Late Round Up Star Date 2021.251

Note: Joe Biden is a sorry excuse for a human being and he should rot in hell for all of eternity. He is a petty tyrant and is an oxygen thief and when he goes to meet his maker I am going to throw a party. An new order is coming out that mandates all federal workers get the Covid vaccine or submit to testing once or twice a week. The testing is only for people who are not vaccinated even though the CDC has stated that vaccinated people can get Covid, carry a heavy viral load and can transmit disease to others. If workplace safety is the goal then everyone would be required to get tested. But the reality is the tyrant in the White House is trying to make life so miserable for people they will capitulate and get the vaccine. The drug makers and the federal government are blameless if the vaccines cause harm. Now I know many of my well intentioned friends will say the vaccine is safe and effective. I want them to tell me how the vaccine will affect people 5 or 10 years down the road. They can’t so saying it is safe and effective is disingenuous. Vaccines usually go through years of testing to make sure they are safe and even then some of them turn out problematic. The current crop of vaccines use a method that has NEVER been used before in making vaccines. We are supposed to just take their word for it. I have a better idea. Make a vaccine the old fashioned way where your cells are not programmed to make things that are not inherent in the human design. Humans do NOT have spike proteins and do not grow them, period.

Now on with the round up!

1. The CDC, the place where we are told they follow the science and do things that are ONLY for our health and well being. The place full of experts has changed the definition of vaccine. They did this because the Covid shots are not providing immunity. If they do anything they just make the symptoms of the disease less severe. That is, if they do not make you sick or kill you. Here is your science following agency’s latest cover up of the “vaccine” failure (edited to correct spelling errors in original):

“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.”

Prior to September 1st, the original definition of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website.

“Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.”

As of September 1st, the new definition of “vaccination” on the CDC’s website.

You see what they did there? The vaccines they assured us were >90% effective turned out to be less than that and also failed at getting your body to develop immunity. All they do, if they do not harm you, is provide some protection. Well, Ivermectin will provide more protection than any of these so called vaccines and it will not harm me. I should get a script for it and tell anyone who asks that I am, in accordance with the CDC definition, vaccinated because my medicine provided me protection. For those who are in doubt, Ivermectin works and the government with its media wing lied about it. Tens of thousands of people died because of this. Most of you do not understand that and would get inside the cattle car if they told you it was taking you to a Covid protection center.

2. A Democrat from Wisconsin who is running for the US Senate has been charged with stealing $21,000 from her campaign fund and then lying about it when questioned.

Milwaukee Democrat City Councilwoman Chantia Lewis — who is running for the Wisconsin U.S. Senate seat currently held by Republican Sen. Ron Johnson — is facing a hefty fine and possible jail time if found guilty. ~ Source

Her people say this was an accounting error. She put the money in her personal account and spent it on personal things but that is an accounting error. Sounds more like an accountable error as in she should be held accountable for the theft. Democrats always seem to have accounting errors. Perhaps we need to start auditing them to make sure they are not making any more of these errors. The reality is she committed a crime and I hope she gets jail time.

Graph3. Back to the vaccine. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts discusses the reasons not to get the vaccine and why we should be using Ivermectin to treat people instead of trying to vaccinate people with a medication that is just not effective. He cites the case of Gibralter:

Gibraltar has had a 99% vaccination rate since June 1. The consequence has been a 2,500 percent daily increase in Covid cases. As the vaccine is useless, why the push for mandatory vaccination and Covid passports? It makes no public health sense.

Some other great points:

The massive outbreak of new Covid cases in the most vaccinated countries–Israel 84%, Iceland 95%, Gibraltar 99%–has made it completely clear that the mRNA vaccine does not protect against Covid infection. Fauci, a life-long shill for Big Pharma, is delighted. His solution to the failure of the “vaccine” (it is not a vaccine) is more vaccine. Booster shots are needed, he says, every 5 to 8 months to keep Covid at bay. In other words profits forever for Big Pharma.

But the failure of the mRNA vaccine is far more serious than the failure to protect. The vaccine itself (1) causes illnesses and deaths identical to Covid illnesses and deaths as the massive number of deaths and health injuries in the adverse vaccine reaction databases indicate, (2) the “vaccine” creates variants capable of escaping immune response, and (3) the vaccinated are contagious and dangerous to the unvaccinated.

In other words, the so-called breakthrough cases that are now overwhelming the most vaccinated countries are caused by vaccination. To continue jabbing people risks such death and injury and counterproductive totalitarian policies as to lead to societal collapse. ~ Source

I recommend you click through and read the article. It is eye opening (for those who are not sheep).

4. People around the world are protesting the vaccine mandates. Governments in many nations are imposing tyrannical edicts on the population and the people are fighting back. They locked everyone down for more than a year and imposed things that they had no right (at least not in our allegedly free nation) to impose and now they are working harder to take away more freedom for a virus that is killing far fewer people than it did a year ago (and if we were to count actual Covid deaths the number would be far below what they are reporting). A recent poll showed that 72% of Americans would quit their jobs if the vaccine were mandated for them. There is a caveat. The numbers of who would get them and who would request an exemption are lower but when asked if there were no exemptions what would you do (and many businesses will not grant exemptions) the number jumps to 72%. If employers think they are having trouble getting workers now just wait until they start mandating vaccines. I am already upset that health care workers are being mandated to get the vaccine or they will lose their jobs. Many do not want it and they worked through the toughest part of Covid without one and they survived. Now they are going to get fired if they do not submit to a vaccine that does not work and causes more harm than good.

5. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, the archbishop of Pelosi’s home diocese in San Francisco wrote an op-ed where he said that you can’t be a Catholic in good standing and support abortion. His article goes after politicians like Pelosi and Biden who claim to be devout Catholics and yet push for abortion on demand. There is even a hint that Pelosi might be excommunicated. Well big freaking deal. Pelosi is 81 years old and she has been a supporter of abortion her entire political career. She has allegedly been a devout Catholic her entire life yet she has been attending Catholic Church and receiving Communion while supporting the murder of unborn children. The Catholic Church is full of hypocrites. They love liberal politicians and they love liberal causes and they are willing to look the other way when liberals are breaking the Catholic rules or beliefs in order to keep the liberal causes flowing. I remember when Obamacare was being debated and the Catholic Church was assured that it would not be forced to support abortion. The Church supported Obamacare as a wonderful social justice thing. Then Obama made Catholics pay for abortions and perform them in their medical centers. The Catholics sued and won BUT they were deceived nonetheless. A Cardinal from Baltimore whose name escapes me wrote an op-ed striking out at Obama for the change. I wrote him a letter indicating that he was a hypocrite. I told him that he was perfectly OK with everyone else being forced to participate in Obamacare as long as he and his Church did not have to be forced to do what it did not want to do. I told him that his actions and ideas are why I am no longer Catholic. I did not leave the Catholic Church, it left me. So Pelosi is 81 and by the time she is excommunicated she will be on her death bed and the Archbishop can say he upheld the position of the Church. The Church is a joke.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Nonsense Keeps Coming From CDC

Yesterday the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, made a completely nonsensical statement about Ebola. Frieden said you can’t get Ebola by sitting next to someone on the bus but if you have Ebola and use public transportation [like a BUS] you can transmit the disease to someone else.

If you have the disease and can transmit it to someone else then logically one can get the disease by sitting next to someone on the bus. Like, for instance, if you sat next to the person who has the disease and can transmit it.

This is the kind of nonsense that the CDC has been putting out. Frieden told us we had plans in place to contain the virus and then said we missed the opportunity to contain the virus.

He told us that hospitals in the US have protocols in place and are able to handle patients with the virus and then said he should have sent a team to Dallas to help with protective measures.

This guy does not seem to know what he is saying and he certainly does not instill confidence in the public. I think it is quite possible he is playing politics rather than doctor in that he is parsing words and saying anything to keep from making the Obama regime look bad instead of just telling us the facts based on his experience as a doctor.

He is an appointed director so he is playing politician rather than clinician.

Several schools in Cleveland are closed today because a school employee might have been on the plane the Ebola positive nurse flew on (but not necessarily the same flight). These kinds of knee jerk reactions will increase as people receive conflicting information from the CDC. We do not need hysteria or panic, we need facts upon which to base our daily decisions.

Unfortunately, Frieden is devoid of facts and is playing politics with the public’s health and safety.

Perhaps he should resign. Or maybe the CDC should have an actual clinician as its spokesperson. You know, pick someone who knows what he is talking about and won’t parse words or make things up to protect a political party.

The CDC is part of the government and it can’t get this right.

This is the same government that wants to run your health care…

Ann Coulter
Rush Limbaugh

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Zero Chance Is A Mighty Bold Statement From CDC

The Director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, stated that there is “zero risk of transmission [of Ebola] on the flight.” You see, they screen people for fevers and if they have a temperature of 101.5 F or greater they are not allowed to fly.

As the article points out, people can take medications like ibuprofen to get their temperatures down so they can board the flight.

So suppose a person is three days post exposure (symptoms develop in 2-21 days) and he gets a high fever, is feeling sick to his stomach and weak. He takes ibuprofen and gets his temperature down enough to board the flight. On the way he gets sicker and vomits on the people next to him or he coughs right in their faces.

These folks get the body fluids (vomitus or airborne mucous from the cough) in their eyes or on a break in the skin and they have now been exposed to the virus (assuming the virus made the person sick in the first place).

[note]There are many body fluids that could be left in the airplane lavatory that would be easily transferred.[/note]

They get home and 2-21 days later they develop symptoms.

Is this a likely scenario? Probably not but it can happen and that means the claim of zero chance is not credible.

Others in the article are taking issue with the claim and they point out that it might be possible to get Ebola in ways other than those commonly believed. They point to the possibility of mutated strains of the virus after it has passed through people and they claim to have seen these variants in non human primates.

So it might be unlikely that Ebola can be transmitted during a flight but the claim of “zero risk” is not credible. Low risk is not zero risk.

People are trying to get away and they are doing whatever they can to avoid detection or suspicion because they do not want to go to centers where people with the full blown disease are housed.

They would rather place everyone else at risk.

This is the same CDC that mistakenly shipped a dangerous strain of avian influenza to a poultry research lab, accidentally shipped live anthrax to two other labs and also shipped live botulism bacteria.

So safety might not be their forte. They might be pretty good at what they do but it appears as if they are trying to give an impression of safety about Ebola that is not exactly true.

My opinion is not that important but the opinions of the researchers cited in the article are…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Who Let The Germs In?

There is a lot of concern over the Ebola Virus and its official entry into the United States. A man in Texas is in critical condition and an unknown number of people have been potentially exposed to the deadly bug. The government that is supposed to protect us is failing miserably.

I have problems with bringing people here to be treated (we should set up a mobile center someplace else) but the real issue is a man who was contagious walking around and interacting with people.

An equally important issue is the Enterovirus D68. This is the bug that has been affecting children across the country.

[note]This virus affects children and teens particularly those with asthma or other airway diseases. Adults are not usually affected as they have developed antibodies over their lives. The virus appears from late summer to fall and then drops off. The uptick here occurred not long after illegals were allowed in and shipped around the country.[/note]

There are over 100 types of Enterovirus and 10 to 15 million people are affected by them in the US each year but the D68 is not usually seen in such prominence. There have been over 500 children infected with the virus this year and that is a big uptick from the same period of time in years past. Two of those children have died as a result of the infection.

Officials seem baffled as to why there is an uptick.Perhaps they should look at the areas where these infections are taking place and then track the illegal children the government allowed into the country. The government bused these kids all over the country and not long after they did D68 started showing.

Obama’s policies of allowing illegal aliens to cross our border and be shipped around the nation for a free ride on the taxpayer is not good for this nation, the rule of law, or our health.

It is also likely it is not good for our children.

It is highly unlikely the government will disclose where it sent the illegals and it is even more unlikely that the government would investigate the increased D68 infections as they relate to where those illegals went.

This would negate their arguments and show they are not interested in protecting us.

The Democrats love to say everything is for the children when they want to pass some law or program that costs us money.

So don’t think of those illegals as little germ carriers. Think of what they bring as “for the children.”

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Ebola Unlikely Here But It Has Arrived

EbolaBarack Obama said that it was unlikely we would see Ebola cases here but we now have, so now it is likely and many people are in danger.

This is not fear mongering because there is a real possibility that a lot of people were infected. A man returned from a funeral in Liberia. He had contact with a lot of people along the way and he presented to a hospital with an illness. He was initially sent home and returned when he got worse. During the period between visits he had contact with a lot of people.

Now a second person has presented with symptoms. This is all taking place in Dallas and so far the issue concerns family and close contacts. How many people have all of these folks had contact with? A virus spreads through contact and the more people who are in contact with the infected person the more infections we will have. This is how the seasonal flu spreads (though the method of transmission is different between those viruses).

“Let me be real frank to the Dallas County residents: The fact that we have one confirmed case, there may be another case that is a close associate with this particular patient,” he said. “So this is real. There should be a concern, but it’s contained to the specific family members and close friends at this moment.”

The director continued to assure residents that the public isn’t at risk because health officials have the virus contained. USA Today

The virus is only contained with regard to the original carrier. Since a second person has symptoms there is a real possibility that many have been infected. Given that this guy flew on a plane full of people and given that he has had contact with many folks who in turn have had contact with others it is unwise to say the virus is contained.

This is a disaster in the making and our government is responsible. Why do we allow people to return here from affected areas without quarantining them?

We are ill prepared for this because our so called leaders are more interested in catering to special interest groups like the illegal alien crowd which has resulted in huge numbers of people (with varying diseases) entering this country and being dispersed throughout it.

Why do you think there are so many reports of children with Respiratory illnesses across this country?

Be prepared for a nightmare if this mess results in an outbreak.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
