Let’s Punish The Deniers

Particularly those who deny that classified information went through a home brew server and ended up putting our nation at risk. Or those who deny what actually happened in Benghazi and blame it all on an internet video…

Michael E Kraft, a professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, has penned (really typed) an article advocating that fossil fuel companies be punished for denying climate change. He states that the companies denied what used to be called global warming even though their own studies showed that they were wrong. He likens this effort to the punishment tobacco companies received for denying that tobacco caused illness even though their research showed it did.

[note]The American Medical Association was not punished even though doctors at one time advertised in favor of smoking.[/note]

There is a problem with asserting that anyone is denying established science since the science is not established or settled. The claim that 90 some percent of scientists agree is extremely misleading since a large number of the scientists surveyed were not climate scientists. The reports used were flawed, data were manipulated and some items were omitted in order to present the desired outcome. In this article Kraft claims:

Those who intentionally misled the public about climate change should be held accountable.

Indeed! We should start with the climate change Chicken Littles and punish them severely for misleading the public on this issue. Remember, we should all be burning up right now, at least if they were right with their predictions. Climate change is a way for activists and scientists to get money. Researchers get more to do research and people like Al Gore get rich snookering others.

As for the fossil fuel companies, is there any evidence that their own research showed something different than what they claimed? If this is the case then perhaps they need new research. In reality Kraft discusses advocacy groups paid by fossil fuel companies to produce reports contrary to the alleged established science. So which is it? How can they be saying something different than what their research shows if they are paying for research that gives the result they want?

Kraft says governments are acting but not sufficiently and he cites the Obama regime as one of them. This would be the same Obama who uses many modes of transportation that burn huge quantities of fossil fuels and produces tons of carbon. The same Obama whose family travels the world producing tons of carbon as well.

I digress.

There is no doubt the climate changes. It has been doing that since long before man arrived on the scene and long before the period of fossil fuel use. Carbon levels were much higher long ago than they are now and somehow the planet survived. It is cyclic and influenced by the activity of the sun.

But some folks will do anything to get money.

The climate change fanatics are using the same bullying tactics many other liberal groups use. Identify what they want to be a problem, demand costly change and then attack and threaten those who do not agree. This is what you see when groups yell racist, sexist or any other “ist” to stifle debate.

The climate folks have declared that what they say is true and if you do not agree you should be punished.

I do not agree. Come and get me Mike…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


The UN Climate Tribunal

Don’t be confused tribunal is a fancy word for court. The climate NAZIs want to impose restrictions on wealthy countries in order to redistribute their wealth to poorer nations.

China and India are very happy about the prospect because they will be deemed poor nations even though China holds a TRILLION dollars of US debt and produces 17% more carbon than the US (as if carbon output is really a bad thing).

There is no doubt Barack Obama and John Kerry are trying to do an end run around Congress and put this tribunal in place so they can finally claim a victory in the foreign policy arena.

Though I would not call this a victory they certainly would and after their series of foreign policy disasters they need something to point to and claim a victory.

The idea is for the UN to be able to decide climate change issues and who has to pay.

The UN will force wealthy nations (as if any country with $20 TRILLION in debt and $100 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities can be called wealthy) to pay poorer nations. The UN will decide and we will pay.

According to the proposed draft text of the climate treaty, the tribunal would take up issues such as “climate justice,” “climate finance,” “technology transfers,” and “climate debt.” WND

Keep in mind the taxpayer will fork over money for this.

The UN is a terrible organization and we should kick it out of our country and leave it so we do not have to put up with its terror.

And we should prosecute those in our government who push this on us.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


How Green Are My Fields

Well, Im’ convinced-  not necessarily about man’s role in all that inconvenient Global Cooling, uh, warming, uh- scratch that- Take Two!

Well, I’m convinced that maybe something might sort of , could be, who knows, maybe be some kind of climate change thingie. Seriously- something HAS to be going on, because they are RIGHT- climate is changing. It’s soooooo weird- every three months or so, the climate either gets colder, or it gets hotter. Plus, we have all these gross thunderstorms and stuff, yuck! I sure hope that guy in the Washington – (what is it, a museum? What? A house? Shut Up!) wherever he is, you know, the guy that said no more taxes ever will just stop this yucky weather- I’ve got to go to the mall.

The thing is, one part out of all of the pap the left has spewed about ‘Global” whatever is that there is money to be made on the backs of all of us schlubs out here- just ask Al Gore. You remember him- the guy who ran for president and couldn’t even carry his own state? Well he’s doing just fine, thanks to the left pushing this scam on the American public.

When Al Gore lost the election in 2000, he was worth about 2 million, but thanks to the left pushing his movie like it was crack, and all the speaking engagements, where he is a legend in his own mind, he is now worth approximately 100 million. That’s real money, even if he was to pay half of that to the federal government, which I am sure he will find a way to avoid. If he bought “Carbon Offsets” to subsidize the “footprint” he leaves with all his SUVs, and his Gulfstream aircraft, he would be a lot poorer, but noooo.

He has privately told people he wants to be the first “Carbon” billionaire, which is a feat, for he produces nothing but hot air, so while he might qualify for a tax credit under “alternative” energy guidelines, all this proves is that liberals do not feel as if they have to actually produce anything in order to enrich themselves- just ride the backs of all of us who do actual work.

Carbon taxes, or Cap and Trade, if you wish to use that disingenuous term, are another way to tax the working man and woman without calling it an outright tax, but when it is in full swing, our energy prices will double. Tell me if you are paying too low a price for your energy now- anybody?- No?- I didn’t think so, but wait-


It wouldn’t just affect your at home energy, but every gallon of gasoline, every bit of energy you use at work- really, truly, anything you do would be taxed and MONITORED. Yes, if you turned your thermostat down lower than Barama decrees, well, there will be a penalty tax attached. Like Pavlov’s Dog, they intend to socially engineer us through aversion techniques- if it hurts your wallet bad enough, you will learn to like freezing, or sweating- depending on, of course, the ” climate change.”

You see, we have people now in power that feel that our ( the United States) carbon footprint is too large, so we must shrink it, and they feel that the best way to do that is to make us produce less. This would begin to bring us down to the level of a third- world nation, and make other nations feel better about themselves, but is it really our task to re- do any other nation’s self- image?

Listen, I feel sorry for all the liberals who loathe themselves because they were fortunate enough to be born in the greatest country in the world, but our success is not cause for sorrow, nor have we caused all the problems in the world today. I have no guilt over the Palestinian problem- if they are too stupid to realize that throwing a rock at a tank might get them shot, oh well.

Still, the “greening” of Al Gore we can do without- as we can this onerous tax on energy. When we have a workable plan for alternative energy, fine, I’m all for it, but punishing our society for succeeding when all you liberals want is failure is childish, and worse, incredibly ignorant.

Not that that fault has ever stopped you before.

Big Dog

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