From Kool-Aid To Cookies, Obama’s Magic Touch

The Obama Kool-Aid is a potent concoction so strong that about 53% of the country tasted it and sold their souls to the devil in order to follow him down the path of destruction. Barack Obama is a smooth talker who could charm the rattles off a snake but he is inexperienced and his paper thin resume coupled with his Socialist desires spells trouble for the greatest country on Earth. His mantra of Change has been debunked as a myth by the old Clinton retreads he selected for his administration and he will soon break one promise after another. The left will not be happy with him (the right never was) and that is just fine. We need the total chaos of complete Democratic control to wake people up. Add the Socialism and those people will soon realize they are awakening from a nightmare.

Obama is ready to apply change to tackle the economy and he tells us to have no fear because “Help is on the way”. Ronald Reagan once said “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”

So we should all be terrified because Obama is from the government and he is here to help, or so he says. Obama will hit the ground running when he takes office but his ideas on the economy are not new and they will not bring about any kind of rapid recovery. We are in for some dark and dismal days before things get better (and to be fair that would be true no matter who is president). The reality is, Obama brings with him ideas that have been tried unsuccessfully in the past. He will take us back to the days of Carter and double digit inflation. The selection of people who have been around the block more times than the Good Humor man shows us that he is looking to the past for solutions and that is not the “change we need.”

However, there is good economic news for at least one company because of Obama. A cafe in Iowa has been swamped for orders of cookies that Obama said he likes. Evidently, the Obama camp visited Baby Boomers Cafe in Des Moines and it was recently discovered that he (and his kids) like a certain cookie. It is now the Obama Cookie and people are ordering them by the dozens. It seems that the Kool-Aid magic extends to these cookies because they, like Obama, can cure the world. According to co-owner Rodney Maxfield:

“I think everybody just … thought, ‘Oh, great cookie, great president—the world is a happy place. Barack’s going to fix all the problems and if I have a bite of this cookie it’s going to make me feel good.'” Breitbart

The Jim Jones complex is evident. “Everyone just take a bite and you will feel better.” Don’t worry The Messiah and the cookie will make you feel good. There is nothing better than a cookie with a Kool-Aid chaser.

There is no word if the cookie has half white chocolate and half dark chocolate chips…

Big Dog

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