Pelosi Might Derail Health Care Bill

I have no love for Nancy Pelosi. She is a dim witted moron who comes from a nasty criminal political family from Baltimore. However, she might be the saving grace when it comes to the health care takeover because she might end up derailing the bill.

The health care debate is contentious and this is evident by the fact that it has not passed despite the Democrat’s control of the government. They need absolutely no Republican support and can pass it (well, that was the case before Ted Kennedy took up sobriety and Robert Byrd changed his residence to a hospital) but they cannot pass it.

This is because there are about 49 Democrats who were elected to the House in Districts that John McCain won. These Democrats realize that they are in the hot seat and that they could easily lose their jobs if they follow their liberal leaders. The so called Blue Dog Democrats in the House oppose any bill that increases taxes, adds to the deficit or contains a public option (which will lead to single payer). The liberals in the House are in safe seats (or at least they think they are) and they do not want anything less than a very loaded bill with the public option. They want massive government involvement. The Blue Dogs will not vote for a bill with the things they do not like and the liberals will not vote for one without them.

[note]The entire process has been nothing more than Chicago thug politics from the start. Obama has been making deals to get support. He sold out seniors to the AARP so they could make money off the elderly when they lose their Medicare Advantage. AARP stands to make a lot of money at the expense of its members. It is time for seniors to leave that group. Big Pharma and the doctors have had a few shady deals as well. If this was such a good idea Obama would not need to be making drug deals to get support.[/note]

Supposedly, a compromise bill has been introduced that placates the Blue Dogs and is designed to get their support. This would seem to do the trick except that Pelosi, is Speaker (or weeper) of the House and she is one of the liberals who wants vast government control. Pelosi intends to add the things that the Blue Dogs oppose.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is planning to include in the bill a tax on wealthy Americans, as well as a more robust government-run health insurance plan (or “public option”), abandoning the compromises leaders in a key committee worked out with the moderate Blue Dog Democrats, according to Roll Call. CBS

If Pelosi adds these things to the bill she will lose the votes of the Blue Dogs (assuming they know what has been added). Pelosi is bound and determined to have a bill that has what she and her liberals want in it and if she does this the bill could end up being rejected.

This would be sweet. The bill would go down in flames and there would be little time to do anything before they go home for the year. Pelosi could become a one woman wrecking crew and derail Obama’s signature promise. If that is the case, she would be owed a debt of gratitude from the people of America.

The thing is, we need to remain vigilant because they have ways of sneaking things into bills without anyone knowing. They have also shown they do not read the bills before the vote on them so it is possible she could back door her additions.

All members of Congress need to be aware of this and the story from CBS is the clarion call. Pelosi is trying to thwart what you are working on. She wants it her way or no way so it is up to you to make it no way. The American voters will hold you accountable for this bill if you vote for it to begin with but if you vote for the bill that Pelosi wants you will have targets on your backs when it comes to the next election.

Saying you did not know it was in the bill will NOT excuse you, Ignorance will not be tolerated so you better wise up.

There are enough Democratic House seats held by people whose Districts voted for McCain to change the balance of power. Pelosi might win reelection but find she is no longer in the majority and thus, no longer Speaker.

She would have only herself to blame and that is fine with me.

Wake up America and say no to this health care takeover. There are things that need to be fixed but this is not the solution.

Big Dog

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