Prominent Democrat States What We Already Knew

During the last campaign the left made a stink about Sarah Palin’s experience and the fact that she would be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The left made these claims despite the fact that she had more executive experience than Barack Obama and Joe Biden. The left ignored Obama’s lack of executive experience in spite of the fact that he would actually be the heartbeat.

Now a prominent Democrat, and a black one at that, is stating what thinking people knew all along:

Doug Wilder, who in 1990s Virginia was America’s first elected black governor and was an early backer of Obama. “One problem is they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level. The deeper problem is that they are not listening to the people.” Times UK

Wilder is making the statement about Obama’s Chicago Mafia but it is important to note that Obama has no more experience than they do.

When Wilder discussed not having experience governing at the executive level, whether he meant to or not, he was discussing Obama as well.

Most Army privates serving in Iraq or Afghanistan have more leadership experience than Obama and his Mafia…

Big Dog


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