Obama; Earth Day For Thee But Not For Me

Barack Obama is admittedly the most tech savvy person ever to occupy the White House. His network of electronic supporters is in the millions and he is so attached to new technology he is getting a special super dooper Blackberry so he can stay connected. His staff includes a bunch of young folks who are wise to the electronic age. He has used web based video to his advantage and yet, he declined to use technology on Earth Day.

Barack Obama went on a little trip to Des Moines in Air Force One to talk about Earth Day and how we all had to conserve. He burned about 9000 gallons of fuel in order to tell us to conserve. This is another do as I say moment for an elected official.

With all the tech wizards he has around him would it have been too difficult for him to give his sermon from the White House and broadcast it via the Internet? He could have saved 9000 gallons of fuel and the resultant carbon footprint by using technology instead of an airplane (and helicopter and limo).

He is cut from the same cloth as Al Gore who tells us to ride bikes and reduce our carbon footprint while he uses more energy in a year than some small countries.

It all amounts to we the people are supposed to cut back and conserve but those who are leading us are free to use as they wish because they are important. Besides, the taxpayer paid for the fuel and the trip so what does it matter to The Won?

I have always been skeptical of Earth Day and the celebrations. The hypocrites who attend the gatherings use fuel to get there, smoke tobacco (and who knows what else) and then leave tons of trash lying around. All the while they tell us to save the planet for our children.

If only they had the same approach with regard to the out of control spending by our government. Man Made Global Warming is unproven and those who, in 1975, said we would be in an ice age by 2000 are telling us we will be melting in a decade. They can’t tell us with certainty what the weather will be this weekend but they can tell us what it will be in 10 years.

The debt we are accumulating, at record paces mind you, will absolutely be passed on to our children and grandchildren and the sad thing is they have no hope of ever being able to pay it all off.

All that fuel and he could have accomplished much more by using the web.

Do as I say and not as I do you peons.

Before the libs start linking to show me how much fuel Bush used on past Earth Days keep in mind the premise. Obama is the most tech savvy leader of this country. And Obama is a worshiper of global warming while Bush was not.

Big Dog

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