If Parents Were Like Government

This video says it all. Imagine if your parents (or you as parents) acted like the government.

This is what is taking place but all boiled down to the basics.

So while you applaud the government’s insatiable appetite for spending remember that the bill has to be paid and it is our children and grandchildren who will be writing the checks.

If they still have a country.

Big Dog

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Obama’s Bill Slaps Black Americans Back To The Mat

The bill that Barack Obama signed into law today will cost future generations money they can ill afford. It is a crime that our grandchildren will be saddled with this kind of debt because of the mismanagement of our government. Lest any liberal give that phony cry about George Bush piling up debt while we remained silent, true conservatives have been against the spending that occurred in the last 8 years. I have been against the out of control spending on social programs and I think the money for the war on terror could have been better managed. However, there were way too many non military spending bills that should never have passed.

Those include the bank bailout and the earlier stimulus checks.

Obama railed against deficit spending and demonized Bush for it. Now, with the stroke of a pen, he has spent the largest amount of money ever spent in one bill in our nation’s history. The unfortunate thing is that it will not work and now that he has what he wants for Democratic special projects, he is scaling back expectations. Hell, some of them admit they don’t know if it will work and they voted for it with their fingers crossed.

Couple that last tid bit with the fact that NOT ONE of them read the thing and you have a classic demonstration of failed leadership. Never mind the fact that Obama and the Democrats broke a number of promises with the way this was handled. That is no surprise to those of us who did not drink the Kool Aid. The reality is, they failed to lead. They voted for a bill that they did not read. The action was irresponsible and clearly demonstrates that these people are not leaders.

The nation could not help but pause when Obama was inaugurated. It was a historic moment for this country to see a black man elected to the highest office. It was hailed as a new era for race relations. It was seen as a sign that blacks have the chance to succeed and it was seen as a step up. Unfortunately, Obama signed a bill that will trap many blacks in generational poverty.

Obama’s cruelest slap was on the face of black Americans. Buried in the bowels of that big government spending bill is a poison pill that kills welfare reform. Welfare money will no longer be used for job training, child care or transportation. Instead, the money will now, once again, be just a government handout that keeps black children trapped in generational poverty. Uncle Sam has replaced the father in the homes of poor blacks because you cannot get a welfare check if there is a man in the house. Democrats have been running black communities for the past 40 years. The socialist polices of the Democrats have created a culture of dependency on government handouts and turned black communities into economic and social wastelands. Socialism is a moral and economic cancer that destroys families, communities and nations.

Many of the liberals who visit here will take issue with this quote and will, as is their habit, throw the word racist around. While I happen to agree with the statement I did not write it. The statement is part of a larger item released by the National Black Republican Association (of which I happen to be a member). The quote was in an email sent by Frances Rice, the Chairman of the NBRA who happens to be black which, I think, qualifies her to speak a bit on the subject. But keep that in mind while you formulate your invective comments.

Welfare reform was one of the really good things that came out of bipartisan work between Republicans in Congress and Democrat Bill Clinton. It helped stop an upward trend in single parent (usually mother) black families and it put people back to work. This is not to indicate that blacks are the only people on welfare but the black community suffers from a disproportionately high number of single parent homes. This is one of the biggest reasons for failures in the black community. Regardless of what the feminists say, a child needs a mother and a father in order to have the best chance for success.

Chairman Rice is absolutely correct in her assessment. It should not surprise anyone that the Democrats are once again suppressing blacks. Their party’s history is replete with racism and discrimination against blacks.

However, one would have thought that having a black president would have changed things. For all the talk of change, things seem to be the same.

Big Dog

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Debt to Clinton was Paid Long Ago

A number of people who were huge supporters of the Clintons have recently signed on to the Obama train and are casting their long time friends, Bill and Hillary, aside. This is particularly distressing to the Clintons because they both believe that they are owd by just about every Democrat. Admittedly, there are quite a number of Obama supporters who received appointments to very high paying and high profile government jobs and there are quite a few Democrats who owe Hillary for campaigning for them and helping them win.

Bill Clinton is particularly upset about those who worked in his administration and now support Obama. He was furious with Bill Richardson and as a result their friendship is strained. Surrogates of the Clintons have called people names and have questioned the loyalty of people that received a lot from Bill Clinton when he was president. Bill believes that people owe him but someone should explain to Bill Clinton that he received all that he was owed by any Democrat when they committed malfeasance in office and failed to vote for impeachment. Bill Clinton was paid in full by every Democrats who supported him during the impeachment process. Bill Clinton should have been removed from office. He lied under oath and charges were brought against him. Democrats paid him big time by opposing impeachment. Some Democrats said the charges did not warrant impeachment. Some of these people were in favor of impeaching Nixon and his charges nearly matched Clinton’s word for word.

As for Hillary, sure she has campaigned for people but she has made some of those folks mad along the way. She has piled on Democrats who have made mistakes if piling on made her look good. She piled on John Kerry when he insulted the troops. Hillary was right to pile on because Kerry actually insulted the troops despite what he said about it. However, he was upset she did not back him. She could have just kept silent on the matter but the Clintons are unable to keep quiet. They have to jump in and take the focus group position in order to look “good.”

It is interesting though to see how people have turned on the Clintons. They were once the darlings of the Democratic party. Democrats overlooked all kinds of criminal activity and defended the Clintons every time they were accused. The media ignored major stories in order to help them out (Drudge broke the Monica story that the MSM was sitting on) and they were usually treated as if they were pure as the driven snow. Now they are being beaten up by people who once loved them unconditionally. Amazingly, there are many former Clinton supporters who are now upset with them because they have been dishonest, negative, harsh, demanding, and unrelenting. These are the same people who ignored this kind of behavior from the Clintons for years and who would still be ignoring it if it were not for a charismatic empty suit named Obama.

Loyalty in DC only goes as far as the next election and politicians will disregard friendship if they think backing someone else will help them in any way, shape, or form. As far as Bill Clinton goes, he was paid quite handsomely long, long ago.

It will be interesting to see how much support Democrats get from the Clintons after this election. In a perfect world the Clintons would just fade away but in reality they could still have some value for people who need help getting reelected.

New York Times (read about Chelsea whining)

Big Dog