Another Liberal City Near Bankruptcy

Chicago, Obama’s hometown by the way, is in financial ruin. It taxes people to death and it spends way more than it takes in. The place is a haven for corruption and union deals that have led to pensions sucking the life out of the city. The only answer that liberals have is to tax more but the place has a lot of poverty and more and more people are getting on the welfare wagon. Chicago is nearly ruined and will soon hit rock bottom.

So really, this is just another liberal run city. Find any city in dire straits and it is run by liberals.

Chicago has been a liberal run city for as far back as anyone can recall. It has been the home of criminals and crime bosses and some of those were not even elected officials. Al Capone was probably one of Chicago’s more tame criminals.

Chicago has been downgraded and is now just two levels above junk bond rating:

Chicago drew closer to a fiscal free fall on Friday with a rating downgrade from Moody’s Investors Service that could trigger the immediate termination of four interest-rate swap agreements, costing the city about $58 million and raising the prospect of more broken swaps contracts.

The downgrade to Baa2, just two steps above junk, and a warning the rating could fall further still, means the third-biggest U.S. city could face even higher costs in the future if banks choose to terminate other interest-rate hedges against fluctuations in interest rates. All told, Chicago holds swaps contracts covering $2.67 billion in debt, according to a disclosure late last year. Yahoo News

I think Chicago will collapse though it is highly likely Obama will find some way to step in and get money sent there. Sharpton and others will scream racism and say we can’t let Chicago fail (like folks screamed about Detroit) but the reality is the city and most of its people deserve to fail.

The people there continue to vote for liberal politicians who are part of the crime scene. It is ingrained in the system and anyone who tries to go counter to that ends up swimming with the fishes. Let them fail and be done with it.

Perhaps once the place collapses and people move out or riot with each other they can throw out all the criminals and rebuild.

Then again it is more likely the people there, led by their political crime bosses, will walk around hat in hand to beg the American taxpayers to bail them out.

Liberals only know one solution to problems and that is to throw more money at them while fleecing as many people as they can. It never works but they keep at it. When the only tool you have is a hammer all problems look like a nail.

The only tools liberals have are tax and spend so all problems look like money problems.

Government is not your mommy and daddy and you should not depend on it. If you do you are part of the problem.

So as one pastor from the Chicago area would say, the chickens are coming home to roost…

Have fun on the way to the bottom and please, keep your issues to yourself. The rest of us do not want to pay for them. In other words, you deserve to suffer for your stupidity but the rest of us should not suffer along with you.

Even a liberal moron like Twinkle Toes Emanuel is having trouble in Chicago. People want too much and don’t think he is delivering enough…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


What You Get With Obama

No religious freedom (unless you are a Muslim)

The issue with the Mount Soledad Cross has been going on for over two decades but the Obama regime is the one not fighting for what is right:

Originally, the U.S. Justice Department defended the cross memorial. However, when President Barack Obama was elected, the government’s defense of the memorial under Attorney General Eric Holder seemed to become lackluster, and the Mount Soledad Veterans Memorial Association stepped in to bolster the defense. Breitbart

The Just-Us Department is a joke.

Judges, on the other hand, are tyrants in black robes. Is it any wonder people want to get rid of them first when there is an uprising?

Al-Qaeda is taking charge in Iraq

Once Obama took over in the US there was no doubt he would work to end the war in Iraq. He was warned that if he telegraphed our end date and if he withdrew too soon there would be a vacuum and it would be filled by bad people. The smartest man in the world ignored this and now al-Qaeda is taking charge in Iraq:

Ten years after the capture of Saddam Hussein, Iraq is at risk of becoming a failed state again as al-Qaeda reclaims vast swathes of the country. Telegraph UK

One might think Obama is incompetent or arrogant (both are true) and that this happened because of his inexperience and inability to listen. In reality, he likes the Muslim terror groups and is happy. He probably helped this along to ensure they would regain power.

Maybe he will starve to death

Rahm “Twinkle Toes” Emanuel will fast for 24 hours to show solidarity with illegal immigrants. He believes that the time is now for immigration reform which is lib speak for amnesty for illegals. Those here legally have nothing to worry about and those who want to come here legally have nothing to fear (except that they will die waiting for government to get them cleared to enter) so “reform” is for illegals (or as we call them, new Democrats).

Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans to fast for 24 hours beginning later Thursday in support of the push for immigration reform, saying “we are sending a clear message to Congress that the time is now.” DNA Info Chicago

If he wants to show solidarity he should walk across the desert from Mexico. better yet he should walk TOWARD Mexico (and stay there).

And take this one with him

Dick Durban, idiot Senator, has decided to join the fast in order to help out new Democrat voters AKA, illegals. Perhaps Durbin can hire some of those illegals to clean his filthy house and some others to make repairs around the place. He and two fellow Senators live like pigs in a house they don’t take care of. A few illegals paid under the table might clean up the mess.

Perhaps he will kick the bucket from the fast and then a few day laborers can make a couple of bucks digging his grave.

More Obamacare Failure

Looks like the regime wants insurance companies to bail it out. With the massive failure of the Obamacare launch there is no guarantee that people will sign up, that if they do they will have insurance, and that if they have insurance they will pay anything for it when it starts. The regime wants insurance companies to insure people starting January 1, 2014 even if their plans are not in order and even if they have not paid a thing.

What Obama wants is to avoid a lot of people who think they are covered showing up to the ER or a doctor’s office and being denied for LACK of insurance. In other words, Obama wants to make it look like all is going well so that a lot of people won’t get screwed over and further highlight the failure of Obama and Obamacare.

In other words, if you applied for Obamacare, have not been enrolled, have not paid a dime, and get sick on January 1, the Obama administration now wants insurance companies to pay for your care before you ever pay a dime. Furthermore, they want you to get care for which you will not be approved under your insurance plan. Truth Revolt

As you can see there are other things Obama wants insurance companies to do to help out. Insurance companies should say NO and if people are denied then they should be told exactly why they are denied, because Obama screwed things up.

Sometimes pain is the best teacher. Obama followers need to experience a lot of pain because they are pretty dense and it will take quite a bit to get their attention.

Why should insurance companies bear the brunt of this when Obama inflicted it?

Keep in mind for 2016, Hillary is as bad as or worse than Obama…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Evan Bayh Throws In The Towel

This is shaping up to be a very bad year for Democrats. Despite requests from Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel to reconsider, moderate Democrat Evan Bayh of Indiana will not seek reelection stating that he still has a desire to serve the people, just not in Congress.

Evidently, the hostile environment in Congress is becoming too much for the moderates. Bayh only voted with his party 71% of the time and I am willing to bet he got beat up over votes against the agenda or that he felt pressured to vote in a manner that he did not want.

Bayh’s decision comes as a surprise to many as it looked like he would probably win reelection. I doubt that the possibility of a tough race had anything to do with his decision. He probably is genuinely fed up with the atmosphere in Congress.

Bayh probably did not agree with the Obama agenda, or at least major protions of it. He endorsed Hillary Clinton for president.

Plus, he is a family man and likes to spend time with his children and attend their activities. No one can fault him for that.

Bayh’s decision caps off a trifecta that began when Christopher Dodd and Byron Dorgan announced last month that they will not seek reelection.

A commenter at the source site had a great point:

“To Democrats, I would remind you that we still have the largest majority in decades, and the people expect us to solve some problems, not run for the hills,” – Obama

Oh well.

Indiana is a conservative state and usually pretty red. Bayh is a well liked moderate but the state trends Republican. Obama won the state last year becoming the first Democrat to win it since Lyndon Johnson.

I bet the folks of Indiana have buyer’s remorse and will not go Democrat again for a long time. They are probably still asking what they have done…

Or maybe they are asking themselves the question Sarah Palin posed; “How’s that hopey-changey thing working out for ya?

Big Dog


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Obama Leadership Equals Crisis Management

There is no doubt that Barack Obama assembled one of the greatest teams in history to run his campaign. He always had surrogates to go on the attack or to make claims of racism while he appeared to remain above the fray. His fund raising set all kinds of records. He received money from all over the world and some of the donors were American citizens who donated only the legal amount. His team was able to hide the fund raising shenanigans and keep on moving on.

Then the unflappable, charismatic junior Senator from Illinois actually won. That is when he found out that leading a campaign is a lot different than leading the country. Obama is getting more gray hair each day as his “tracking poll” from the stock market keeps making a nosedive. He has already spent more money than the complete cost of the war and has raised the deficit higher than Bush did in eight years. Bush took a small Clinton deficit and nearly doubled it and Obama has nearly tripled it (for those who think Clinton had a surplus, using the same accounting tricks the war on terror has cost NOTHING). Obama said he would abandon the Bush policies and there would not be more of the same. I guess tripling the deficit instead of doubling it counts.

People are getting weary of Obama because he has clearly demonstrated that he cannot lead. He is finding out that it is one thing to run for office and promise the world but that it is quite another to actually have to do something. The leadership of Obama (if we can actually call it that) is crisis management. This has been elaborated upon several times and Obama confirmed it today. The crisis management approach was lain out by Rahm Emanuel who stated:

“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.”

This was what Rahm said prior to Obama taking office and in the midst of the economic meltdown that was created by Democratic policies and probably assisted along by Obama supporters when there was a mysterious huge run on the financial market.

What the ballerina is saying is that they know that in normal times there are things that would not pass the sniff test in Congress. There are items that will not pass no matter what and that there are others that might pass but they would be politically unwise. With a crisis they can hype it up for all it is worth and pass things that would otherwise never pass just by screaming crisis and telling people that the world will end if we do not act NOW!

Interestingly, Hillary Clinton said the same thing on her little jaunt to Europe.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told an audience Friday “never waste a good crisis,” and highlighted the opportunity of rebuilding economies in a greener, less energy-intensive way. al-Reuters

Here the focus is on the environment and making things all nice and green. But the principle is the same. Use the crisis to scare up support for expensive repairs for an unproven problem and claim it is necessary in order to provide jobs and save Mother Earth. Incidentally, the Earth has been here for millions of years before man set foot on it and it will be here a long time after we are gone. Global warming will not end our time here.

So we have the ballerina and the Secretary of State discussing using a crisis to screw the country and they are on the same sheet of music because that is what their boss, King Hussein has decided to do.

Well, I don’t think he decided to lead that way. I believe that this is the only thing he knows. He has NEVER been a leader in his adult life. He was a rabble rouser in Chicago and he was present in the Illinois legislature. Then he went to the US Senate where he had an unremarkable stint. He ended up in the White House and he could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Let me correct that, he could lead his “followers” anywhere because they will do anything he wants. They are lemmings who will follow him off a cliff.

Today on his weekly radio address The Evil Won stated very clearly that his “leadership” style is crisis management.

“Yes, this is a moment of challenge for our country,” Obama said. “But we’ve experienced great trials before. And with every test, each generation has found the capacity to not only endure, but to prosper – to discover great opportunity in the midst of great crisis.” My Way News

The great opportunity of which he speaks is the opportunity for him and his Democrats to spend like there is no tomorrow.

And with them at the wheel, there might not be.

Big Dog

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Rahm Wanted Obama’s Undivided Attention

I have had this suspicion that Rahm Emanuel is a tough guy who uses foul language and rough tactics because he was a ballerina. He was emasculated as a child so he compensates for this by acting tough. The funny thing is, for all his toughness, he has been rather silent about the whole Illinois corruption scandal in which he was a major player.

Rahm Emanuel spoke with Governor Blagojevich regularly on behalf of Barack Obama in order to get Obama’s Senate seat filled with The Sainted One’s chosen successor. Rahm probably did not know that he was being taped (if he did than he is an idiot for talking) because he is reported to have been taped on 21 different occasions. Some have called Emanuel’s relationship with Blagojevich a “just a guy who lives down the street” type but Emanuel’s phone calls are the only ones that Blagojevich routinely took. This is because Rahm held some sway with the governor and the soon to be Chief of Staff wanted to ensure his new boss’s preferred candidate was selected. This might be the external appearance but in reality there is a deeper issue at hand.

Rahm Emanuel wanted Valerie Jarrett to get the Senate seat so that he would not have to share the attention of Barack Obama with her.

That is right, tough guy Rahm Emanuel discussed the Senate seat with Governor Blagojevich a number of times because Rahm wanted to ensure she was out of the way and he would not have to compete for the attention of The Messiah.

This has got to be absolutely pathetic. Barack Obama is no one special. He is average at best and the only talent he possesses is that he is a gifted speaker. He can talk and people become memorized by his words. He is like the Pied Piper in that his words are sweet music to those who lack the ability to think for themselves (or who clamor for attention) so they willingly follow him. His followers ignore all the negatives because he is a sweet talker. Let’s face it, he has accomplished absolutely nothing in his life. He was a drug using kid who hated white people. He became a community organizer (rabble-rouser) and then he ran for office. He won by questionable means and then he ran for the presidency with no experience. He won because of his charisma and ability to talk. Many gifted speakers have been poor leaders (Hitler).

Rahm Emanuel though, is so infatuated with the idea of power and the idea of carrying Obama’s water that he worked hard to get another person out of the way so that he would not have to share the affections attention of The One.

This is playing out like a soap opera. Now that Emanuel has clammed up and Jarrett was appointed to a position in the Obama administration it would appear as if Emanuel will be fighting Jarrett for Obama.

Unless, of course, Emanuel ends up in a federal prison trying to avoid the attention of other men.

My Way News

Big Dog

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