How Obama Can Give A Good Message To School Kids

Barack Obama will deliver a speech to school children across the country and it is unprecedented. I know a couple of people who claim that George H W Bush did the same thing but this is inaccurate. Bush gave a speech at a school, it was picked up on broadcast media and schools tuned in. Obama is directing his speech to all the schools.

I certainly believe that Obama will give an innocuous speech. There has been too much focus on the issue for him to play politics though the text has yet to be released, so who knows? Obama is forging a path. He gets schools to allow him in, can see what school systems opted out, and can make future requests to give a speech to schools based on the precedent he will establish. Though he will likely tone it down, the teachers will probably use the experience to push favorable attitudes about Obama.

There has already been one change because it proved controversial:

Write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president. These would be collected and redistributed at an appropriate later date by the teacher to make students accountable to their goals.

Write letters to themselves about how they can achieve their short-term and long-term education goals. Teachers would collect and redistribute these at an appropriate later date to enable students to monitor their progress. 

Compiled at National Review Online [all emphasis mine]

The part about what a student can do to help the Dear Leader was just a little too contentious and smacked of politics. The revision is more appropriate for school children. These items came from the Department of Indoctrination Education. The change probably came as more school systems opposed the intrusion by Obama.

I understand those who say Obama is just concerned for the children and wants to encourage them to do well in school. He wants to make sure they have motivation to do well. At least one commenter here has said there is nothing wrong with it.

Perhaps not. But if Obama wants to encourage children to do well in school and to show them that hard work and a good education pay off perhaps he should release his college transcripts. Perhaps he should have every school he attended release his records without redaction so that school children can see what hard work will do. If one wants to encourage school children then it is better to show them the results of hard work rather than preaching to them to do well.

Kids want to see these things for themselves.

So what say Barry, will you release the records from every school you attended in order to inspire the school children?

You libs always say the things you do are for the children. Will you put your money where your mouth is and actually do this?

After all, it is for the children…

Big Dog

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