I Thought Obama’s Donations Came From The Little Guy

Big Dog

During the last presidential election, Barack Obama broke a promise right out of the starting gate when he declined public funding and went out on his own. He had previously said he would not do that. He raised quite a bit of money and the claim was always that the bulk of it came from small donors. Joe Sixpack and his wife donated their $5s and $10s to support this man.

Of course this was patently absurd. Obama received a lot of money from big donors. He also received money from illegal sources and the lack of security in his online donation page allowed people from foreign countries to donate.

But let us not kid ourselves. Obama received a lot of money from the fat cats in business, the very people the left wants you to believe support only Republicans.

Now it looks like the cash spigot might lead to a drier well as Obama faces some tough challenges in raising money for 2012. The big donors are not happy with him and say their money might go to candidates who need it more.

Obama is also in trouble with the money movers and shakers in New York because of the financial reform law and the inflammatory words Obama used during that debate (good thing one of them did not go on a shooting rampage).

Obama’s team is running into resistance in at least one key fundraising hub — New York City, where some of Obama’s biggest 2008 backers have bitterly protested last year’s passage of financial reform legislation and what they perceived as an unfair bad-mouthing of bankers during the debate. Politico

Some of Obama’s biggest backers in 2008? You can bet your house (if it has not been repossessed) that these biggest backers were not the Joe Sixpack $5 and $10 donors. This article refutes the whole grassroots, little guy thing.

And there are a lot more of these unhappy rich people around the country.

While his campaign made claims of small donors, he received many hefty donations from the fat cats (his words don’t you know).

And now they might be looking for a new savior…

But he will be getting money from the little guy. I just don’t think the little guy has that figured out yet.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Small Donors Could Pay Off National Debt

The Clinton campaign is expected to announce that it has collected $35 million in donations for the month of February. Barack Obama’s campaign is expected to announce a much higher total of $50 million, all from large numbers of people donating small amounts.

Both campaigns have basically tapped out the big dollar donors who gave early in the process. They are now relying on lower income people who send in $5, $10, or $20 at a time. It is probably safe to say (yes this is an assumption) that these lower income folks are probably in the lower 50% of income earners which means they, as a group, pay about 3.5% of the nation’s income taxes.

Why don’t these folks, who never seem to be able to afford anything without government intervention (the impression the Democrats give), make monthly donations to the treasury to pay off the national debt? Eighty-five million dollars a month would equal 1 billion 20 million dollars each year and that would help pay off the national debt, assuming that Congress does not continue its out of control spending.

Even a one month donation to the government would help. Perhaps these folks could earmark the money for Social Security or welfare so that they could help their own cause as well as the elderly who are trying to make ends meet.

I imagine people would not donate for these reasons because they are used to others providing for them. They do not want to pay their money to help others. After all, that is why they are donating to Obama and Clinton. These two are promising to spend even more of other people’s money to help the less fortunate and those small donations are worth it if universal health care can become a reality.

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Big Dog