The Plame Game

Remember back during the G W Bush Administration when some obscure CIA agent named Valerie Plame had her cover blown by Scooter Libby? Remember all the uproar from the left and the demands that Libby be frog marched in chains for disclosing the fact that Plame was a covert agent?

It matters little that the entire deal was a hit on Libby. It is known that Richard Armitage leaked the info and that the special prosecutor knew it but told him to remain silent about it. It is also true one could call the CIA and ask to be connected to Plame and they would ring you through.

But politics needed to be played and the left was all giddy as it dreamed of Libby in jail for disclosing the identity of a covert operative.

I wonder how these very liberals feel today knowing that Hillary Clinton’s home brew server set up put CIA agents at risk. I wonder if they care that the covers of these folks and the nature of operations might have been compromised as a result of Hillary’s decision to break the law and run a server at home all the while allowing classified information to run through it so prying eyes from around the world could hack into it.

Yes, Hillary might be responsible for this data leak as well but will the liberals hold her accountable? Will a special prosecutor be put into place to indict her on charges of disclosing the secret identities of spies in addition to the other crimes she has committed?

You know better. The left does not care about the law or this nation (unless the laws can be used to go after conservatives). It only cares about power and the toadies who support the left only care about getting “free” stuff.

Hillary could cut the head off a newborn baby and drink its blood and the left would still support her. This little wrinkle will not stop her because the left does not hold its own accountable.

Remember, to these people the ends justify the means so what Hillary did was A-OK.

It would be nice to see her frog marched out of DC and locked away for her crimes but not until Obama is out of office.

We don’t want him to pardon her…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Remember The Uproar When Plame Was “Outed”

Does anyone remember the uproar from the left when Valerie Plame was allegedly outed as a CIA agent? Despite the fact that she was not undercover and the fact that the special prosecutor knew who mentioned her name, the left went bonkers and salivated over the prospect of Bush Administration officials being “frog marched” out of the White House.

Karl Rove was the target even though someone else was known to have “outed” her (but only by the special prosecutor at the time) and the left had wet dreams about him being arrested.

Plame and her husband, Joe Wilson, played the drama for all it was worth and made the Bush Administration out to be bad guys in the affair.

Where is all this outrage now that the Obama Regime has outed a CIA agent to the world? Raymond Davis is being held in Pakistan as a spy after he shot two armed men who were behaving badly. The Obama Regime has told the world that Davis is an employee of the CIA but that he is not involved in intelligence gathering. The Pakistanis think differently and now Davis’ life is going to be more complicated if not very much shorter.

Did the Obama Regime sign Davis’ death warrant?

And where is the outrage? Where are the members of the media and their outrage over outing a CIA agent?

Why are Democrats not up in arms and demanding that people be frog marched from the White House?

Davis’ identity was truly not known, contrary to the issue with Plame and now it looks like he is in even more danger.

The Obama Regime is full of anti American morons.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Democrats Target CIA

The Democrats do not like the CIA especially since that organization showed that Nancy Pelosi lied about her knowledge of water boarding. Maybe if we water board her we can get the truth…

Democrats tried to slip language in a bill that would hamper the efforts of the CIA and make people subject to 15 year jail terms for harsh interrogation. The language was ambiguous and would hamper our intelligence gathering efforts. To their credit, some Democrats came out against the provision which was eventually removed. But this is not likely the end of the effort:

Hoekstra said the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Intelligence chairman Rep. Silvestre Reyes, who “have such a distaste for the rank and file in the CIA,” will “use whatever tools at their disposal to find other ways to make this law.”

Hoekstra said he thinks Pelosi and Reyes, on the same day President Obama held his highly publicized health-care summit, “were hoping nobody would notice,” they were pushing the legislation through, trying to “sneak it through.”

Even several Democratic members, Hoekstra said, told him Thursday night when they realized the interrogation amendment made it into the intelligence bill that they had “no idea why the speaker and Reyes would put this in.” The DC

Maybe now is the time for the operatives in the CIA (the real ones, not the Plame types) the work on sabotaging the reelection efforts of people like Pelosi and Reyes. Perhaps the CIA could come up with convincing evidence of wrong doing or compromising situations that would help voters decide when they vote. Maybe some leaked memos around election time would be helpful especially ones that specifically show Pelosi as a liar.

It seems to me that if Pelosi and her ilk want to destroy the careers of people in the CIA then the agents in that agency have an obligation to return the favor and they certainly have the ability to make life miserable from the shadows.

It would be great to see them engage the enemy within from within.

Big Dog


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It Was Only Just A Dream

Well, the alleged leader of the CIA, Leon “I’ll kiss the feet of the messiah” Panneta, canceled a program idea that had been batted around in the meeting rooms of the spy agency- a possible way by which we could capture or kill Al-Qaida operatives without all that pesky “collateral damage”, and the dems are pissed off that they were not informed.

Informed of what? An idea? dream? Something that never made it out of even the earliest stages of speculation? Why? Why in God’s name should they be informed of everybody’s dream?

This was talk- talk around a table by members of an organization that is specifically tasked to talk about such scenarios, but the members of Congress, who are so leaky that they need Depends on a 24/7 basis, feel left out and outraged that they hadn’t given these people permission to speculate this way.

The plans remained vague and were never carried out, the officials said, and Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director, canceled the program last month.

Officials at the spy agency over the years ran into myriad logistical, legal and diplomatic obstacles. How could the role of the United States be masked? Should allies be informed and might they block the access of the C.I.A. teams to their targets? What if American officers or their foreign surrogates were caught in the midst of an operation? Would such activities violate international law or American restrictions on assassinations overseas?

Yes, it’s trouble in River City, with all that pesky diplomatic folderol to wade through. We just have to tell these countries our plans- that is as stupid as telling Congress, and just as leaky. The program should have been as black an ops program as possible, but when the head of the spy agency is an incompetent political hack, used for only one purpose, and that is to spy for his master, this is what you get.

Mr. Panetta scuttled the program, which would have relied on paramilitary teams, shortly after the C.I.A.’s counterterrorism center recently informed him of its existence. The next day, June 24, he told Congressional Intelligence Committees that the plan had been hidden from lawmakers, initially at the instruction of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

The program was designed in the frantic weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks when PresidentGeorge W. Bush signed a secret order authorizing the C.I.A. to capture or kill operatives ofAl Qaeda around the world. To be able to kill Osama bin Laden or his top deputies wherever they might be — even in cities or countries far from a war zone — struck top agency officials as an urgent goal, according to people involved in the discussions.

I know, this isn’t the movies, where left- wing actors get to act as if they had a pair, and try to act macho, this is the real world, where we haven’t enough Farsi speakers, and the people who most look like terrorists are Hispanic in origin, and virtually NONE of them speak Farsi, Urdu, or Pashto, a crippling deficiency that the Democrats exacerbated by downsizing the human intel aspect of the CIA in the Clinton era (Clinton has much to answer for on the intel side of his “legacy”- he must be SO proud).

Still, you might think a program that at least tries to minimize the killing of women and children would be viewed as a “good” thing, but nooooooooo. Not in the miniscule minds of the Democrat Congress, that is for sure, but this is driven solely by their hatred of all things Bush, nothing more.

Oh, I will admit it takes someone willing to gird their loins against the criticism that will surely come from the cowardly side that holds its finger in the wind, the better to see which way the political wind blows- that side will never have your back, because they are too busy protecting theirs. 

When the rest of the world won’t have the fortitude to protect civilization, someone has to step up- will it be the liberals? Oh no- they do not know how,nor do they have the testicular fortitude to say that this needs to be done.

And they certainly do not know when to step back and shut up with their incessant carping.

After all, it was only just a dream.
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As everyone goes to the movies this summer and buys tickets to this summer’s biggest blockbuster on the screen, there is a struggle every bit as titanic going on in Washington between Congress, the CIA, and the Resident, as to where the power actually resides.

This is a tale of betrayal, lies, and covert actions, as well as a struggle for yet more executive power.

This would be a comedy if we could play all the sound bites of Hussein claiming that then President Bush had overstepped his authority, and executive power needed to be scaled back. There are many of those- Hussein was very critical of executive power, but then at the time he was a slacker first- term newbie Senator, playing grown- up.

Oh, how the worm has turned- it is an axiom that no one who becomes president ever wants his power to be diminished, and Hussein is NOT an exception to this rule.

Add to this tale of woe, the turncoat spy within the CIA, “Deep Nose”, or as he is known in society, Leon Panneta, the snoop in charge of covertly dismantling the spy agency, at the time where we can least afford to do so- but that has never stopped liberals before (see: Carter years, 1976- 1979).

And to complete this trifecta of  incompetence, is Congress, who wants complete access to everything the CIA has, claiming that the CIA lied to Congress. The trouble with this is that Congress is an irresponsible, lying leaky body of people who have their own agendas, and probably would say anything to anybody for money- yes- that does make them whores in politics, but what else is new?

In a June 26 letter to Mr. Panetta discussing his testimony, Democrats said that the agency had “misled members” of Congress for eight years about the classified matters, which the letter did not disclose. “This is similar to other deceptions of which we are aware from other recent periods,” said the letter, made public late Wednesday by Representative Rush D. Holt, Democrat of New Jersey, one of the signers.

In an interview, Mr. Holt declined to reveal the nature of the C.I.A.’s alleged deceptions,. But he said, “We wouldn’t be doing this over a trivial matter.”

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Representative Silvestre Reyes, Democrat of Texas, referred to Mr. Panetta’s disclosure in a letter to the committee’s ranking Republican, Representative Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, Congressional Quarterly reported on Wednesday. Mr. Reyes wrote that the committee “has been misled, has not been provided full and complete notifications, and (in at least one occasion) was affirmatively lied to.”

This is typical of the ankle- biters in Congress, and could usually be ignored as the trivial annoyance it usually is, but in this resolution, the committee is seeking less executive power in revelations to the full Congress, and Hussein doesn’t want that at all.

In a related development, President Obama threatened to veto the pending Intelligence Authorization Bill if it included a provision that would allow information about covert actions to be given to the entire House and Senate Intelligence Committees, rather than the so-called Gang of Eight — the Democratic and Republican leaders of both houses of Congress and the two Intelligence Committees.

A White House statement released on Wednesday said the proposed expansion of briefings would undermine “a long tradition spanning decades of comity between the branches regarding intelligence matters.” Democrats have complained that under President George W. Bush, entire programs were hidden from most committee members for years.

And then you have Leon Panetta, the stalking horse for the liberals who want to dismantle the CIA- This man is trying to have it both ways, leaking info to Congress, while working for the Resident.

In an interview yesterday, Reyes declined to expand upon the allegations in his letter, saying “it’s all classified information.” Late last night, he issued a statement crediting CIA Director Leon E. Panetta with bringing the issues to the committee’s attention at a June 24 briefing.

This is a complex game we have here, made more complex by Nanny Pelosi’s rambling accusation that the CIA had lied to her, when it could be verified that the CIA had in fact, told her everything she needed to know- she just, apparently, didn’t have the intelligence to keep the knowledge in her head.

Pelosi initiated the CIA feud when she accused the agency of intentionally misleading her, and not telling her about the use of waterboarding, in a September 2002 briefing on interrogations.

CIA documents released two months ago included notations indicating that Pelosi was informed at the 2002 briefing about waterboarding. Republicans have suggested Pelosi has not told the truth about her knowledge and support of the enhanced interrogation technique, an allegation they plan to repeat in today’s debate.

Well, this is going to play out with all the angst and tension of the play “King Lear”, on the national stage, showing our enemies just how like the Keystone Kops we are in real life. What a governmental SNAFU this has become, all because eventually, thieves fall out.

And boy oh boy, are they beginning to fall out now.


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