Only Cowards Attack Gravesites

When people die and are buried their graves should be left alone. I would not think I would have to type that but it appears as if there are people in society who think it is perfectly OK to deface graves and markers because they did not like the person or what that person did while alive.

Vandals defaced graves belonging to people buried in the Confederate section of a North Carolina cemetery. These cowards, and make no mistake they are cowards, spray painted “KKK” and “White Supremacist” on headstones of a few high ranking Civil War officials and when they were finished their rampage over $20,000 in damage was done.

The people who did this are low life cowards. They did it under cover of darkness because they do not have the courage of their convictions to do it in broad daylight because then they could get caught and be in trouble. They are cowards.

They certainly do not have the courage that would be required to address this with the person in question had they been around in that era. No, they are cowards.

If one does not like the Confederate Flag or the Confederate soldiers or the Civil War or any of it then fine. It is a free nation and people are free to like or dislike what they want. They do not however, have the right to destroy property. This is the environment we live in today. If people don’t like something they destroy it (Ferguson, Baltimore).

Imagine if people who do not like DC and what goes on there held the same philosophy…

How about we follow a time honored tradition of leaving the dead alone. I know we can attack the dead over policies or how they lived their lives just as we praise the dead for the same. Vandalizing graves and monuments is a bit too much.

I hope they catch whoever did this and put them in jail for a while. Then I hope they get about 1000 hours of community service and they have to wash confederate grave markers and monuments the ENTIRE time.

And they should have to pay the cost to repair the damage they caused. Hell, their community service could be extended until that debt is paid off or we could confiscate all their possessions to make up for the loss.

I don’t like Barack Obama and if I outlive him I would not deface his grave and I would stop anyone I saw doing that. Respecting the burial sites of the dead is part of being in a civilized society.

The animals who defaced the graves in North Carolina should be removed from society for a while, you know, so they have time to think about what they did.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Stop At Removing Images?

The Atlanta Chapter of the NAACP wants all things confederate related gone and they want it now. Mischaracterizing the war of Northern Aggression as a war of racism, hate and white supremacy the leaders along with some politicians want the images of Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson sand blasted off Stone Mountain.

Eliminating all images will not eliminate any racists, white or black (or any other color) from existence and saying otherwise is an example of reductio ad absurdum. These people will still be here. Hell, the generals of the north owned slaves and Lincoln was a racist. Are their images the next to go?

If eliminating these images of alleged white supremacy will make things better than why stop there? The Democrat Party is the party of slavery, Jim Crow, and racism. That party holds blacks on its plantation in bondage to the government so eliminating the Democrat Party would make more sense than eliminating inanimate objects.

We need to rid West Virginia of everything named after Democrat Robert Byrd who was a member of the KKK and a racist. For good measure we need to dig his decaying body up and move it. We need to get rid of any image of LBJ who was a white supremacist. While we are at it let’s dig him up as well…

We need to eliminate the Democrat Party because that is the party that epitomizes racism.

There is no denying that the Democrats fought for slavery and opposed ending it (in general as the Civil War was not about slavery). There is no doubt they opposed all civil rights movements and continue to fight to keep blacks oppressed. They all work hard to pass legislation and enact programs that keep black folks dependent on government.

So if the liberals are really hell bent on ridding us of hateful things they need to go away. They need to take Democrats away with them and if blacks in particular are so concerned with this matter they need to leave the Democrat Party and become part of something that is not continuing to enslave them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


US Has World’s Best Life Expectancy

I know it is hard to believe that the US has the best life expectancy in the world but it does and I will show how in just a moment. First, what is life expectancy?

Life expectancy is a statistical measure of how long a person will live. There are many factors like year of birth, current age, and sex but more developed nations have higher life expectancy (of course the information is only as good as the data provided).

As of 2012 the World Health Organization reports the US ranks 36th out of 193 nations with an overall expectancy of 79.8 years.

This is all wrong and the US is actually number one. No other nation can boast about having as many people alive that are over 112 years of age.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, the United States has 6.5 MILLION people who are older than 112. This is according to the federal government’s own Social Security Administration. The SSA shows that 6.5 MILLION people in this nation are over 112 and a few thousand of the people have dates of birth that are prior to the US Civil War!

These 6.5 million SS numbers are active and being used each and every day for credit cards, purchases, loans, jobs, you name it. How in the name of all that is sacred could the US be 36th in the world when nearly 2% of its population is older than 112?

Now I know what you are thinking. You think that some evil doers have stolen these numbers and are using them illegally. If that is the case why does the government not go after the people using the numbers (or report them as inactive so they can’t be used)? They can track the numbers so they must know where the people using them are located and if they know where they are but have not gone after them then those folks must be using them legally, right?

Otherwise the government would have to admit that it is incapable of running this program and it is rife with fraud. That would unravel this idea that government can do it all and should run all aspects of our lives. They would never admit that, now would they?

I am sure the numbers are being used illegally but since our government has not put an end to this it must feel confident that these people are legit.

And since this has not been corrected the government must report these numbers to the WHO so our life expectancy rate can be corrected to show us the longest living people on the planet.

To do otherwise would admit incompetency and we know government can’t do that if it wants to take over every aspect of our lives.

One final thought. These are the same people who will be running your health care…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Hiding History At The War College

The US Army War College in Pennsylvania has been around for a long time. It teaches high ranking Army officers about military history and they learn battle tactics. It is one of those tickets senior officers get punched to get promoted. I know many officers who have attended and they say it was a valuable experience for them. Any time someone can learn it is good.

So long as the students are learning accurate history.

This is America and we have blemishes because we have a flawed past. We held human beings as slaves and we discriminated against them when they were no longer slaves. We fought a war amongst ourselves and we put Japanese Americans in internment camps solely because they were Japanese.

But as a nation we have learned along the way and we look at those blemishes and try to make today a better day than yesterday. We no longer have slavery and most people think that is a good thing and wonder how we could have ever had such an institution. We look at how Japanese Americans were treated and wonder how our government could have done that and then we realize the government could do it again.

And don’t get started on how Native Americans were treated after we got here and TOOK their land from them.

Through it all we retell those stories and we keep that history as a reminder of a less than perfect past that our nation lived. It teaches us that we were not perfect then and we are not perfect now. We have gotten better and we are still the greatest nation on this planet BUT we are far from perfect.

The Army War College is reportedly considering removing statues and paintings of Confederate Generals. It seems that some folks are upset that we have these things honoring men who fought against this nation. I believe the term was enemies of this nation.

The men who fought in the Civil War for the Confederate states were enemies on the battlefield only. They fought for state’s rights (not slavery though slavery was ONE of the issues concerning state’s rights) and they tried to remove themselves from a union as they were promised they were free to do when they willingly joined the union. That promise was ignored and they became an enemy.

Many of those generals went to West Point and attended classes with the generals of the Union that they would eventually battle in war. They were American citizens (until they seceded) who stood up for what they believed to be right.

No matter what one thinks of them or the war the reality is they are a part of our history and a part of what made this nation what it is today. After the war they were treated badly even though they swore allegiance to the nation and agreed that with the war over they needed to work to reunite the nation.

They are a part of our history and they have a place in it. Some of these men were the finest tacticians of their time and some of their tactics are still used today.

Hiding their pictures or statues in a corner or closet does not change the history of this nation. It only demonstrates a weakness in our military and nation at large. This weakness is the inability to learn from the past and to teach all of our history no matter how painful it is.

I guess we can always honor real men who deserve it instead…..

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Be Prepared, Be Very Prepared

Why do you think the government is purchasing millions of rounds of ammunition? Why are prices going up? Why do they not work to keep energy prices down? Why are they not actually doing anything to solve the economic and unemployment problems?

They need as much civil unrest as possible in order to keep Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) in power so the transformation of America can be completed.

Progressives from both parties want the collapse of America and one world order. They want a single currency and they want to have us under their thumbs. They have been incrementally taking our rights while we sat back and ignored them. Now we happily allow them to grope us before we fly. We allow them to stop us on the streets. We allow them to creep into our personal business.

Soon, very soon, all hell will break loose and they will look to squash us and silence any resistance. They believe they are like the Borg and that resistance is futile.

Metaphorically speaking, there’s a revolution going on in the U.S., propped up by three legs. Economic chaos, chaos through racial division, and chaos through class division, all joined by one core element: Barack Hussein Obama and his stable of unelected czars. Obama is using the lessons learned in 1968 as the template for 2012, and many of those who were active in the late 1960s are now calling the shots for 2012.

“The Obama administration and many of the un-elected ‘czars,’ either directly or indirectly, are engaged in covert activities with the occupy movement, various labor protests, and other subversive activities inside the U.S.,” stated my source. Using untracked campaign funds, they are paying people to infiltrate the various movements to cause physical destruction of property and disrupt commerce. That began last year, but has increased ten-fold already this year,” stated this source. He added that they are using some lower level DHS agents to make the payments under the context of tracking subversives, but they are the unwitting subversives. “It’s like Fast & Furious” but in the social realm,” he added.

“Obama is using some high profile people as pawns to foment the revolution. I heard several times through very credible sources that [Louis] Farrakhan is on the CIA payroll. Other have been named as well, but I’m not prepared to identify them yet. Farrakhan is to coordinate the Blacks and the Muslims to prepare for riots this summer, using any means necessary.” Canada Free Press

Be prepared because the time will come for you to keep you and your family safe and fed. Be prepared because they want you and everyone else to scream for federal and UN intervention.

Why do you think they got a GPS position for every house during the Census? Our folks would know how to find a street but would a foreign soldier acting on behalf of the UN?

Prepare for the worst and pray for the best.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
