Pelosi Locks Americans Out Of Their Building

The Democrats had a ceremony today celebrating their intrusion into our lives and their unconstitutional health care legislation that comes in at just under 2000 pages and that no one will read. That celebration was held at the Capitol and only people invited by Pelosi were allowed in (media members did not need an invite). Nancy Pelosi denied people access to the people’s building thus denying them the opportunity to participate in the ceremony (whether for or against). The event was closed to the public.

What gives this witch the right to bar people from attending a function on our property? What allows her to decide who is and who is not allowed to participate? Seems to me she treated some Americans better than others by inviting some of them and excluding others. This is a public building that belongs to the PEOPLE. Let some PRIVATE club exclude some people and folks like Pelosi get their granny pants in a wad but she has no problem excluding people from their own building. They let people in that area and an overflow of over a million spilled away from it when Obama had his coronation. They put up TVs so people could see it but they hid the introduction of their health care bill behind the facade of an invitation only event.

What right does she have to use our building for a private function?

There are two videos at Breitbart (linked below) that show people being turned away. This is an absolute travesty and an abuse of power demonstrated by that Can’t Understand Normal Thinking Weeper of the House. How can this happen and how long will America tolerate it?

So much for this stupid wench and her open and honest government. So much for the racist in the White House and his transparency. These morons have declared war on American citizens but they are not going to like the outcome.

Come next November we are going to have a bloodbath at the polls. We are going to cut the gonads out of these people and send them packing.

Those of you in New Jersey, vote that thug Corzine out of office and send a message to DC. Obama was campaigning for that thug and that means that they are on the same sheet, cut from the same cloth. If Pelosi and the Democrats led by ObaMao can treat Americans like this then we need to send them a message by getting rid of their surrogates. We need to get rid of Corzine. In Virginia, we need to put a Republican in office and ensure that Deeds, Obama’s man, is defeated so we can send a message.

Then we need to make sure Hoffman wins the 23rd District seat in New York to send messages to both parties.

It is time to stop playing nice and to start slapping these thugs around.

The way to defeat a school yard bully is to kick his a$$. It is time for us to kick their collective a$$es.

Breitbart Video 1
Breitbart Video 2

Big Dog

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