A One Woman Death Panel

I imagine HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius now wishes she had not said that someone lives and someone dies when discussing why she would not change or temporarily suspend the rules regarding transplants of adult lungs to children. The issue is about a child with weeks to live who needs a transplant. Her doctor says he thinks she can handle an adult lung but the rules do not allow it.

Children’s lungs are fairly rare with regard to transplant and the double edged sword is that children do not usually do well with adult lungs. The overarching issue is that her doctor (the one who should have the best idea) says she can handle it.

Sebelius has not budged from her position but will now have to allow it as a judge issued an order that she had to allow the child to be placed on the list for an adult lung.

There are pros and cons with this as some doctors think it is wrong to change the rules in court and others thinking the rule should be suspended.

I fall in the camp that believes the government should not be making rules regarding our direct health care (and few regarding ANY of our health care). I believe, and Obama professed to believe, that medical care decisions should be between the doctor and the patient. As he was ramming Obamacare down our throats he kept telling us that no bureaucrat would come between you and your doctor.

Well Sebelius is a bureaucrat and she is between the little girl and her doctor. Expect more of this as Obamacare is fully implemented. We will be hit with a double whammy. Obamacare will ration services (the death panels Palin talked about and Obama denies) as well as the IRS deciding if you get care based on your political beliefs.

Don’t say that can’t happen. A few months ago anyone who said that conservatives were being targeted by the IRS would have been called a conspiracy nut. What a difference a few months make.

Before some liberal tells me that the policy regarding transplants has been in place since before Obama took office, I already know that. I do not care when it was put in place or by whom. It is in the spotlight NOW because of Sarah Murnaghan and her need for a lung. It is big news now because the situation clearly demonstrates the Obamacare death panel argument as being true.

It is in the news because a government bureaucrat said that someone lives and someone dies when speaking about a child who is very ill.

I wonder if Sebelius would waive the rules if one of Obama’s daughters needed a lung…

I wish no harm on anyone’s child and the sentence using Obama’s daughters was illustrative only to provoke thought about the disparity in health care decisions by government bureaucrats.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Donald Berwick is Doctor Death

Looks like Sarah Palin was on target when she discussed the death panels that would come with Obamacare and it looks like she, along with many other Americans, were right on top of things regarding bureaucrats coming between you and your doctor.

Obama’s recess appointment, Donald “Dr. Death” Berwick will, for the first time, not allow an FDA approved drug to be used to treat Medicare patients with ovarian cancer.

Provenge, a vaccine to treat the recurrence of prostate cancer, has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)… Medicare usually covers the cost of FDA-approved anti-cancer therapies. However, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is still reviewing whether it will cover Provenge, and at what rate.

The CMS statute states that Medicare must cover therapies that are reasonable and necessary, while the FDA is instructed to approve drugs that are safe and effective. Because of the conflicting Federal coverage and approval requirements, there are some non-FDA approved drugs (called off-label drugs) that are paid for by CMS. However, with respect to Provenge, it appears that CMS is arguing that while the treatment is safe and effective, it may not be reasonable and necessary. For the first time, an FDA approved anti-cancer therapy may not be covered by Medicare. Doug Ross

As Doug points out, withholding a treatment that could save lives sounds like a death panel. To top it off, a bureaucrat is between you and your doctor with regard to what treatment you should receive. That was another thing we were told would not happen.

The article also points out that the FDA is working on removing another previously approved breast cancer drug, a move opposed by the Susan G Koman for the CureĀ® and the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance (OCNA).

Yet, Obama told seniors that despite what others were saying their guaranteed benefits would not be cut.

The end of Doug’s article is the most sobering and every senior should pay attention:

Folks, this is precisely why the cancer survival rate for the U.K. is so much lower than that of the U.S. — and, in some cases, lower than Eastern Europe’s. And why Donald Berwick’s nickname is Dr. Death.

America’s seniors are about to find out that having coverage is not the same thing as receiving care. And our seniors are about to pay the piper.

This is what happens when uneducated people vote. This is what happens when a smooth talking Socialist combines with a secret list of journalists dedicated to being his propaganda machine (no Journo-Lister should ever be given credibility). This is what happens when Americans allow their attention to be diverted. This is what happens when the youth of this country are brainwashed in school and then allowed to vote. This is what happens when seniors are held hostage to a Ponzi scheme falsely marketed as their retirement plan.

This is what happens when people listen to a person say he will fundamentally transform the country and then vote for him anyway.

America, you have been sold a bill of goods. You can reverse that in November.

It is a matter of life or death both for the country and for those who will be affected by Dr. Death and his policies…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Pulls Granny From The Grave To Defend Health Care

Back during the campaign we heard about Obama’s grandmother and how she had cancer and received a hip replacement during her final weeks of life. Obama said it made him wonder about the sustainability of a system where someone with little time left above the ground received this kind of care. Basically, Obama said that we should consider denying care to those who are terminally ill. That might have been an appropriate decision in his granny’s case but that is a decision that should be made in concert with a doctor, not a politician or a bureaucrat.

Obama is now using granny as a prop to try and push his health care agenda. Obama is claiming that anyone who suggests that there will be death panels is just wrong and it is hurtful seeing as how he lost his granny not too long ago. Obama thought it was a waste of money for granny to get a hip but that she is valuable enough to the debate for him to raise her from the dead in order to push his health care agenda.

Obama did not care one bit about his grandmother as she lay dying. He barely took time to go see her and he only spent an hour or so of his vacation visiting with her. Yes, Obama the humanitarian did not spend more than an hour with his grandmother after the medical system wasted money on her by replacing her hip. We are supposed to believe him when he says that he has no intention of pulling the plug on granny when he showed little interest in the health of his own grandmother.

Obama is desperate and is invoking his dead granny to bring sympathy to the debate. Demonizing those opposed has not worked. Claiming the protesters are Astro turf plants has not worked. Claiming that the protesters do not represent America has not worked so the only thing left is to raise granny from the dead in an attempt to convince people that the elderly hold a special place in the hearts of the left and will not be coerced into choosing death.

It has been a bad week for Obama and his health care plan. He has dropped the public option, he has decided against death panels and end of life decisions and Sarah Palin used her Facebook account to school Obama and show his true colors.

Raising granny from the dead seems to be about all he has left.

I doubt that will work seeing as how she was nothing more than a typical white person who was thrown under the bus long before she died.

Big Dog

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