Joe Biden Is A Coward

Biden likes to talk tough. He said that if he were in high school he would take Trump behind the bleachers (to beat him up). He asked a person questioning his Second Amendment position if he wanted to go out back. He challenged an old overweight guy to a push up contest and he loves to tell his story about Corn Pop who was a bad dude and had some bad boys that Biden allegedly stood up to over a bathing cap or some blah blah stuff.

Turns out when you have secret service agents protecting you around the clock you can make threats and act tough because you really never have to back up your mouth with actions. If Biden actually fought with Trump, MAGA-laDon would stomp a mud puddle in Biden’s rear end and then walk it dry. You could swing and miss and he would fall like a ton of bricks.

When the time came to actually be tough Biden turned out to be a coward, a pussy, a yellow belly, a spineless jellyfish and any other word that means coward you can think of. He got punked and became subservient to a bunch of sand dwelling 7th Century goat humpers. Biden is in the easiest position in the world to live up to his bravado. He could make all the threats he wants to the Taliban because he does not have to actually carry out the actions himself. He can send people who are actually brave, our military, in and they will carry out his threats.

Circleback Psaki briefed us today and in her attempt to make “tough guy” Biden seem like he is doing the right thing she said well, the Taliban is in charge in Afghanistan. Well duh Jenn. Who the hell let them get in charge? That demented coward you are covering for. Oh but Joe Bien has so many tough choices to make.

The toughest choice Biden makes each day is what flavor Jello he wants after Dr. Jill “Ratched” Biden feeds him his lunch.

XidenWhat? You picking on her? Yes. She foisted this demented moron on us. The Dem Commies all want us to think Biden was perfectly with it when he ran for and took (literally) office. That way when they run him out they can say he developed dementia. No, it does not come on that quickly. They knew all along he was a few pancakes short of a stack but they needed him to get back into power.

His wife was part of this and her actions are nothing less than elderly abuse. She is upset because someone at Fox pointed it out and she wants an apology. Really Jill? America wants an apology from you for pushing that demented husband of yours on us and allowing him to ruin the nation.

So here we have alleged tough guy Joe who needs a bib to eat and a regular Depends change (“my butt’s been wiped“) who bowed down to the Taliban and is allowing them to crow and claim victory while he bends over and allows the Taliban to give us the collective shaft. Rumor has it that Jill talked Joe into keeping the 31 August deadline to have everyone out of Afghanistan. The tough guy is letting his caretaker tell him what to do.

Biden is a worthless stain on the history of our great country and every person who worked to put this fraud in office via a rigged election is also to blame. If the terrorists infiltrate us and harm you or yours blame Joe and look in the mirror.

Just don’t beg Joe to help you. He is too busy hiding in the basement, in a fetal position, sucking his thumb and dreaming of bad dude Corn Pop.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


To Be The Chicken Or The Swine

Looks like a chicken is calling his opponents swine. Hollywood director James Cameron previously challenged three global warming deniers to a debate about the subject and all was set after the childish demands of Cameron were met. Then, at the urging of many climate change devotees, Cameron changed his mind and called off the debate. The debate was called off while one of his opponents was in the air on his way to the event.

Cameron’s friends were worried about how he might perform and that he might get throttled in the debate so he turned into a chicken and decided against debating Andrew Breitbart, Marc Morano and Ann McElhinney.

Cameron was full of bluster and after he demonstrated what a coward he is he still had time to refer to those who are skeptical about global warming as swine.

After ducking debate, James Cameron boldly slammed global warming skeptics as “swine” on the day he was supposed to be debating them. “I think they’re swine” Cameron told a friendly audience at the AREDAY summit. Climate Depot

His opponents might be swine, at least in Cameron’s feeble mind, but they were not the ones who acted cowardly in this issue. They did not cancel the debate and though Cameron can refer to them as swine, he was certainly the chicken in all of this.

I would rather be the swine than the chicken.

Cameron has this way of running his mouth and talking like a tough guy until he is challenged and then he pulls his head into his shell and hides like a sissy. Or perhaps he places his head where he swears global warming deniers keep theirs.

In any event, Cameron once said he would like to have a shootout with global warming deniers.

I want to call those deniers out into the street at high noon and shoot it out with those boneheads. Climate Depot

I am more than willing to have an old fashioned shootout with Cameron if he would like to do that. We can either do the wild west type where we draw or we can have a real all around town shootout, whichever he prefers.

In either case I will end his miserable existence pretty quickly.

But if Cameron agrees to the shootout (and keep in mind, he said he wanted it and I am only obliging) then he absolutely cannot cancel the event. If this loud mouth puke wants a real shootout then he needs to put up or shut up. If he accepts and then backs out like he did with the global warming debate he will force me to hunt him down.

So he should choose is words wisely.

Oh wait. If he could do that he would not have made the gun battle statement and he would never have challenged people to a debate.

I love when cowardly liberal/progressives talk tough and then get called on it. It is fun to watch them slink along and cower in fear when they are actually have their bluff called.

Maybe we can have cameras there and they can catch Cameron’s last breaths. It would be fitting that his last work would be him eating his words.

And dying of something close to lead poisoning…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Welcome To The New Amerika, Chicago Style

It is well known that the Democrats and the ruling elite in this country desire Socialism and Communism for this great nation. In case you have not figured it out, this is what Obama meant when he talked about “fundamentally transforming” the United States. They are transforming it but they have hit a few bumps along the way.

One would think the Constitution would be a bump for them but it is not. They ignore it when it does not fit their agenda and act like they are the Founding Fathers when they can use it to get what they want. Case in point, Barack Obama said the Constitution was limiting and a set of negative liberties. He did not like the limitations placed on government. However, when he is discussing his pals putting a Mosque in New York he acts like he wrote the thing.

Obama brought Chicago style politics to DC and inspired his followers to intimidate voters as if they were in some third world country. He has even inspired Representative Melissa Bean of Illinois’ 8th Congressional District. We all know what troubles the Democrats had last August when they held Town Hall meetings. This is why they are holding so few of them this year. It is also why they are avoiding discussing Obamacare like the plague (and on direction from the White House). Bean had a huge thug at her latest event and that thug went around the room intimidating people. If people asked questions and were told to wait but continued then the thug was over them snarling and giving them a threatening look.

Here is the video:

It is important to keep in mind that Democrats also had SEIU thugs at last year’s Town Hall events and those thugs assaulted constituents. It is also important to note that the acts of violence at these things have come from the Democrats. No one on the right has started fights though some have defended themselves, and rightly so. I think there would have been a fight if I had been at Bean’s event. I think that 40 people at an event can be inspired to mob a threat and stomp it into goo.

This is what Amerika has become. Just like the Soviet Union of old and its tactics of intimidation, the Obama Socialist Party is determined to control the people by any means necessary.

If any of the Democrats out there actually have the courage to have Town Hall meetings then we can expect there will be more of these goons to control the people.

Don’t be intimidated by these people. If we let them control us we have lost and they know it.

Of course I would not be surprised if more of these thugs are on hand at the polling places in November. Remember, they will not be prosecuted for intimidating you so do what you have to in order to minimize the threat.

If you have to, make them a good Democrat…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Don’t Be Fooled, Kucinich Is A Coward

At Dennis Kucinich’s reelection website the tag line is; “Dennis Kucinich America’s Most Courageous Congressman.” This is certainly a bit of hyperbole but for the most part Kucinich stuck to his guns with regard to what he believed. He did not waiver from his positions even those involving aliens (the kind from outer space).

Kucinich gave every indication that he was going to continue that pattern with regard to the health care takeover. As recently as two weeks ago Kucinich said that there was no way he could vote for this bill because it did not contain the public option. Kucinich is a big government Socialist type and he wants government to run health care, something he defines as a civil right.

Kucinich was wooed by Barack Obama with a ride on Air Force One and was then chastised by Obama at a rally in Ohio. When Kucinich returned from the event he would not talk about his position on health care, you know, the thing he could not vote for.

Today at 10 am Kucinich showed that he is far from the most courageous Congressman when he held a press conference to report that he would now vote yes for the bill, a bill he described as flawed and one that he was not satisfied with.

When he explained how he arrived at the decision he said he talked to Obama, Pelosi, his wife and a few friends. He then decided to vote yes. At no time did he say that he discussed it with any of his constituents or that he had taken their desires into account. This is because he does not care what they want. He is not courageous, he is a coward.

Kucinich needs to remove that line from his website and replace it with; “Dennis Kucinich Another Political Whore.”

There is no word about what Kucinich got for his vote. It could have been a Lewinsky from Obama or 30 pieces of silver but my gut feeling is that he got the public option sneaked into the bill.

I wrote about it last night and I am sure that Kucinich was paid off with what he wanted in the bill.

It will be fun to watch it get removed during reconciliation. The public option is not a budget item.

The Democrats are destroying our country with their blatant disregard for the Constitution.

We need to make sure they pay for this in November.

Big Dog


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A Truly Moronic Liberal

El Capitan over at the Baboon Pirates blog has an article about a recent school shooting incident. The following is from a math teacher at Brockton High School. It was published at

I am a math teacher at Brockton High School, the site of a school shooting earlier this month.

Current school security procedures lock down school populations in the event of armed assault. Some advocate abandoning this practice as it holds everyone in place, allowing a shooter easily to find victims.

An alternative to lockdown is immediate exodus via announcement. Although this removes potential hostages and makes it nearly impossible for the shooter to acquire preselected targets, it unfairly rewards resourceful children who move to safety off-site more shrewdly and efficiently than others.

Schools should level playing fields, not intrinsically reward those more resourceful. A level barrel is fair to all fish.

Some propose overturning laws that made schools gun-free zones even for teachers who may be licensed to securely carry concealed firearms elsewhere. They argue that barring licensed-carry only ensures a defenseless, target-rich environment.

But as a progressive, I would sooner lay my child to rest than succumb to the belief that the use of a gun for self-defense is somehow not in itself a gun crime.

[emphasis mine]

Two things here. The first is that only a true moron would rather bury his children (or any loved one) rather than defend them. This kind of person, one who will not defend himself of his family, by any means necessary, is the lowest form of life. It is the kind of person who stands around in times of trouble waiting for someone else to fix the problem. This is the kind of person who is devastated by a Hurricane Katrina and stands knee deep in water, yards from dry land, looking for someone to help.

There is no lower form of man than one who will not defend his children. You can extrapolate a lot from what he said. He could just have easily stated, I would rather watch my wife or daughter get raped rather than shoot the attacker. I would rather see my son get sodomized rather than shoot his attacker.

The term self-defense in and of itself means that it is not a crime regardless of what one uses for defense. All people are entitled to the right of self-defense.

All people except those whose only claim to being a man is the Y chromosome.

The second problem is that this twit is teaching children. Who wants their children taught by such a weak and unmanly person? This is the kind of person who has a lot to do with forming the minds and thoughts of the youth in this country. His article will be seen by many children and he will be asked about it. How will he justify to them the cowardice he demonstrates in the piece?

Will his position encourage impressionable children into believing that even the lives of their loved ones are not worth protecting if one has to use a firearm to do it?

If you are a criminal up in this area you might want to visit this guy’s house. You already know he will not offer resistance no matter what you do.

He would rather bury his children than protect them.

What kind of cowards are we producing these days?

Big Dog


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