Silence The Opponents Now Reaches America

The latest uproar over threats made to lawmakers is overshadowing the reality that most of the communication involved people who only cussed out lawmakers. The people who made the threats should be found and dealt with appropriately. We should also realize that whether they represent the left or the right (a distinction that has not been determined) they represent a small fraction of either side.

But a bigger thing is taking place. The left is using the recent comments as a method to shut down opposition and to marginalize those with legitimate concerns and complaints over the health care takeover that was signed into law.

Paul Krugman of the New York Times gets a laugh out of this and says that one can look but not find calls for violence from Democrat politicians. I have yet to see calls for violence from Republican politicians but Krugman has found them. He cites Sarah Palin’s map with rifle sights on targeted elections as proof of a call for violence. Her use of the word “reload” has also caused a stir among the left. How often have Democrats called political races “targeted”? Should we take that as a call for violence?

Krugman seems to have a short memory for it was Barack Obama who said that he was the only thing standing between AIG employees and pitchforks. It was the Democrat wing at ACORN who arranged bus trips to the homes of these people in order to harass them. It was Obama who said that if they bring a knife he will bring a gun and it was Obama who told his followers to get in their faces…

This is the Alinsky crowd working to isolate the opposition and keep it on the defense.

Pretty soon we will have to worry about an America that resembles Venezuela:

The owner of Venezuela’s only remaining TV channel that takes a critical line against President Hugo Chavez was arrested Thursday, raising concerns the government is carrying out a widening crackdown aimed at silencing opponents. Yahoo News

How long before this takes place? How long before the opposition is silenced? They are working on it now.

The call for the Fairness Doctrine to be reinstated is but one method being considered to silence the opposition.

But it will not work.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Venezuela Shows Us How Great Socialism Is

Hugo Chavez rang in the New Year in Venezuela by rationing electricity. The government there owns damn near everything and the people are dirt poor. The country is a huge oil producer but is unable to generate much electricity because it depends on hydroelectric generators and there has been an ongoing drought.

So, Chavez celebrated the new Year by limiting the amount of electricity that businesses can use, what hours they can be open and what other items can use electricity and when (billboards, casinos, etc). There are penalties for businesses that do not comply with the order.

This is the Socialist nation that the liberals love so much. Penn, Obama, and a handful of others have all been down to kiss Chavez’s ring (or a lower and posterior part of his anatomy). He is held up as a great leader by the liberals who want our country to follow the path of Venezuela.

It is not hard to imagine being like Venezuela with Obama and his government taking over one private business after another. Obama took the lead of Bush and got government involved in the banking system (should have let them fail) and then moved on so that now we all own car companies. How long will it be before Obama is snapping up other private businesses? The government is already working on telling business how much executives may be paid. It is not a far stretch to get to the point where government is running everything (health care included). It happened in Venezuela and liberals love that place and its dictator.

If we have to ration anything then it should be food and water. Liberals get none until the crisis is over.

Never let a good crisis go to waste…

Big Dog


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Obama’s Smart Diplomacy Gets Him Equated To Bush-Satan

A few years ago tin horn dictator Hugo Chavez, Sean Penn’s buddy, followed George Bush at the UN and before he spoke Chavez said that he could still smell sulfur. Chavez of course, was calling George Bush Satan and that did not sit too well with me. Not because it was Bush but because it was the leader of my country. Americans can say what they want about their leaders but crack pots from other countries are not entitled to do so and when they do they should be taken to task. A bullet through Chavez’s skull would be appropriate.

Obama danced into office talking up Hope and Change and the idea of smart diplomacy. He vowed to speak to tyrants such as Chavez without precondition. This, in the world according to Obama, will make them love us and make things better.

Hugo Chavez was in Copenhagen (ironic that a huge oil producer was greeted so warmly) and he made his sulfur remark once again. This time though, it was directed at Barack Obama.

Three years after Chavez likened Bush to the devil during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the socialist strongman tore into Obama, claiming Friday that “it still smells like sulfur in the world.” Fox

It was wrong when Chavez said this about Bush and it is wrong when he said it about Obama. Chavez is in no position to equate our leaders to Satan when he has run his country straight to hell. The true Satan incarnate is the person who uses force to squash dissent in his own nation, who nationalizes everything and who keeps his people in abject poverty. That person would be Hugo Chavez.

I have no problem with Americans who feel this way about their leaders because this is OUR country and we have a say in it which is a very huge difference between us and the Venezuelan people under Chavez.

This tin horn jackass needs to die of something close to lead poison.

I must say though, Mr. Obama how is that smart diplomacy working out for you? How does kissing the backsides of people like Chavez working out? Perhaps if you had shown some testicular fortitude when Chavez insulted this country he might have a little more respect for you.

There are some leaders who do not understand diplomacy that does not come at the end of a gun.

Chavez is one of them but he should be at the end of a rope.

Big Dog


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If We’re Lucky, Their End Will Be Soon

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited his pal Hugo Chavez and told Chavez that they would be together until the end. This came while they were taking turns bashing America and Israel.

As far as I am concerned, the end cannot come soon enough for these two along with Fidel Castro. All three of them should die horrific deaths and spend eternity in Hell.

Where is a Predator Drone when you need one?

Big Dog

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Bring Me The Head Of Michael Moore

There is a new potential blockbuster on the horizon for Hollywood, and really, all anyone has to do is follow the porcine Michael Moore around with a camera (not too closely) for about three months- even leftists who support Chavez should be able to find Mr. Moore by then, and they are really dumb- look at who they support, while a formerly good and decent country is dragged down to third- world banana status.

It’s all about pride, and the perception that Hugo Chavez is something other than the idiot he seems to be- well, Chavistas can’t have that, so they attack anyone and anything that poses a problem for poor old Hugo. A jar of salsa can’t be opened by the great man? Line it up against a wall and shoot the top off. That’s one of their solutions to a resistance to Chavez. Third world banana republic tinpot dictators are like that, you know. Aw, shoot- I’m profiling again, aren’t I?

But they go further than that- Michael Moore’s comments on a Jimmy Kimmel show have made the Chavistas mad- he dared to portray El Gordo (the fat one) as less than God- like.

During a recent appearance on ABC’s late-night program “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” Mr. Moore gave an account — apparently tongue in cheek — of how he drank a bottle-and-a-half of tequila with Mr. Chávez at the Venice Film Festival in September, and how he mistook Venezuela’s burly foreign minister, Nicolás Maduro, for a bodyguard.

Those comments have created an uproar here among some of Mr. Chávez’s loyal supporters, known as Chavistas.

Goodness- such a slam- the Chavistas were furious, but not because of just that one comment- wait!- there’s more-

Ms. Golinger and other Chavistas took particular umbrage at Mr. Moore’s suggestion that he had imbibed with Mr. Chávez (the president is a noted teetotaler) while giving him some speechwriting advice. The advice, Mr. Moore said in the appearance, had been accepted.

Mr. Moore’s comments “about President Chávez asking him to ‘help’ write his United Nations speech demonstrate Moore’s extreme ego,” Ms. Golinger wrote.

“President Chávez is one of the most brilliant speakers in the world, with an immense capacity to bring together a variety of ideas while being coherent,” she added. “We know that nobody writes his speeches, not even him! He speaks from his heart, and not from a teleprompter!”

Yes, Chavez’ words rain down from heaven, yada, yada, yada- Chavez is a blowhard, that much is true, and the people who follow him are clueless lemmings, but, as I said at the outset, we might have a documentary/ snuff film/ comedy/ thriller on our hands. Oh, to have a handle on all those genres, and demographics, and all we have to do is get a few cameras and follow Mr. Moore around- the Chavistas have such a fragile ego collectively, that they resemble the White House, so we can expect the attacks to commence very soon.

But here its not the Chicago Way- its the Caracas Way- and they will use assassination- oh, they will need armor- piercing ammo, in order to penetrate that layer of blubber he protects himself with. Mickey D’s make for good kevlar- like protection- all those chemicals and preservatives, you know.

Perhaps they will use a harpoon, but that might bring the wrath of Greenpeace upon them. Wouldn’t that be cool? And if the Sierra Club got in on the chase, figuring that he needed to  be banded and studied, and his natural environment ( a padded room) should be protected. Imagine the cast of characters, the twists and turns!

This could be done with non- union labor, just like Michael Moore does- oh, the irony, as we capture the final moments of his life, I can hear the cheering in the theaters. Doctors will be in the theaters during the last five minutes! Those who are weak of heart should not attend, for fear that the joy might be too much.

And just think- for once in his life, Chavez might actually have done something positive for this world and the environment.

I am sure however, the Venezuelans would stake a claim on Moore’s fat body, and designate it as an alternative energy source.

After all, whale oil used to be all the rage.
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