs related to the event as well.

A lot of the money is provided by donors of the sort that Obama swore would not be involved in the process but that is for another day. Regardless of how much he has raised for the shindig, there will be a lot of money spent on the event. I imagine that when all the nearby states are included, the cost to set up and to clean up as well as the additional security, the total will be near 100 million dollars.

One would imagine that the media and the liberals around the country would be up in arms about the expense especially when we are in the midst of economic collapse but they are on board. They want to attend the balls and the parties and be involved in this “historic” event. As Laurie Kellman of the AP relayed:

So you’re attending an inaugural ball saluting the historic election of Barack Obama in the worst economic climate in three generations. Can you get away with glitzing it up and still be appropriate, not to mention comfortable and financially viable?

To quote the man of the hour: Yes, you can. Veteran ballgoers say you should. And fashionistas insist that you must.

“This is a time to celebrate. This is a great moment. Do not dress down. Do not wear the Washington uniform,” said Tim Gunn, a native Washingtonian and Chief Creative Officer at Liz Claiborne, Inc.

“Just because the economy is in a downturn, it doesn’t mean that style is going to be in a downturn,” agreed Ken Downing, fashion director for Neiman Marcus.

And if anyone does raise an eyebrow at those sequins, remind them that optimism is good for times like these. “Just say you’re doing it to help the economy,” chuckled good manners guru Letitia Baldridge

In the past the AP has stated that the inauguration was to extravagant and that it needed to be scaled down. Yes, we could buy food for the poor and health care for those who need it with all that money. Then again, this complaint was lodged when George Bush was the one taking the oath of office. Then, the AP complained about the cost and the extra security and how bad it was:

President Bush’s second inauguration will cost tens of millions of dollars — $40 million alone in private donations for the balls, parade and other invitation-only parties. With that kind of money, what could you buy?

■ 200 armored Humvees with the best armor for troops in Iraq.

■ Vaccinations and preventive health care for 22 million children in regions devastated by the tsunami.

■ A down payment on the nation’s deficit, which hit a record-breaking $412 billion last year….

The questions have come from Bush supporters and opponents: Do we need to spend this money on what seems so extravagant?

New York Rep. Anthony Weiner, a Democrat, suggested inaugural parties should be scaled back, citing as a precedent Roosevelt’s inauguration during World War II. Newsbusters (first quote from this article as well)

This is what I have said about the left all along. If they are doing it then it is OK but if a Republican is doing it then the tribunals must start. Look at all the corruption that has been displayed by the left in the last 6 months or so. Tax evasion, corruption, bribes, pay to play, sweetheart deals for spouses and any number of other things but not one word on THEIR culture of corruption. Let a Republican fart and there are calls for resignation. William Jefferson was caught taking 90 THOUSAND DOLLARS in bribe money and the only way he was removed from the House was by the voters rejection of him. Nancy Pelosi did nothing. If you notice, it only seems to be the corrupt Republicans being tried and convicted.

But, back to Curious Barack and his inauguration. The articles cited demonstrate clearly what the MSM openly displayed during the last campaign and that is, they are the media wing of the Democratic party. They see the same things different ways depending upon the party of the person involved and they are so squarely in Obama’s gluteal region that they can see the bottom of his heart.

I hope the MSM enjoys the balls and the parties because this is probably the last joy they will have. Major newspapers are on the verge of collapsing and newsrooms are getting smaller. I say goodbye and good riddance. The only thing that would be better would be if Keith Olberdouche lost his job and I got to punch him in the mouth on his way out the door.

I can’t totally blame the liberals though. George Bush has become the facilitator in chief for these ass clowns by declaring a state of emergency in DC for the event. This means that unlimited taxpayer dollars will be available for the event. Yes, we will be forced to pay for this because President Bush decided to open the federal wallet. Can you imagine how Democrats would have reacted if he had done this for his own inauguration thus ensuring federal tax dollars to fund it? I can’t blame him for declaring the emergency though.

Obama is going to be the president and that means a state of emergency will exist for the entire country.

God help us.

Be sure to buy guns and ammo.

Big Dog

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