Students Across The Country Protest Fee Hikes

Students across the country are protesting hikes in college tuition. The protests have become violent at times as students commit acts of vandalism and clash with police.

Decreased tax revenues and the tough economy have forced some jurisdictions to cut funding to schools and the difference will be made up in increased tuition.

So let’s get this straight, these kids are protesting a hike in fees because schools are not getting enough of our tax dollars to subsidize them. What would these students propose we do, raise taxes? Making us pay more so they do not have to would go over real well.

It is already a problem that taxes pay for higher education when many of the taxpayers are not benefiting from the expenditure.

However, I can understand the sentiment. People across the country are protesting higher taxes and an out of control big government. They are called the Tea Party.

The major differences; Tea Party members do not commit violence or vandalism and they are portrayed as villains by the Lame Stream Media.

Tell these kids to get a part time job or take fewer classes each year. Consider the experience an early start to what life is really like.


Big Dog


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