You Know What They Say About Karma

It is a female dog…

Chris Matthews of MSNBC thinks he is a smart man and he loves to discuss the intelligence of people he does not like. He spent a lot of time discussing Sarah Palin and how smart he thought she was. Suffice it to say, he has a low opinion of her intelligence.

Matthews made a number of references to Palin and the game show Jeopardy discussing how poorly Palin would do on that show.

Chris Matthews was recently a contestant on Jeopardy and he did terribly. He got some simple basic questions wrong and ended up with $2,300, lowest among the contestants.

Newsbusters has a wrap up of the show and how poorly Matthews did including a sampling of the answers provided and the questions Matthews asked (the format for Jeopardy). If Matthews had not insulted Sarah Palin and questioned how she would do on Jeopardy (at least 4 different times) then Matthews’ performance would not be an issue.

However, since Matthews often questions the intelligence of others and has specifically questioned how Palin would do on the game show this is an issue with which Matthews should be ridiculed.

The only thing that would be better than Matthews demonstrating how moronic he is would be to see Palin on the show with a score higher than old tingle leg.

Here is theme song for Chris…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


All White Rainbow in Occupy Movement

When the TEA Party arrived on the scene a few years ago the progressives and their media wing made the claim that the Party was all white, a bunch of redneck racists. Chris Matthews of MSNBC made the false accusation that “All of them, every single one of them is white.” when referring to the TEA Party. This, of course, is demonstrably false but Matthews had his marching orders from the Democrats and he had to paint the TEA Party as a non diverse group of racists. Matthews has no obligation to report the truth because he told us that it is his job to make sure Obama succeeds. Keep in mind that he will approach every task with that as his goal. What he says or does is designed to fulfill his job of ensuring Obama succeeds.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reported on a question being asked about the Tea Party and an upcoming rally (from September 2010) being another event distinguished by a sea of white faces. This prompted groups to go to efforts to highlight those who attended who were not part of the white sea. I have been to a number of TEA Party events and there is diversity. It does not look like a rainbow and the math suggests that it never could.

The American population is overwhelmingly white. About 70% of the population is white and 12% is black. The rest are other ethnicities. 95% of all blacks are aligned with the Democrat party. The TEA Party is not a political party but it is based on conservative principles. While many blacks are conservative in their lives they are unlikely to attend an event reported to them by the media wing as being a Republican event. They are unlikely to attend something that they perceive as being against the black man they voted for. They are unlikely to attend something their Democrat leaders have told them is bad.

So mathematically, there are not going to be a lot of faces that are not white in any random crowd, much less a TEA Party crowd.

But this does not stop the media wing of the Democrat party from calling the TEA Party racists and suggesting that there is no diversity or that only white people are allowed. Those talking heads in the Democrat media have no clue about the math or what any given crowd would look like.

One only needs to look at the Occupy Wall Street movement to see the math play out. Those groups, all across the country, are awash in a sea of white, to borrow from Milbank’s piece. There are no black faces to be found. The white light failed to hit the prism. If Chris Matthews’ job was not to ensure Obama succeeded he might say; All of them, every single one of them is white.

The left is no more diverse than the right.

The OWS movement has been orchestrated by the left. It is supported by the left and its backers in labor. One would think that with all the diversity the left allegedly has the protests it has organized would contain more colors than white.

You won’t hear about this in the news and you won’t read about it in any of the print papers. You will not hear the very people who bashed the TEA Party say anything about the lack of diversity on the left.

It does not fit the narrative. It does not fit with what they preach. It does not support their claims.

So they have to ignore it. Just like the OWS protesters ignore reality while they demand the rich pay more in taxes and that debt be forgiven. They ignore the truth about taxes while demanding the wealthy give their money away (to the OWS folks, of course).

Dick Morris recently reported:

Here are the facts according to the IRS:

  • Those making more than $1 million pay 24% of income in taxes
  • Those making $200,000 to $300,000 pay 17.5%
  • Those making $100,000 to $125,000 pay 9.9%
  • Those making $50,000 to $60,000 pay 6.3%
  • Those making $20,000 to $30,000 pay 2.5%

What level of income do you think the OWS (those poor WHITE) folks are in? Many, by their own admission, are not working so they pay no taxes (and will undoubtedly get money back in the IRS redistribution scheme) and they are protesting for the 1% (the wealthy) to pay their fair share.

The numbers do not lie. The wealthy are paying most of the taxes in this country and certainly more than their fair share.

Big Dog salute to:
Michelle Malkin

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Chris Matthews Hears Banjo Music from Obama

On Chris Matthews’ show Hardball, he said that People could vote for Obama or McCain and he said that it was like being on the Titanic and they could choose to stay or they could choose to be saved (I told you he was the Messiah of the left). In Matthews’ diatribe he basically said that McCain equals being on the Titanic and Obama equals Deliverance. Many of the comments at the source expressed the same first reaction I did. They thought of the movie Deliverance where one of the characters gets anally sodomized by another man. This is perfectly appropriate for what we are in for if Obama gets elected President.

One commenter pointed out that the Titanic analogy of today is not bad because, as liberals keep telling us, the ice is melting so there are no more icebergs for the ship to hit.

It is amazing how deeply in the tank Matthews is for Obama. I guess this and the Deliverance reference explains why Matthews gets a sensation in his leg when Obama speaks.

It also makes the name of his show more relevant to how he feels.

Squeal like a pig Chris…


Big Dog

Chris Matthews Gets Hard Balled

Chris Matthews is supposed to be this rabid commentator who plays hardball. He interrupts, raises his voice, and challenges those on his show. However, Matthews was hard balled recently for some comments he made regarding Hillary Clinton. Matthews should know that it is against the rules of the media to say anything negative about she who would be Queen. The Clintons have enjoyed a media blackout on all the bad things they have done and their illegal activities were either under reported or ignored. Those that were mentioned were never investigated with the zeal of a Woodward and Bernstein in pursuit of Nixon. That can’t happen and despite Bill Clinton’s claim that Obama gets better press coverage, the media is ignoring Clinton’s past. As an aside, perhaps Obama gets better coverage (if he does) because he allows the media in and Hillary does not.

Matthews told the absolute truth and that is something that is not allowed when it comes to the Clinton Crime Family. Matthews said that Hillary’s career was the result of being a victim of an unfaithful husband. This is not quite 100% correct because part of her career is the result of having the same last name (or sleeping with) the president of the US. Hillary took advantage of the public sympathy that the idiots in America gave her and parlayed it into a Senate seat in New York. She did not deserve that sympathy because Hillary knew for years that Bill slept around and she did her best to squash the women who came forward with allegations of sexual affairs or rape. Hillary knew her husband was an adulterer and a rapist and she enabled him by going after the real victims, the women Bill molested and had affairs with.

The fools in America gave her sympathy and acted like she was the victim when she was, in fact, an accomplice in the sexual deviance of her husband. Hillary used that sympathy to get elected to the Senate so Matthews was correct when he said her career was the result of her being a victim of a cheating husband. Hillary Clinton has no accomplishments of her own. All that she has done has been a result of involvement because of her husband’s position. She was the First Lady of Arkansas and had duties as part of that title and it was all based on her husband being Governor. She was First Lady of the US and her duties were a result of being married to the President. Hillary Clinton had no individual accomplishments when she ran for the Senate. Everything about her was the result of her marriage to Bill Clinton and her “victim” status after he cheated and raped other women.

If Hillary had never married Bill she probably would have been a lesbian lawyer defending environmental whack jobs and terrorists. She probably would have become another radical lawyer activist like Lynne Stewart with the same desire to turn this country into a socialist haven. The problem is, Matthews is part of the media and they do not like it when a woman is attacked. The media can attack George Bush all day long and call him any name they want but as soon as someone says something about a woman, especially Hillary, they are misogynists and sexists. This is what Media Matters thinks of Matthews.

Chris Matthews got hard balled for speaking the truth about Hillary Clinton. He apologized because of the pressure put on him by the dark forces inside the media establishment. Perhaps he was worried about losing his job, who knows? The reality is, he had to apologize for telling the truth.

Fortunately, I have no such problem so let me state it; Hillary Clinton only made it as far as she did in life because she slept with the president and because she played the victim after his affair. She parlayed that into a Senate seat and had it not been for these things in her life most people would not know who she was. Hillary is quite ordinary and unimpressive and without the Clinton name she would be a nobody. With the Clinton name she is nothing more than an opportunistic liar and law breaker who will do anything to gain power.

There Media Matters, take those words and chew on them for a while. As for you Chris Matthews, your show should be renamed from Chris Matthews, Hardball to Chris Matthews, No Balls.

News Busters

Big Dog

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