The City That Never Sleeps Hides From Snow

Comrade Bill de Blasio, the mayor of New York City said it could be the storm of the century and told people to stay in. Don’t go out and don’t drive. If you drive, according to Governor Cuomo, you will be breaking the law and could face a $300 fine.

Chris Christie in New Jersey (a suburb of New York) closed ALL the roads because of the impending storm.

This will be historic with FEET, hear that, FEET of snow. Prepare now by getting what you need from the store and then going home and staying there.

And whatever you do DON’T drive.

Now that the storm had underwhelmed by dropping a mere pittance of snow (about 6 inches in New York) and missed areas like the Baltimore region nearly completely the aftermath shows that people are turning into wimps.

It is snow and places that have a cold winter usually get snow. Certainly people should have enough sense not to drive if the roads are bad or they do not have a vehicle capable of handling snow but to close down the city that never sleeps and to close roads across entire states is the nanny state dictating how people act.

They are turning people into wimps who can’t think for themselves and can’t decide whether or not to drive. No need, the government that decides on how much soda you can drink and bans trans fats has also dictated whether you can drive in the snow.

Doctors, nurses, EMTs, firefighters, those who care for others, police officers, all must go out. If you can’t drive then you walk if you are able or the National Guard picks up the mission essential and takes them to work. But if you are able to drive why should you have to resort to other methods?

Because the government said so. They need the streets clear so they can plow. Got it, but government is not usually an essential entity and while snow plows are essential to clearing roads many people are essential to the operation of a company or they are essential to the health care and protective services system.

We all can’t just take the day off because Comrade Mayor says to stay home.

Hey, for those who can telework or otherwise work from home then it makes sense. Unfortunately, not all jobs allow that luxury.

This is not to say that if one ventures out in a bad storm for a joy ride or non essential travel and gets stuck that there should be no consequence. They should pay to be pulled out and be fined if they hamper recovery efforts. However, they should be free to decide.

Americans should be ruggedly independent but are increasingly just dependent and that dependence is on government.

The hype by government officials is detrimental to good order. They screamed from mountain tops to stay in because of the historic storm. Now that it fizzled out people are less likely to heed warnings in the future. The mayor who cried wolf has seen to that.

People, use common sense and if you can stay in then do so. If you must travel then do so carefully and at your own risk.

But maybe there is an upside. Perhaps in a city that never sleeps people finally got some shut eye…

Washington Times
New York Post

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


De Blasio And Sharpton Are Not To Blame

A lot of finger pointing is going on right now over the murder of two New York police officers. Many folks point out that Mayor De Blasio and Al Sharpton fueled the flames of discontent and have blood on their hands or are responsible for the murders.

While it is true that these two (among many) are guilty of fanning the flames they are not to blame for the murders. The sole blame lies with the murderer who took it upon himself to pull the trigger.

I know it is common to point fingers and assign blame when these things happen but the reality is the person who actually did the bad thing is the one responsible. The liberals are very adept at assigning blame when things go badly and this is particularly true with regard to Sharpton and De Blasio. When a nut job shoots up a school these two join many other liberal morons to assign blame to firearms and the Second Amendment and then insist we need more gun control.

Second Amendment supporters rightly point out that responsibility lies with the shooter but the left will harp on more gun control. Even in this case the NAACP is out claiming the murders of the two cops demonstrates the need for more gun control. New York already has terribly strict gun control and it was made even tougher after the Newtown shootings.

Interestingly, Al Sharpton, who is ALWAYS ready to blame someone else, is claiming that he and the others are not to blame for this and that he is receiving threats because of the murders (Al claiming victimhood, say it isn’t so).

While I would not be upset if the reaper visited Sharpton I do not think he is to blame for these murders but I find it funny that when he is the one receiving the blame he immediately dismisses that thought.

Think about how Sharpton works. When a white cop shoots a black person it is societal racism and all cops are bad. The system is rigged. No matter what it is when things in society negatively involve black people Sharpton (the NAACP and other race organizations as well as the liberal overlords) blame everyone and everything else for the problem.

The murder of these two New York police officers was the act of one person. It matters not what influenced him or why he did it the fact remains HE alone is responsible for doing it.

The sad thing is these murders could very well result in more police involved shootings. Think about it for a moment. The cops in New York and around the country are going to be even more vigilant. They will be on high alert and will respond even more quickly to perceived threats. Any item in a potential threat’s hands will look like a gun or other weapon and the cops will shoot first and ask questions later. How many people will get shot by police simply because they did not want to take a chance, in light of this incident, that the person with whom they interacted was a crazed cop killer?

How many people who might have a legitimate beef with the police and their tactics will be dismissed because of the acts of this lone gunman? People have a right to protest (so long as they are peaceful and do not infringe on the rights of others) but how many of these people will be dismissed, harassed or associated with the cop killer simply because of this one person who murdered cops?

There are about 40,000 police officers in New York City. It is likely they will close ranks and go into protective mode so as to avoid more of these incidents by crazed people.

There are certainly bad cops and they need to be rooted out. Part of the problem is that the good cops remain silent and the legal system is set up to protect its own so it is very difficult to get rid of those who should not be cops. The act of this lone gunman however, will put this issue on a back burner and the focus will be on the cops who are now victims in the issue.

There are very few instances where citizens should shoot police officers (sorry but cops are not the absolute good in the world and people have rights they are allowed to protect) but those cases would be rare (though not as rare as they should be) and the absolute reality is murder is wrong no matter who does it (cop or civilian alike).

Al Sharpton and Bill de Blasio are terrible people but they did not pull the trigger. Neither is fit to lead and no one should pay attention to them but they did not murder those cops.

Keep that in mind when there are discussions on gun control following a school or other shooting. The only one responsible is the shooter.

Ironically, the person who murdered those cops did so to avenge the deaths of two minorities at the hands of the police and in so doing he murdered two people who were minorities.

As an aside, gun control does not work and this was shown once again with the murders of these officers. New York has strict gun laws and the person who shot the cops should not have had a gun, but he did because criminals will always get guns.

Perhaps if the police unions and appointed police officials did not support gun control there would be a hell of a lot more armed good guys on the streets to help ensure safety (more good guys with guns is a force multiplier).

Al Sharpton is a reprehensible person and he is quick to blame everyone for problems. Michael Brown was a thug who robbed a store and attacked a cop but to Sharpton it was the system and the racist cops who are to blame. No, Brown is solely responsible for what happened to him just as the shooter of the cops is the person solely responsible for that crime.

De Blasio is equally reprehensible and his disdain for the police is not appropriate for someone who is supposed to be a leader (New York deserves who it elected though) but he did not commit the crime. He will be the first to blame others when things go badly but that is what separates most in society from his ilk.

It is called responsibility. These folks have none and they don’t expect it in others.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


De Blasio; Socialist Royalty

Have you ever missed a flight because you were running late? Have you ever asked the counter to call ahead and ask them not to shut the door because you were on your way only to find your flight being pushed away when you arrive at the gate?

If you are Socialist Mayor of New York Bill De Blasio you don’t have to worry about such things because you can have your security folks call the airlines and hold the plane for you.

Notoriously late Mayor Bill de Blasio kept more than 100 people waiting at the gate to board a JetBlue flight from JFK Airport to Puerto Rico last month because he was running late and had the plane held for him, DNAinfo New York has learned. DNA Info

The people who made it on time were not only held up but they were not allowed to board the plane until the Socialist royalty arrived and his security folks could do a sweep of the plane. Why do they need to do that? Are not the plane and the airport supposed to be secure? We spend billions of dollars for security so why does his detail need to clear the plane?

Why is it this guy is entitled to special treatment? The airline reportedly stated that they sometimes hold aircraft for dignitaries as a courtesy.

In other words, you peons need to get to the airport extra early so some TSA goon can feel you up and rummage through your undershorts while De Blasio and other special folks arrive at their own leisure and if they happen to be late you can just wait a little longer while your betters are taken care of.

The airline should have boarded the passengers who were responsible enough to get there on time and if the mayor was not there when the doors closed he could be rescheduled for another flight.

Do you suppose Billy boy would allow you to call court and tell them to hold the docket up until you arrived because you were running late?

I think we all know the answer to that. Rules and being responsible are for the serfs in society. Our overlords are not responsible and they certainly do not follow the rules.

New York deserves this puke.

The airline deserves to be fined.

The passengers who were inconvenienced deserve a refund…

Or free drinks!

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


New York Mayor Above The Law?

It is not a stretch to say that most politicians consider themselves above the law. They either ignore the law or pass laws that exempt themselves so that they can do as they please while keeping the public under their collective thumbs.

New York’s new Mayor is no exception and he is probably an even better example because he is a Socialist and Socialist leaders live in luxury and in violation of the rule of law while the peasants live as they are told unless, of course, they want to face harsh penalties.

New York City voted for Bill de Blasio so they are getting what they deserve. I don’t really care if their trash does not get picked up or their snow does not get plowed because they are getting the incompetence they voted for. People get the government they deserve and if they voted for him they are getting just that, what they deserve.

De Blasio is upset at the number of traffic fatalities and he thinks they can be reduced to zero. He wants to lower the speed limit in many areas to 25 mph and increase fines for people who break traffic laws. Now most traffic laws are forms of taxation (or taxation by citation as I call it) so this is another scheme for New York to fleece people under the guise of protecting the people.

But De Blasio does not live under the same rules he wants for others. The day after he announced his new traffic safety initiative his vehicle was recorded breaking a number of traffic laws including speeding (greater than 15 mph over posted), failing to stop at stop signs and changing lanes without signaling.

The Mayor’s office referred the issue to the police because members of New York’s finest are his drivers. He has police officers driving and protecting him. Are mayors really that important that they need armed police officers to protect them? Hell, liberal politicians fight for gun control and they tell us that gun control makes us safer. Given New York’s tough gun laws one would think hizzoner would not need protection.

[note]As an aside, I wonder if those vehicles with the protective detail had more than the lawful number of bullets in their pistol magazines and if they had any of those scary black guns that politicians say we don’t need.[/note]

I personally believe very few politicians should receive taxpayer provided protection. Governors and mayors and all the other local politicians should live like the rest of us.

The news article goes on to point out that officials assure us that the police officers receive special training in how to drive as part of a protective posture. I guess that means when they run a stop sign and kill your family they were trained to do so. Or perhaps when they are speeding through a neighborhood and splatter someone’s child all over they did so as trained professionals.

[note]Flashback to trained NJ executive detail driver: “Fuentes said the governor’s executive protection unit is trained to move through traffic by increasing their speed and activating flashing lights when necessary. Trooper speeding revealed in Corzine crash. They were speeding to an important event. Don Imus meeting with the basketball team he insulted.[/note]

Your life and what you do matters little to these elitist pigs. If you or your child is killed because of their recklessness then it is a sacrifice that is worth it to advance the cause and ensure the elites live on to do their great work on behalf of you unworthy subjects.

How about they strip the protective detail and make De Blasio live under the same rule regarding firearms for protection the rest of New York must live under? How about they take away his vehicles (except for one) and require him to take the subway around New York so he can be at the level of the morons who put him in office.

Little will come of this because the people who voted for De Blasio have little knowledge of freedom or what Socialism is. They will think all is OK because hizzoner is an important man who can’t be bothered by silly things like the traffic laws.

At least not following them. He is quite interested in them when he can use them to fleece people of their hard earned money.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
