The Hatred Is Palpable

yoda stupid 2I wrote yesterday about Nicholas Thalasinos who used to write for this blog. He was murdered by one of the terrorists in San Bernardino. Since that time there have been news stories by allegedly reputable outlets that have basically asked his wife if he was asking to be killed because of his anti radical Islam stance. Others in social media blamed Nick for what happened to him and some even suggested he got what he deserved. You know, he was against Islam so he deserved to be murdered.

I have two comments in moderation that will never see the light of day. Yes, all first time comments must be moderated (once you have one approved you can comment without moderation) and this is to ensure that some moron does not post something I don’t want here and have it up before I get a chance to see it.

The two comments in moderation are examples of why I do this. While both comments have a different name and email (both obviously fake) they came from the same IP and they use the same language. No doubt when the first one did not go through the genius thought a second one would.

In any event, these comments blame Nick for his death. The ignorant slob who wrote them said Nick sewed hatred that was not very Christian and did not reflect Christian values and he was a blowhard who insulted Islam. The commenter then went on to say Nick ran his mouth but could not fight when the crazies came for him.

[note]If it were OK to shoot people who say things one does not like there would soon be very few people left around.[/note]

One phrase by the moron who wrote the comments warns me to watch what I say because I will be stirring up trouble (from the religion of feces no doubt) and that I am worthless, a wimp and of no use when trouble strikes.

Yes, that is me alright. Anyone who knows me knows that I served in the Army for 24 years and that I am willing and able to defend my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. You see, my oath has no expiration date and I take it seriously.

The true wimps are those who sit behind their keyboards and attack a dead man who obviously cannot defend himself. The true cowards are those who worry about people attacking because of something someone says.

I believe in the right to speak my mind as I see fit and I don’t really care who gets offended by what I say. If my words offend anyone I suggest they put their big boy or girl pants on and buck up.

I am not certainly not worried that my words will cause anyone to go batcrap crazy. If they do and I end up dead then it is a glorious day to die. But I will endeavor to ensure I take as many with me as I can.

As for the commenter, you suggested that Nick should have talked about love and then no one would have gotten hurt.

You keep right on thinking that cupcake. The real men will stand at the ready to defend you morons when the defecation hits the rotating cooling device.

Nick, you were right about many things brother. The moron commenter shows just how right you were.

As for you anonymous commenter, you are a moron with a low intellect and a unibrow. Ohhhh, I insulted you. Should I be worried…

Go away now, the adults are trying to have a conversation.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bernstein Points out the Obvious about Hillary

I recently received a contact form comment from a person who claimed to be involved heavily in politics. This person made the assertions that he (or she, I don’t know) was well connected and had been around politics for decades. This person took me to task for saying that Hillary Clinton had never really led anything. I said she did not have experience as a leader and that John McCain had more leadership experience. I am not crazy about McCain but regardless, that is the truth. The person told me to read Bernstein’s book “A Woman in Charge” and it would point out Hillary’s past episodes of leading. I was told that Bernstein is not exactly a Hillary lover so it is not like he would lie for her.

It would seem that he does not have to lie for her because she does a good job of lying for herself. A Newsmax article points out the words of Bernstein with regard to Hillary the liar and he says that it has been her history. He states that she has always had trouble telling the truth. Now this is no great revelation to those of us who have not had a drink of the Clinton Kool Aid but there are many out there who think Hillary Clinton is a truthful person.

The article gives several examples of lies as related by Bernstein himself and they depict a pattern that has been a hallmark of the Clintons (all three as it turns out) since they came to public life. So to my commenter who wrote to me in the contact form I only have this to ask of you. You told me to read the book and see what Bernstein had to say about her leadership and now he discusses he problems with the truth (as he did in the book). My question is this:

How do we know she did not lie to him about her experiences and those lies is what he based his assessment of her so called leadership skills?

Hillary is no leader. She is a tyrant who demands absolute loyalty and she crushes those who fail to follow her in such a fashion. Leadership is the ability to gain the willing cooperation of those led. Tyranny causes people to follow out of fear and that is not a willing cooperation.

I don’t think Hillary Clinton could lead a group of people out of a burning building.


Big Dog