Memorial Day 2015

Today is the day our nation has set aside to honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We honor the men and women who died to keep this nation safe and free.

As you go about your day remember what it is really all about and say a prayer for the families of those who left us way too soon so that we might be free to enjoy not just this day but every day.

Our Flag does not move in the breeze. It moves with the last breath of every man and woman who died defending it. Keep that in mind as you see morons walking on and burning our Flag. They disrespect themselves, their country and the men and women who died to keep them safe and free.


Keep those who still serve in your prayers until they are all safely home. Pray we do not have to honor them on a future Memorial Day.

Thanks to Mr. Heller who gave me permission to use his cartoon back in 2009.

Keep in mind the Flag will be at Half Staff until noon and then raised to the top. If your Flag can be displayed at half staff you should follow this protocol.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


This 1948 Cartoon Hits The Nail On The Head


This is a cartoon from 1948 and though it is a little over 9 minutes long it is well worth watching. It could easily be a cartoon from this time in our history. It would appear as if people did not pay too much attention to it back then or we would not be in the trouble we are in now. Watch it and pay particular attention to what is said starting at about the 8:30 mark.

I think that there is no doubt the people who put this together over 60 years ago recognized what was going on with the progressive movement and the intrusion of government into our lives.

In that period of time more people have become dependent on government and nearly half of all wage earners are not pulling their weight as politicians of all stripes continue to clamp down and pit one group against another while playing class warfare.

Think carefully before you vote. We need to replace nearly all of the people in elected office (and then have the next group replace most of the judges) so that we will have the nation our Founders intended.

We as a nation did not pay attention in 1948 and we fell into a very deep hole. It is up to us to make it right this November.

Isn’t it amazing that in 1948, years before Obama was born, the cartoonist portrayed him so accurately. That snake oil salesman has Obama written all over him.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Michael Ramirez Cartoon Hits Nail On The Head

This cartoon is hilarious and absolutely true:

It accurately portrays what the health care takeover bill is doing to Democrats.

Be sure to click the link and see the cartoon. Obama Akbar…

Big Dog


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