One Man’s Smear Campaign…

…Is Another Man’s Modern Political Warfare

The left is in disarray after John McCain selected Sarah Palin as his running mate. The Obama campaign was ready to attack all the other people mentioned as potential mates but missed out on Palin because, like the other women in politics, the left dismissed her as unimportant.

This does not mean the smear campaign did not go out in full swing. The immediate response from the Obama campaign was a dismissal of her qualifications to be a heartbeat away from the presidency. The candidates were a bit more professional later in the day but their surrogates on the left were ready to take up arms. The Democratic Underground is circulating a rumor that Palin’s fifth child, Trig, is not hers but her daughter’s and that the father of the child is the girl’s father. The story is unbelievable and unsubstantiated but that did not stop the left from admitting that it was false but that the rumors were a necessary part of modern political campaigns. This is from a post that has since been removed (quote thanks to Atlas Shrugs):

NoodleyAppendage (1000+ posts) Sat Aug-30-08 10:26

122. What many here don’t understand. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not. RUMOR IS TRUTH.

The modern laws of media hype and political warfare have a useful tenet:

Repeat ANYTHING or raise false concern over ANYTHING and it is likely to be planted in the conscious/subconscious of many voters.

If people start to think that there might be something fishy with Palin’s last kid (if hers), then that’s FINE. One more doubt (whether tied to reality or not) is another hesitation at the ballot box.

GET WITH THE PROGRAM PEOPLE. The “rising above it” bullshit has served us so well in the past, hasn’t it?

If you have problems with the story, then STFU and get out of the way of Dems who are engaged in MODERN POLITICAL WARFARE. Go tend your garden or some other pedestrian task, because the “concern trolls” are not helping shape the message. [bold emphasis mine]

It is important to repeat anything and raise FALSE concern. In other words, keep telling lies over and over until people believe them. To them it is important to shape the message even if the message is false. These are the same people who foam at the mouth every time someone mentions Obama and Muslim in the same sentence. When people called Obama a Muslim or showed him in Muslim garb (some of which were sent by the Clinton campaign) the same people did not call this modern political warfare. Instead, they called it a smear campaign.

Obama’s reaction to the truthful ad (at the bottom of my sidebar) was to try to use the legal system to shut down free speech. He certainly did not call it modern political warfare. The discussions about Wright, Rezko and Ayers were never viewed as anything more than distractions and dirty politics manufactured by the Republicans (and Hillary’s people in the primary). I never recall these same political warriors calling it modern political warfare.

The American people are well within their right to properly explore Sarah Palin to ensure she is worthy of the office of Vice President just as they have a right to ensure Obama is worthy of the Presidency. However, they deserve to have accurate and truthful information on which to base their opinions about the candidates.

The immediate attacks on Palin clearly demonstrate that the left is worried about her as part of the ticket. They have tried to find anything of substance that they can use to attack her and have come up empty handed so they are resorting to fabricating stories in order to further their agenda and ensure a win in November.

These people will do anything to win. They laugh at the misery of those along the Gulf Coast (particularly New Orleans) because they think the disaster will help them. These are truly pathetic people who should never be allowed in office.

Well moonbats, take your best shot because Sarahcuda is a force to be reckoned with and those who have underestimated her in the past were left scratching their heads trying to figure out how they lost.

Why is it that strong women threaten the Democrats?

Big Dog