Donald To Get Trumped By Rules Committee?

The GOP is working very hard not to suffer a self inflicted wound but if they repair the damage done the cure will likely fracture the party.

You see, the Republicans do not trust you, the voters, and they set rules so that they can select who they want to run for the presidency. Last cycle they imposed rules that were specifically designed to keep Ron Paul out of the process. Even though they have had four years to change it they have not done so.

If things ended today Donald Trump would be the only candidate, under the Romney rules of four years ago, who qualifies for the nomination.

The rule they wrote to exclude one they did not desire will likely force them to accept one they do not desire.

Here are some excerpts from the linked article. They come from people who will sit on the rules committee. I will translate them so you will know exactly what your task masters are saying:

“I’m not a big fan of the eight-state threshold. I think that’s an artificial number,” said David Wheeler, a rules committee member from South Dakota. “It was designed to prevent Ron Paul delegates — their votes from being counted. I don’t think it’s necessary to do that this year.”

Interpretation: We used this process to deny a candidate and his supporters from having their voices heard because we, your elitist masters, did not want Ron Paul’s delegates to be counted. Your vote means nothing to us.

“We don’t want to give the impression that we are leaning one way or the other in support or trying to hold somebody else back,” said Sandye Kading, the other South Dakota delegate on the rules committee.

Interpretation: We definitely are leaning for anyone but Trump but we don’t want it to look like that so we will play games and tallk about fairness and placate his supporters but we do not favor him and want anyone but him so much so we might all vote Democrat if Trump wins.

“They’ve created these goofy, bogus primaries out of whole cloth,” said Haugland, who argues that conventions are largely irrelevant if the party’s delegates are meant to slavishly follow the results of primaries and caucuses.

Interpretation: We have these primaries and it gives people the idea that their vote matters. We should not be bound by their votes and delegates should be free to vote for whom they want regardless of the outcome of the primary contests. The primaries are bogus because we should have the final say and not have to worry about the results of some sham elections. We know what is best for you.

The news today discussed the Democrat Primary process and their super delegates. They are delegates that are not bound to any election result or candidate. These are used to ensure the party picks the nominee and not a bunch of rube voters.

It appears as if the Republicans have their own process to disenfranchise voters in their party.

If the Republicans change the rules to keep Trump from getting the nomination then all hell will break loose and the party will pretty much be over. Millions of people will sit out the November election and the Democrat will win. We will have a Socialist as our president if this happens.

The party will scream that it is not right and that vows were made to support whomever the nominee ended up being. They will say these things without seeing the irony in what they are doing with their rules change.

But that’s alright. You have no say in the matter now shut up and go vote for whom we tell you.

Just for transparency, I am not a Trump supporter (or anyone else right now). I am listening and watching and I will decide by the time my primary rolls around. Having written that I do not want to see him screwed by the party. If he wins then he should be on the ballot and there should be no rule changes or games played to manipulate the process.

If that happens I see a few possibilities. Trump runs as a third party candidate and the Democrat wins. Millions od disenfranchised Republican voters stay home in protest and the Democrat wins. None of the candidates is deemed worthy so a person who never ran or one who dropped out is selected by the committee. In that case people stay home and the Democrat wins.

Playing games with the rules is what got them in this mess. They changed them to harm Ron Paul and now they want to change them to harm Trump and to avoid a problem of their own making. They had four years to do it but then again, no one knew a guy like Trump would run.

Or take the lead.

Or might actually win.

Now they are scrambling to undo the damage they caused.

And these people want to lead us.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The Tolerant Left

All this week the Democrats have tried to tell us how tolerant they are and that they are the party of inclusion. They portray the Republican party as the party of old white people who are a bunch of racists. The inclusive and diverse Democrats seem to have trouble though including people who are not perceived to be like them. They stereotype people and then say those people are not welcome. A liberal icon points this out:

In fact, Michelle Malkin’s Twitchy site has a bunch of Tweets from the left regarding the prayer at the end of the convention. Look at how the tolerant left treats Archbishop Timothy Cardinal Dolan:

WARNING: This link contains offensive words.

The left, so full of people who just want everyone under the tent.

Of course, this is the party that fought FOR slavery and oppressed blacks for decades. Hell, the left keeps blacks in poverty and on its plantation today…

Cave canem
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


You Go Barack-Ward

A Democrat at the Democrat convention had the typical Uncle Sam hat with buttons on it and one of those buttons was quite interesting. Evidently one can purchase buttons that read; “Once you vote black you never go back. Obama 2012”.

I imagine that this is not viewed as racist by the left but I find it to be so. The implication is that one needs to vote for Obama because he is black. The button does not tell us that Obama did some kind of wonderful job so he should get our votes. No, the button tells us to vote for Obama because he is black and when we vote for a black once we will never do anything other than that. Why is it that Democrats always point out what people look like?

I have some ideas for more accurate and non racist buttons for the Democrats. Some of the buttons might have to be bigger but they make plenty of sizes.

How about:

  • Once you vote for welfare you will never get a job.
  • Once you vote Democrat you will never be free.
  • Once you vote Democrat go vote again (and again).
  • Unless you vote Barack you will be black and blue [Sponsored by SEIU].
  • Once you vote Barack you will never have recovery.
  • Once you smoke crack you will vote for Barack.

I believe that in keeping with the Democrat platform of murdering babies on demand the proper campaign button would be:

Abort Obama

We can do that in November.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Perhaps Democrats Should Try This Nationally

The thing about liberals is that they have so much fun and are free spenders so long as they are spending someone else’s money. They love to make promises about how much they will spend and then they love to demonize rich people and raise everyone’s taxes in order to pay for their promises. They are not so eager to spend their own money but love to spend someone else’s.

This is quite evident at the national level. The liberals keep saying we need to spend more and more and they refuse to cut anything. We are now around 16 TRILLION dollars in debt and liberals want to raise the debt ceiling again. Democrats scream bloody murder and start stomping around like their heads are on fire and their asses are catching when anyone suggests cutting the budget. Liberals do not want smaller, more efficient government because they want more power and to get it they will continue to spend money that the country does not have and they do that because it is not coming out of their pockets.

When it comes to their own situation they are very willing to cut spending. The Democrats will hold their convention in North Carolina this year and they have a fundraising goal of 36.6 million dollars. They have only raised 10 million dollars so they can’t, as yet, afford their convention.

The first thought I had was that this is nothing new. Democrats are famous for spending money they don’t have. Hell, Barack Obama and his Democrats have been doing that since he was immaculated and we are now more than 5 TRILLION dollars deeper in the hole. It appears the only shovel ready project Obama had was the one where he kept digging us deeper in debt.

But an amazing thing happened on the way to Charlotte. Democrats have decided to do what they oppose when they govern and that is to cut items from the spending list. Yep, Democrats have cancelled a convention kick-off event at Charlotte Motor Speedway because they can’t afford it.

The Democrats have decided that they do not have enough of their own money to afford all of their convention events so they are scaling back. This is the exact opposite of what they do when they are spending OUR money. When we are paying for it they keep piling on and adding to the debt.

You can bet your bottom dollar that if the taxpayer was footing the bill this event would take place and they would add other events on top of it.

Like they say, Democrats are always generous with other people’s money.

Perhaps if they applied their convention plan to the national budget they would not have lost in 2010 and they would not be on the verge of being thrown in the ashbin in November.

I would not hold my breath on this one. Democrats live by one phrase:

What’s in your wallet?

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


It’s Time For Constitutional Convention

For many years, our government has been getting increasingly more powerful, and our various liberties have been shrinking, a normal, if deplorable condition. Governments have a natural tendency to grow their power, because it is true that power corrupts- you only have to look at Charlie Rangel to see that. and absolute power corrupts absolutely- that would be the Resident and his czarlets, commisars, and running dog lackeys.

Take this alleged “Healthcare” debate- it is really not about “health” or “care”, but power- power over the citizens that the liberal progressives believe are too ignorant to look after themselves. Citizens that only the Progressives are wise enough, and smart enough to rule. They will force you to do as they wish- a good example is the mandate to buy insurance- if you choose not to buy it, you will be charged an “excise tax” of $1900.00- if you refuse to pay that, you could be sentenced to one year in jail, and a $25,000 fine.

These A**holes are going to use the IRS, already a hated institution, for the additional purpose of extorting money from citizens? That is what it is- Extortion, no matter that it is your government doing the extorting, it is wrong, and illegal. But when has that stopped this administration before? 

These traitors have become expert at avoiding the constitutional requirements or limits that were written into the law, but then they counted on having a complicit Congress aiding this dictator in his takeover of this country. All the Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and just plain old liberals who voted for this POS are sure going to be surprised when their world also turns to mud, and they discover that good old Barry Hussein Obama doesn’t give a rat’s A** about them either. Just gotta love that Change! Everybody can be miserable! Now that’s Democracy!

The sixteenth amendment was created to allow the government to collect taxes, (which at that time were assessed at one percent)- but it also led to the creation of the IRS,and the beginning of the most tortuous legalisms in the world, to the point that even the IRS doesn’t really comprehend its own tax code. Lewis Carroll couldn’t have written Jabberwocky any more incomprehensibly.

And then there is Article one, Section eight of the Constitution, generally known as the interstate commerce clause, and this catchall has been misused and abused more than a single child at a pedophile convention. Everytime a member of Congress wants to ram a law down our throat, and the Constitution stands in his way, he just crafts the language enough to justify the law through this one ambiguous clause in the Constitution- this must change.

It is time for all the states to call for a Constitutional Convention for the narrow purpose of amending these sections of the Constitution, and no more than that.

I am so tired of our Constitution being treated as a Handi- Wipe by those traitors in government who want to “Fundamentally Transform our Country”. I believe our country is the greatest country on Earth, and we do not have to apologize to anyone, nor do we need to remake our country to suit the preconceived ideas or attitudes of any other country.

If we, as individuals, being a part of our respective States, do not act as one, uniting in the call for a Constitutional Convention for the sole purpose of closing these loopholes through which these traitors are destroying our great country, we will not have a country that we recognize, and by taking the easy road of doing nothing, we will have truly gotten the government we deserve.

Freedom, once lost, is rarely regained. Do not allow this opportunity to slip away- our path to continued freedom is fraught with pitfalls, but we must take this path. To take any other is to lose our way, and once we are lost, we may be lost forever.

Is that what you would have for your children’s legacy? Is that how you want them to remember you? That you played it safe, and spent their liberty for your momentary comfort?

That is not only selfish, but cowardly.

And surely you are not that.
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