The Children Are Our Future And They’ll Be Paying For It

Another great video that shows what the out of control spending means to our children and grandchildren.

We were once against child labor but now that government has decided to spend money we do not have our children and grandchildren will be on the hook for the bill.

Think of this video and your children and grandchildren every time politicians talk about spending money and stimulus.

They are only condemning future generations to poverty. The next generation will be Generation Broke.

Big Dog Salute to GM Roper

Big Dog

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If Parents Were Like Government

This video says it all. Imagine if your parents (or you as parents) acted like the government.

This is what is taking place but all boiled down to the basics.

So while you applaud the government’s insatiable appetite for spending remember that the bill has to be paid and it is our children and grandchildren who will be writing the checks.

If they still have a country.

Big Dog

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Hamas Issues Death Threats To Jewish Children

One thing that is true about Islamic terrorists (and some Muslims that are not terrorists) is that they love to play the victim. People get on planes and make comments about the plane blowing up and then get ticked off when they are removed after the plane is evacuated and searched. They wear shirts with threatening words and then sue when forced to cover them up. The terrorists attack, attack, attack and then when there is retaliation they complain that they are victims and beg for intervention.

Hamas launched rockets and mortars into Israel for a long time and Israel finally had enough. The response was quick, brutal and lethal. Israel targeted only items of military interest and has gone out of its way to minimize civilian casualties. Hamas intentionally tries to kill non combatants. In all reality, if Israel wanted to intentionally target non combatants then Gaza would be a pile of rubble littered with dead bodies. Israel has the capability to wipe out all life there but has chosen to only target the terrorists.

Now that Israel is kicking the snot out of Hamas, the terror group is complaining about civilian casualties and the “holocaust” inflicted by Israel. Of course it has the useful idiots in the media and those who protest the acts of Israel all bent out of shape but the reality is, Hamas started it and Israel, we pray, will end it.

A Hamas leader has warned that Jewish children around the world are legitimate targets and will be killed because Israel has killed children in Gaza. The deaths of the children in Gaza, while tragic, are the result of the cowardly acts of Hamas who sets up its rocket launchers in populated areas. Their deaths do not however, legitimize the targeting of Jewish children. Their deaths legitimize hunting down and killing Hamas members like the dirty little mangy dags they are (no insult to dirty mangy dogs intended).

Hamas is up to its same tricks. It is using children as props to show off the wounded. This has been seen before where the same dead kid is pulled from debris in different locations, often by the same guy, to make it look like many children are dying. The pictures are staged photo ops to garner sympathy from the world and to have it exert pressure on Israel to stop.

The threat against Jewish children around the world clearly demonstrates why Israel must continue until every last maggot in Hamas is annihilated. These animals do not fight like men. They hide behind women and children and they cry when some of them are killed.

I want to know why the terrorist friendly media even give the deaths any mention. Hamas has stated that they want to die and that it is the goal of all Muslims to die for Allah. They have told us that dying in the fight for Allah makes them martyrs and that it is their dream to become martyrs. Some of them even send their children, the very children they are crying about now, to be suicide bombers so they martyr themselves for the cause. What is it they say, they embrace death more than we embrace life (or words to that effect)?

If this is the case then why do they not just embrace the deaths of their people and move on. If it is so glorious to die for Allah then why do they all get on camera and shed crocodile tears over the deaths of those who they want to be martyred in the first place? As far as I am concerned, Israel is just helping them reach their lifelong dreams.

No matter what, it would be a good idea for Jews to be extra vigilant. These savages are not beyond attacking Jewish children if the opportunity arises.

That is, unless Israel can send them all to hell real soon.

Times UK

Big Dog

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Stark Contrast with Sanity

Today the Congress attempted to override the Presidential veto of the vastly expanded S-CHIP bill. The President wants the program to continue but he does not want it expanded as greatly as the Democrats do. The plan would allow states to cover children in families of four making $82,000 a year and “children” up to 25 years of age. The Democrats trotted out people who have benefited from the program which made no sense because they are already covered. It is estimated that about 10 million of the people who do not have insurance are eligible for one program or another but have not signed up. We need to get them on board and stop playing these games of expanding government control.

Pete Stark, a Congressman from California, took the floor for his two minutes and he was nothing short of a demented old fool. I have now found someone serving who is as much of a doddering senile old fool as Robert Byrd. This senile man called the President a liar and said that he [the President] sent children to be blown up for his own amusement. Breitbart has the video which includes an admonishment for referring to the President in personal terms (I guess that is bad form). In any event, this demented guy needs to retire and spend his waning days playing with silly putty and collecting sock navel lint.

The Democrats were out in full force touting the children and how everything was for the children. From what I saw of Stark, maybe we need to put some money aside to send old fools like him to the “home.”

Maybe in this guy’s world the President sends kids to be blown up for amusement but God must have allowed this imbecile to be in Congress and on TV for the amusement of the rest of us because this guy is a joke.

Big Dog

Raven Lunatics; Attack of the Cretin Liberals

My friend Raven has written lengthy post discussing her recent adventures after she asked if a soldier suffering from PTSD when her post indicated that he was exploiting the situation by refusing help. The post was picked up by Sadly No and a few others and the bloodletting began. Moonbats came out of the closet to write some of the most vile comments directed at her. This is a popular method the left uses, they attack the arguer and not the argument. There is a lunkhead named Thinking Meat who uses the same tact except he calls everyone a liar and then continually echoes the same requests that the writer prove some assertion and regardless of the proof, the writer is a liar and a coward. I have not figured out if he is a retard suffering from echolalia or if this is a desperate attempt to attract the people he insults to his site. He must be lonely and he has never heard about that honey/vinegar attraction thing.

In any event, I have seen some of the worst the left has to offer in the last few days. In the comments of another post that Raven wrote some jackass wished that Robert’s children (Robert of American and Proud) would get stomach cancer so that he would suffer and have to get help from the government. This all in response to the debate about S-CHIP. I don’t know about people who can wish such a thing. I find that kind of person to be the lowest form of life and not worthy of the chemicals that make up his being.

Ravens recent post has been used to indicate, in some abstract way, that Conservatives do not really support the troops. I find this to be absolutely absurd and a stretch by anyone’s imagination. People who make this kind of assertion are the same idiots who misquote Limbaugh in order to take the focus off their lack of support for America’s true heroes. Liberals stopped supporting our troops sometime around Vietnam and they have never gone back.

In Vietnam we won every battle and yet we lost the war because the Democratically controlled Congress lacked the will to stick it out. North Vietnam was on the verge of surrender and the constant bombings were taking heavy tolls. They held out because they believed that America would crumble from within because of the anti war movement and they were right. They declared themselves the winners and a lot of POWs were never released. John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Jane Fonda and countless others led protests in this country and slandered our troops. John Kerry’s testimony before Congress accused our troops of war crimes, none of which have been proven though if they were Kerry would be in jail for admitting his participation.

We had some glory days in the first Gulf war when our troops smashed Iraq quickly and our losses were few, though one is too many. There were certainly more than a few Liberals who were against the war because this group of vile people think there is never anything worth fighting for except the seats they have occupied for far too long. They will slay dragons to keep those seats but will sell out our country to avoid using its military might for just causes. The left is now engaged in the same kind of actions they embraced during Vietnam. They are protesting our troops, they are calling them murderers and they are painting the entire military with the brush tarnished by a few who committed crimes. Abu Ghraib was blown way out of proportion and people like Ted Kennedy said that Hussein’s torture chambers were reopened under new management.

Just as we had during Vietnam, we have elected leaders going to countries that are hostile to us and accusing our president and our country of doing bad things. This must be a continuance of the trend started by Bill Clinton in Russia when he was busy dodging military service. Funny, I have never heard him referred to as a chicken hawk even though he put our men and women in harm’s way a number of times. The left is so full of hatred since the false prophet of global warming lost in 2000 that they have never recovered and their hatred gets stronger and more vile every day. The people who clamor about Raven’s post and a lack of support for the troops are the same idiots who indict our men and women in the court of public opinion.

These despicable cretins can claim to support the troops but when a jackass like Jack Murtha accuses our Marines of murder before any investigation has been completed it is not hard to see what kind of support they really provide. Yes, the left provides a lot fo support but that support is to the enemies of this country. The left’s daily rants and accusations as well as their loathe of the military provides fodder for the people who want to do us harm.

Who are any of these idiots to accuse Raven of not supporting the troops or to use her post as a weapon against the right. Show me a liberal organization that collects food for the troops to send Thanksgiving Dinners to them. Show me a liberal group that provides them with air conditioners and toiletries. I do not think there are many, if any, liberals in Soldier’s Angels. What have Code Pink, MoveOn, and the rest of these Communist organizations actually done to support the troops? They protest all over and exploit our war dead in an attempt to bring our troops home in defeat. They insult a highly decorated General who has given more for this country than the lot of them combined and they continually insult the President of the United States. They call our troops killers and they say that we are wasting money in Iraq. No matter what it costs, we are not wasting money so long as it is spent in support of our troops. There is waste from war profiteers like Dianne Feinstein, another big supporter of the troops (so long as their work makes her husband money).

I have read Raven’s work and I communicate with her almost daily. I know what is in her heart and I know she cares deeply for our men and women in uniform and she would never do anything to hurt them. I know that she puts her heart and soul into her work to ensure her patients get the best care possible and I know that she is a hell of a lot better person than any of the jackasses who have been attacking her.

I would rather have Raven watching my back than any of the lily livered communist puke liberals who have been attacking her and I know that she is a better person than any of them can ever hope to be. I also know that instead of wishing cancer on their children Raven would pray for them to be well.

Recipe for happiness.
Ingredients: 1 Liberal wacko (preferably one who hopes children get cancer) and 1 rope. Some assembly required.

Big Dog

As an aside, the letter that Harry Reid sent attacking Rush Limbaugh is on auction and has a bid of over 100,000 dollars and all money earned will go to the Marine Corps – Law Enforcement Fund. Rush turned their hatred into true support for the troops. Of course, Reid will probably try to take credit for the success since he wrote the letter. So who supports the troops? Harry “we lost the war” Reid or Rush Limbaugh who used an attack on a private citizen to earn money for the troops?