Politics By Turbo-Tax Timmy

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is now playing politics with the debt ceiling in a move that is designed to scare politicians into acting on the so called fiscal cliff. Geithner, a confirmed TAX CHEAT, previously told us that the government would not hit the debt ceiling until sometime late in the first quarter of 2013. Now he is saying that we will hit that ceiling on 31 December of this year.

How convenient that the new ceiling date is the exact same date that will ring in the cuts in government and the tax increases to the people that were all agreed upon by those in Congress. Yes, it is important to remember that Congress came up with the cuts and the tax increases as part of the last fiscal deal. These people all agreed that if they could not come to terms then these cuts and tax increases were acceptable. Now they are running around as if the end of the world is at hand and this is all a bad thing.


The facts are the facts and it is very clear that these people were all OK with the consequences if they could not come to terms. Now they have to live with what they agreed to when they were all rushing to make it home for Christmas two years ago. Their last minute haggling and game playing is now coming back to bite them in their ample rear ends. As Obama’s favorite Pastor might say, their chickens are coming home to roost.

Good, let the Bush tax cuts expire so that everyone can feel the pain. Let the cuts to government take place so people will see the mess created by those who are supposed to be leading us. Let it all come crashing down and let them suffer the consequences of their actions. And let those who voted these morons back in office suffer the consequences of their votes.

Elections have consequences and everyone should suffer them.

But, for Geithner to come out and claim the debt ceiling will be reached by Monday is nothing more than political theater and is designed to take away a bargaining chip Republicans have. This is why Geithner and his boss want the debt limit to be controlled by the White House and not Congress. These people want the ability to spend without limits and they do not want to have to ask Congress for more borrowing capacity.

They want total control and they know that the debt ceiling is a bargaining chip for Republicans to use in an effort to curb spending.

Will this work or will it backfire? If I were the Speaker I would call Barack Obama and lay out all MY terms for the budget. I would say we will have no tax increases and present a list of things that will be cut. I will remind him that the country will default in a few short days as determined by his Treasury Secretary and I will demand that he submit to ALL of my conditions. He will not like it but the bargaining chip that was further down the road is now, according to Geithner, a few days away.

I think it gives Boehner and the Republicans a stronger hand though I doubt Geithner planned for that. I think he was trying to pressure the right to give in to avoid default and to present Obama and his Democrats with a gift. I think this was a poor calculation by Geithner provided Boehner has the testicular fortitude to stand tough.

Hell, Boehner should go for broke and demand that the tax system be completely rewritten to impose a flat tax on all income and that includes the 47% of wage earners who pay NO federal taxes. Note to the left, this is federal income. Other taxes are not in question here.

The tax cheat Treasury Secretary is not interested in doing his job. He is interested in playing politics with the financial well being of the country. He is a shill for Obama and that is all this cretin is.

If he were any good at his job and we were really going to hit the debt ceiling on Monday wouldn’t he know that before today?

America is tired of the games. We are tired of last minute deals that screw us while keeping the morons in DC in power. We are tired of incompetent people running things. We are tired of this mess that both parties are responsible for.

It is time for the people in DC to do their jobs and quit playing games. We have plenty of income (and would have a lot more if unemployment was not so high) to run things but spending is out of control.

Now is the time Boehner. Stand tough and demand spending cuts and a revamped tax code that imposes a flat tax on all income from all wage earners.

Geithner unwittingly gave you a big hammer.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Our Budget Explained And Other Tid Bits

This video explains what is happening in DC and how they play games with our budget in order to keep spending. It makes it quite simple for those among us who think that the government has an unending supply of money or that the money comes from Obama’s “stash.” Though to be quite honest Congress has given Obama a stash of money called the stimulus and it was used to pay off those to whom he owed favors…

When you are done watching that it should be obvious that the recent vote to increase the debt did not do us any good. Since this has been going on for about 100 years it should also come as no shock that they will not fix it and they will not work to fix it. They will continue to use budget gimmicks and accounting tricks to hide the problem until it bites us in the rear end.

At that time we will not be able to fix things and the social programs that liberals love to spend on will go away. Once we can no longer afford them and once we can no longer borrow to pay for them they will have to go away. It is that simple and there will be a lot of unhappy people who have been clueless and do not see it coming. Whether we default or not is a matter of whether we can pay our creditors. As long as we can pay them we are not in default but we will end up eliminating a lot of social programs that we can no longer afford because these morons and their enablers in the hands out crowd did nothing to rein in spending.

Thanks to what they did this week our borrowing immediately surpassed 100% of GDP. That is a recipe for disaster.

Liberals talk about the need to raise the debt ceiling and continue to borrow as a matter of national security. Al Franken and the other morons say that the GOP stance was an invitation to terrorists but the reality is that these people are inviting our enemies in the door. If China decided to cash in what we owe them and demand payment we would be in serious trouble and they could bankrupt us. We would default on that debt and we would have real issues that make the last Obama invented crisis look like a carnival. China will continue to take on more of our debt until the right time for it to pounce on us by demanding payment.

Then we will see how the politicians betrayed us and Franken can stand at the door of the Capitol and hold the welcome sign.

The market will be unsettled through all this and we are either in or heading for a second (or double dip) recession. Some like to claim that this claim has been made so much that if it happens it would be a see I told you so (like predicting rain every day, eventually you would be right) but I said last year that we would hit a double dip in the latter part of this year. It was not a monthly or daily prediction, it was a prediction of what would happen later in 2012 and it looks like we are heading in that direction. The reason for this is the Obama policies.

They are job and economy killers. It is that simple because the policies of Obama have been tried by other big government politicians in the past and they have failed. The New Deal did not fix things (it made them worse) and WW II was the only thing that pulled us out of the Depression. The New Deal helped to add to our present day miseries because it created a class of people dependent on government (this was by design) and LBJ completed this by enslaving minorities to government.

All at a cost to the taxpayers. All at a cost to our national security and all at the eventual risk of our sovereignty.

I do think though, that we can help with some of the budget. They should pass a law that all of the millionaires and billionaires (the real ones not the phony definition Obama uses to sock the middle class) who support Obama with money or by attending his birthday party should be taxed at 100%. Congress should pass a law that those millionaires and billionaires and only those should be required to turn in 100% of their income to pay off the debt.

They claim they want to pay more and they are rich enough. They can afford it and it is their patriotic duty. Yes, I like it. Only the Obama supporting rich will be taxed at 100%.

This will solve our problems and how could any liberal object, the liberal rich need to pay their fair share.

It is for the children…

UPDATE: Look who endorsed Obama for reelection.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Live From DC, It’s Al Franken

Weird Al Franken, the “what were they thinking” Senator from Minnesota was on the floor to discuss the current debt ceiling debate and he had a few charts that were rather disturbing. He borrowed the first chart from the set Obama placed on the southern border. The chart read; Welcome Terrorists. Then he went on to explain that members of the GOP were briefed about what would happen if the debt ceiling was not raised. He showed how much money there was and where it would go and what would not be paid.

Franken listed the following as being paid (all numbers in billions); Service debt-29.0, Social Security-49.2, Medicare/Medicaid-50.0, Defense Vendors-31.7, and Unemployment 12.8.

The next chart shows what would not be paid and it includes Military pay and Veteran’s benefits for a combined 5.8 billion dollars. There are other agencies listed as well including the Department of justice at 1.4 billion dollars.

Franken is trying to scare people into believing that we will invite terrorists in because the military and the DOJ will not be funded. What he is actually pointing out is that Franken (and by extension, his Democrat buddies) would rather pay unemployment benefits to people who are not producing anything (regardless of why they are out of work) and not pay the active military and veterans. He would also rather pay the unemployed than pay the Department of Justice.

So tell me, under this scheme, who is actually inviting the terrorists into the country.

The idea that those who are sitting at home doing nothing would be paid while the men and women who defend this country would not makes my skin boil and the fact that Franken has prioritized it this way is enough to earn him a well deserved butt kicking. They should take him and anyone who tries to implement something like this out back of the Capitol and hang them for treason. I am sure we can make the case they are giving material aid and comfort to our enemies. Welcoming terrorists is an act of treason and if not raising the debt ceiling would invite terrorists then it is Franken and his ilk who would be sending the invitations.

I don’t even think the vendors should be on the list. They get paid when the issue is settled. If they want they can charge interest for carrying the debt load. Or perhaps it would be a good time to review our contracts and eliminate those that are not actually needed.

No matter what, the military should not go without pay. How dare this half baked moron even suggest that the unemployed should keep getting unemployment checks while our brave men and women go without.

This is a scare tactic and it shows that Democrats are either not serious about the issue, don’t understand the issue or actually hate the military.

I bet it is all three.

I wonder what would happen if all those men and women showed up with their weaponry and demanded their paychecks.

I also wonder if Franken includes members of Congress in the federal employees who do not get paid. No member of Congress should ever get paid before a member of the military.

And neither should the unemployed (and if we are lucky most of Congress will be unemployed in 2012).

But if Franken and his colleagues insist on this scheme then we can take the 15 million or so people drawing unemployment and ship them to the borders to keep the terrorists out. We can also send half a million of them to the Middle East and bring our troops home.

Al Franken is an absolute moron who couldn’t pour urine out of a boot if the directions were written on the bottom.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Today’s word definitions and misnomers, in no particular order.

Our current state of affairs and use of language often cause me to ponder. Most recently, maybe we’re all pondering the criminal justice system.  Maybe the lesson of the Orlando jury’s verdict is that we are too used to being lied to?

For example:

Raise the debt ceiling – What ceiling? It’s always being raised. It’s not like the glass ceiling that you couldn’t break. This one is flexible. Government makes its own rules. Let’s try that at home, folks. When we’re in debt, we’ll raise our credit line. That will work!

Rich is defined today as evil and highly taxable. I’ve even heard the rich called lucky and lazy—Wrong! Do you remember when rich was a worthwhile goal, the American dream, something positive that benefited everyone–not just the person getting rich?

Secretary of the Treasury – No, he can’t be! He wants to fix a spending problem by giving the spenders more money….to spend. He seems to have no clue that high tax rates destroy the economy or that big government (he) is the problem.

Undocumented worker – A euphemism for an illegal immigrant who is illegally hired by an unlawful employer.

Immigration – Currently this term is used by the media to represent everyone that is here from another country, completely ignoring the status of the immigrant. We continuously hear the word immigration when the talking heads are really speaking about illegal immigration. Illegals are not American citizens – they cost American citizens billions of dollars.

Which conjures up another term:
Homeland Security – At the same time that we citizens (including 95-yr old Grannie) are being abused, humiliated and “felt-up” in airports by TSA employees, we like to think no radical terrorists are slipping in our porous border on the south along with that stream of illegals.

Green jobs – Where are they, again? GE sure got some green – zero tax liability. Consumers and taxpayers will lose lots of green over green jobs.

Environmental Protection Agency – Extort Peoples’ Assets (When Al Gore pitches a tent and rides a bike, we shall consider that he is correct.)

Employee Free Choice Act – Complete irony for coercion to vote “yes” for the unions = no free choice.

Stimulus Package – This incredibly obvious misnomer is actually very apropos–it stimulated government waste and the national debt.

Economist – Where is the administration official who has any business experience and has ‘economist’ on his resume? An economist ought to know how business works, not how government works. Oh, sorry, I forgot…government does not work. Unlike business, government can spend ad nauseum, print more money and still stay “in business.”

The Federal Reserve – We are learning to suspect anything labeled “federal” and sure don’t think we have a “reserve.” A supposed smart economist says,  “We don’t have a precise read on why this slower pace of growth is persisting.” Here’s just one clue why (or, the reality I see): We’ve become a socialistic society and economy with leadership that encourages class warfare and insists that government can fix everything…with more spending! We are becoming Greece and France where double digit unemployment, out of control national debt and misery are common stagnations. This slow pace is not recovery; it is socialistic stagnation.

Affirmative Action – One example of what this really meant: Your government would get to decide who gets into medical school based on race quotas. Do you want your doctor to be someone who was a good Black student or one of the smartest in his/her class…regardless of race? That really is reverse discrimination. Forget about someone’s intelligence, grade average, potential and credentials; let’s make sure the race percentages are right! Life needs to be fair! And, your government will provide the rules and regulations to make it fair!

National Education Association – Does the NEA represent education or does it represent teachers’ benefits? They’re a union, so that pretty much answers the question. Behold the huge Atlanta scandal. Can the state of California afford to pay their current teachers while they honor the previous union contracts for retired teachers’ pension and health insurance benefits? Nope! Seems NYC has same huge issues with United Federation of Teachers “Union.”  Each year we hear we need to spend more on education and the school dropout rate goes up! Hello!

Here’s an individual responsibility thought to mull over: Make the parents/guardians accountable for their kids that are using our public education system: late for school twice in one month: fine the parents; no homework done twice in one class in one week: fine the parents; lack of respect for the teacher/administrator/staff member—by disrupting the class or foul language: fine the parents. Taxpayers don’t need to pay for students that don’t show up, don’t participate and behave badly!

Remember the definition of insanity. We sure have to change our ways if we expect anything to change…for the better!


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Obama Regrets His Vote

When Barack Obama was a junior Senator and the Republicans were in charge there was a vote on raising the debt ceiling and he voted against it. The White House issued a statement today stating that Obama regrets his vote. He is now saying that it was a mistake because raising the debt ceiling is important to the economy.

I am not buying that. Obama now needs the debt ceiling raised because we will soon hit our limit and he wants a higher line of credit so he can continue to spend rather than cutting and living within our means. While I believe that it is a fact that Obama is now saying he regrets his vote because he now wants what he once opposed I believe that it runs much deeper than that.

Obama actually regrets the words he used when he he voted against raising the debt ceiling. He said that doing so represented a lack of leadership and that we should live within our means rather than passing debt on to our children and grandchildren.

That was the case in 2006 when Republican George W. Bush was president and Obama, a freshman senator from Illinois, declared on the Senate floor: “The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem.” Yahoo News

Obama was absolutely correct when he made those statements and they more closely align him with the thinking of the Tea Party that he has maligned. The Tea Party is derided for these beliefs by Democrats who thought Obama was a genius when he made such proclamations. America does have a debt problem and raising the debt ceiling will do nothing to solve that problem. It did not solve it any other time that it has been raised. It only allowed Congress to keep spending more money with little or no regard to the burden it placed on our children and grandchildren.

Obama’s real regret is that he said those things which can now be used against him when he pushes for the very thing he once opposed.

How will Democrats reconcile the words of Obama in 2006 with his and their desire to raise the limit now? How will they respond to the obvious contradiction?

I imagine they will blame it on George Bush. After all, Obama was directing those comments to him back in 2006. That kind of rhetoric helped Democrats take control later that year and they were happy to spew it every chance they got. In addition to Obama, Reid, Pelosi (and many other Democrats) were also against raising the debt ceiling.

To be fair, the Republicans wanted to raise the limit then but are opposed now. Funny how the more things change the more they stay the same.

Now, of course, the Democrats are begging for it to be raised without condition.

That is not going to happen. I think that the debt ceiling should not be raised but I am willing to go for an increase if the complete repeal of Obamacare is absolutely tied to the increase with no caveats whatsoever. I would even throw in the defunding of Planned Parenthood and NPR for good measure. While we are at it, we could add a ton of cuts to the measure in order to ensure we get our fiscal house in order.

Obama cannot oppose any cut attached to the debt ceiling increase because, in his own words, America has a debt problem.

How can he ask for a higher debt limit without measures to cut the very debt he derided five short years ago (and one that was much smaller)?

It looks like Barack Obama was an early Tea Party supporter whether he realized it or not.

And that is probably something he regrets as well.

By his own account, Barack Obama is a failure of leadership.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.Big Dog


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