Cultural Cleansing; Liberals the New Nazis

And there are a few Republicans who claim to be conservative right along with them.

The time leading up to and during World War II Adolph Hitler engaged in a cultural cleansing. This was in addition to the ethnic cleansing that involved ridding society of undesirable people. These folks were mostly Jewish but there were also Christians, the mentally ill and homosexuals who were sent to concentration camps only to be forced into labor and then exterminated. ISIS is involved in cultural cleansing so if Nazi offends you then the liberals can be the western ISIS…

[note]Interestingly, Hitler imposed strict gun control prior to his ethnic cleansing. Everyone had to register their firearms and on the form they had to indicate their religion. The Nazis knew who had guns and more importantly, which Jews had guns. The Nazis first disarmed them and once their means to resist was eliminated the Jews were rounded up for extermination, or the final solution…[/note]

It is no secret that liberals in this nation want to disarm all people. They can make claims to the contrary but the reality is their idea of common sense gun laws involves making guns illegal and taking them from everyone. Like Hitler, the liberals want all firearms registered so that the government knows who owns the arms. That makes it much easier to confiscate them. You see, once a law is passed our government will send its own storm troopers to take our arms by force.

Once they have taken our means to resist we are at their mercy. They know this. They know that the only way dictators and oppressive governments are successful is when the people are disarmed and ruled with iron fists. Those in office who want to take our arms (it starts with common sense and works to disarming) are no different than the tyrants who have murdered millions of people throughout history.

Hitler’s cultural cleansing campaign was against degenerative art which he believed would cleanse the psyche of the German people. Cleanse them and it is easier to turn them against the undesirable people. Subjugate them and they are too afraid to say anything about what is going on even if they disagree.

Once a culture has been beaten into submission it is easy to do what you desire to the people because they lose the will to resist.

We are at a point of cultural cleansing in our nation. The shooting of nine black people at a church in South Carolina by a racist moron has renewed the fight to remove the Confederate Battle Flag from all aspects of our culture. People decry it as a symbol of hate and intolerance rather than a symbol of times past, a piece of history. The cultural cleansing started as a call for the removal of the flag in South Carolina and rapidly moved to calls for the removal across all states that have that flag flying. This cultural cleansing is a renewal of the same calls for that flag to be removed we see every time a presidential election approaches. Liberals love to use the flag to call Republicans racist and garner votes. As an aside, when Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter used the flag as part of their campaign items liberals supported them.

This time the shooting provided a perfect opportunity for the cleansers to push once again. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

The cultural cleansing has moved from flags to monuments as many politicians are calling for the removal of statues and monuments to the people who fought for the Confederacy. Some businesses like Wal Mart and Amazon have removed all confederate flag items from their shelves and will no longer sell those things.

It has now morphed into suggestions that military posts named after Confederate Generals be renamed. Are you fricking kidding me? Have we devolved into such pussified wimps that the names of military posts offend us?

[note]What about the monuments and statues that honor the union soldiers. Suppose people find those to be hateful because the north used aggression on the south? If anyone can be offended and have something removed how far will we go?[/note]

This is all part of the Alinsky plan. The liberal left and some of its allies on the right are working to disrupt our society and to change it into the Socialist Utopia they have always dreamed of. They take these kinds of issues, redefine the narrative and then pit people against each other over contrived issues so that we are constantly in disarray as they continue to creep into our lives and take over everything we do.

This cultural cleansing is designed to redefine our nation and to piss off a bunch of people who had nothing to do with what happened over 150 years ago.

Be careful folks because as you destroy part our nation’s history and demand things be changed or removed the same thing can happen to other items of our nation’s history that you find no fault with. This is how they pit people against each other and it is working.

Incidentally, Congress is looking to take up the gun control issue again. It is well known by thinking people that none of the gun control measures they are looking to enact (or any for that matter) would have stopped what happened in that church. It was illegal to take a gun there, the gun was illegally obtained for the shooter and it is absolutely illegal to murder people but these did not stop the shooter. Criminals do not obey the law. Gun control is not about guns it is about control.

Hitler knew it and our government knows it.

And once their “common sense” measures fail they will tell us that only a complete ban and confiscation will work. This is their end game.

They are looking for more gun control (and eventual confiscation) and they are engaged in cultural cleansing. How long before the cleansing of the undesirables begins?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


School Shootings Happen Because Of Gun Control

gun controlBefore I get to the main topic of this post let me start off by saying how heartbroken I am that so many people, particularly children, were murdered. It is beyond me how someone can be so evil and have such little regard for life. I will never understand why or how a person could harm children. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends affected by this senseless act of violence.

I knew it would not be long before the left started screaming about more gun control in light of the shootings today in Connecticut. The left does not like to let a crisis go to waste and by watching the reaction today it is easy to see they are in that mode right now. Micheal Moore says we need to take the guns away. Mayor Bloomberg says the same thing and the Baltimore Sun editorial says that maybe this will prompt Obama and the Democrats to get serious about gun control.

The Washington Post says that if roads were crumbling and drivers being killed we would act to repair the roads but with guns we do not fix the problem. The Post’s idea of fixing the problem is to ban guns. Yes, they want to punish everyone who had absolutely nothing to do with the shooting by taking away their guns. But the guns are not the problem. You see, in order to apply the same logic the Post uses to cure guns to its roads analogy we would not repair the roads, we would ban driving.

The absence of guns will not prevent guns from being used to murder nor will it keep people from being injured, even in schools. In China the people are not allowed to own guns and millions are murdered by them each year at the hands of their government, the only people who have the guns. And on this day we are shocked to see 20 children murdered with a gun a person in China went into a school and cut up a bunch of people with a knife.

You see, evil exists in this world and there is no way to prevent evil people from doing evil things. Gun control will not now or ever stop people who desire to obtain and use a gun from doing so. Criminals use guns all the time. look how easily criminals sneak people and drugs into this country and you can see how easy it is to sneak guns in. In fact, our government sneaked a bunch of them into Mexico and over 300 Mexicans were murdered with them. Certain drugs are illegal in this country and yet people use them everyday.

In other words, criminals do not obey the law and as long as there is a market for something it will be provided by enterprising people. Prohibition did not stop people from drinking and it did not stop the criminal element from getting the booze into the country. The fact of the matter is that you simply cannot stop people from doing what they want to do by passing a law.

In fact, gun control was in full effect at the school. It is a violation of federal law to have a gun at a school:

Title 18 U.S.C. §922(q) known as “The Federal Gun Free School Zones Act” is a federal law, currently in effect, which makes it illegal for an armed citizen to be within a “school zone” as defined by Title 18 U.S.C. §921(25). These “school zones” include, but are not limited to any public parks, fairgrounds, sidewalks, roads, and highways which are within 1000 feet of the property line of any public or private elementary, middle, or high school in our nation. Source

So tell me, if gun control works (laws banning guns) and guns are banned at schools, how did this guy walk into a school with a gun and shoot people? Clearly the point I made about criminals not obeying the law was demonstrated. This guy did not obey the law and even if the ban was for the entire country and all guns were banned he would still find a way to get one or he would have murdered people by some other means.

Laws and signs do not stop people from committing crimes. We have speed limits and people drive too fast. We have laws against drinking and driving and people drink and drive. We have laws against abusing children or having sex with minors and yet people still do that. If people obeyed the law then all we would have to do is pass laws. We would not need the police to enforce the laws or judges to preside over cases involving alleged lawbreaking because people would be obeying the law. The reality is that bad people do not obey the law and with regard to guns these bad people prey on those who are not allowed to have guns.

[note]The theater in Colorado where people were murdered had signs that made it clear firearms were NOT allowed on the premises. How come the shooter took a gun in when he was not allowed?[/note]

Does anyone think a criminal really cares if it is illegal for him to carry or use a gun? Obviously the guy who committed the murders today did not care because he entered a gun free school zone with a gun.

In Israel the teachers are armed in order to protect the students. How many would be criminals would think twice before attacking a school if it was well known that teachers (or others) were armed. Gun free school zones are open invitations to evil people. It is an advertisement that says “hey, there are no guns here so if you want to cause mayhem come on in.”

If guns are so dangerous how come there are never mass shootings at gun shows? In fact, does anyone think a criminal would try to rob a gun show or commit mass murder at one? Why do you suppose that is?

I suspect there will be renewed calls for more gun control despite the fact that these murders took place in an area governed by federal gun control. The left will not let the crisis go to waste.

Loss of life is tragic and the loss of the lives of children is particularly so but the sad truth is that evil exists and punishing every gun owner for something they did not do will not stop these kinds of things.

We do not allow guns in schools so criminals bring guns in.

More importantly, we do not allow God in schools so evil walks in to fill the void.

May God bless the souls of those children who were murdered and may he comfort the families of those who lost loved ones and of those left behind, forever scarred by senseless violence.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Obama Is A Failure

Barack Obama has a high opinion of himself. So high, in fact, that he boasts he can do other people’s jobs better than they can.a He does not need to attend his intelligence briefings because is so smart he can read the summary. I don’t know if he can do anyone else’s job better than they can but I do know he can’t do his own very well.

Obama has been dismal with our economy and we are absolutely not better of today than we were when he took office.

And the economy is not the major failure. As it turns out, a lot of our embassies are under attack. A US Ambassador has been murdered as have at least three other people. The violence has spread to a number of countries as the Muslim world attacks our embassies and burns our flag. They then replace our flag with the flag for al-Qaeda.

Barack Obama said the world would be a happy place when he was elected. He told us the relations between us and Muslim countries would improve. He foolishly believed that he is so wonderful that they would never do bad things.

He even went so far as to meddle in their affairs and help change their governments. This helped the Muslim Brotherhood take charge and things have gotten much worse. The fact that he has members of the Muslim Brotherhood in our White House is not any better.

Muslims are attacking us. This is an act of war because they are attacking US soil. Obama’s response to the violence was to jet off to Vegas for a fundraiser. While the bodies of our murdered countrymen were being flown home (after being dragged though the streets) Barack Obama was out raising money to get reelected in a town he said people could not just go off to and spend money.

The media wing of the Democrat party has given him a pass and focused on his challenger, Mitt Romney. Evidently, when Romney spoke on the attacks and the US official response of apology it upset the MSM that their messiah was under attack. Maybe they were upset because Romney looked more presidential than the guy who is supposed to be the president.

Barack Obama has been an absolute failure and he will go down as the worst president in history, a distinction Jimmy Carter currently holds. Under Carter, one US Embassy was attacked. Under Obama we have dozens being attacked and this is destabilizing the Middle East.

Is this the October surprise coming early. Is this how Obama thinks he can win? Will WWIII start and will Obama tell us we can’t change leaders during that kind of crisis?

I would not put anything past Obama and his regime. They are a bunch of lowlife Socialists who hate America. They are determined to destroy us from within.

My answer is hell yes, we can change leaders during any kind of crisis. This is how our government is set up and how it works. Reagan took over from Carter during the Iranian hostage crisis and solved the problem. LBJ took over after Kennedy was assassinated and the transition was smooth.

What will not be smooth is the balance of our nation’s history if we reelect Barack Obama. He has failed us. He has apologized around the world and has demonstrated weakness allowing the people who hate us to be emboldened.

Say what you will about George W Bush but no one attacked us or our embassies after 9/11 when it became clear he would hurt anyone who tried. The Muslims did not think America would retaliate with such ferocity after 9/11 and Bush proved them wrong. They knew he meant it when he threatened to retaliate for any attack and they did not attack.

Obama runs around kissing people’s behinds and apologizing for this nation. He is not a leader, he is not the smartest person in the room (in fact he is the dumbest in any room he enters) and he cannot lead.

The nation and the world are in crisis and we need to take a page out of Rahm’s book and not let this crisis go to waste. It should be used to demonstrate how weak Obama is and how poor he is leading us.

It needs to be a rally cry to get rid of him in November.

If I were president we would recall ALL our diplomats and close all our embassies and we would not send money to any of those countries for any reason. We would then plan and execute strikes on those responsible and remove them from the gene pool. We would never send money to those nations again.

I am tired of taxpayer dollars going to nations that only want to hurt us and who are willing accomplices in the murder of our people and destruction of our property.

They declared war and I would give them one that those who survived would never forget.

Kill them all and let Allah sort them out.

Obama is a failure. As a game show used to say, you are the weakest link; goodbye.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Could We Have Another Crisis Please?

The Democrats “lead” by reacting to a crisis and if there is no crisis they create one. This allows them to “Never let a crisis go to waste.” This is how they are able to push things through and wage an all out assault on the American people. This is also what Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison wants. He said that they need a crisis at Christmas in order to push the Republicans in the direction the Democrats want with regard to the tax rate extension.

Ellison wants this crisis so that Republicans will be forced to react and avoid hurting people at Christmas. Keep in mind that Ellison does not care one bit about Christmas or the people who celebrate it. He is a Muslim and they do not care about Christians or their holidays.

Ellison is only concerned with bringing Socialism to this country (and of course, Sharia Law). He calls for this when he discusses how the rich should pay more and that they are getting so much money from this latest deal. This is all BS. No one is getting any more money. They are paying the exact same rates they have been for the last decade or so. No one’s taxes are going down because NO TAXES WERE CUT. In fact, the very wealthy will have a tax increase as the estate tax goes to 35%. This is a tax on people who pass on more than $5 million when they, pass on. The taxpayers get raped twice (and often more than that) by government, at least once when it is earned and then it is taxed when it is passed on. This is nothing more than the public being raped.

This is done for what purpose? It is done to give more money to the government. Keep in mind that this money is not the government’s. NONE OF IT IS. It is all our money and some of it is confiscated under threat of force by our government. It is theft made legal by government.

Ellison wants a crisis at Christmas to force Republicans to do what he and his Socialist pals in Congress want.

I have news for you Keith, keep screwing around and you guys will get a crisis that you will not like.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The New Crisis, Financial Reform

The Obama Regime is looking to pass financial reform to try to regulate the financial industry after the collapse of our system, a collapse that was the result, in part, of government regulations over the financial industry. The new rules will create a perpetual bailout system for financial entities deemed too big to fail. These organizations already knew they would be bailed out because they are in the pockets of the politicians. They get to be risky with their money and if it pays off they earn lots of money and if they lose we get stuck with the bill.

The SEC completed a 9 month investigation into Goldman Sachs and determined that the Wall Street giant engaged in deceptive practices. The announcement came just as Obama was pitching his new crisis that could only be resolved with government reform. This is not a coincidence. The announcement was timed to help Obama with the legislation.

Interesting thing though. Obama received almost 1 million dollars from Goldman. The big questions is, will he give it back?

I doubt he will and there is a reason. Goldman Sachs (as well as other Wall Street businesses) stand to actually benefit from the legislation that has been introduced. It is not beyond the realm that they are actually involved in getting it passed because they will benefit from it. Chris Dodd has his hands all over this and he has been such a sleazy friend of the financial industry that his corrupt dealings cost him his Senate seat. He will not run because his constituents are on to how corrupt he is.

This is another overreach by the government. It controls a large part of the country and it wants to control more. Reform is needed just like it was in health care but the Obama idea of reform is to completely takeover an idustry.

We need to stop the madness and we can do that in November.

New York Post

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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