Caroline Kennedy Is Now Pandering

Caroline Kennedy is now about a week into her “hey I’m entitled, pick me” tour and she has begun to take a little heat. She has appeared as standoffish, has refused to answer anything more than basic questions, and has refused to release financial information. She has been beaten on by people who think she has no experience and seeks the job out of a sense of entitlement.

To be fair, Hillary has yet to resign and Paterson has not narrowed the list down so why should Kennedy have to release financial information? As for questions, I know the seat is not yet open but if she is going to make this trek across New York then she should be prepared to answer them.

Taken back by the assault on her desire for the seat as nothing more than entitlement Kennedy lashed back with the pander of all panders. Two things moved her to serve. They were 9/11 and working on the campaign of Barack Obama, the Halfrican from parts unknown.

She has used the 9/11 mantra of the right and the reference to the Sainted on of the left in order to appease everyone. She is absolutely pathetic.

Let’s look at this. If 9/11 moved her to serve in office, why did she wait so long? 9/11 happened over 7 years ago and there have been several elected offices contested since that time. If Kennedy were really moved to serve by 9/11, wouldn’t she have moved a little faster? Perhaps she handled this with same diligence she handled voting. She had it pointed out to her that she has voted half the time since 2008 and she was glad to have it brought to her attention.

How dingy does one have to be to not know? Why did someone have to point it out to her? I guess she is as motivated to serve as she is to vote…

Geez, and people call George Bush and Sarah Palin stupid. Imagine if Palin has failed to vote in half the elections or if she said she was moved to serve because of 9/11. Things are always different for a princess and Kennedy is a princess from Camelot.

If this is how Kennedy handles things then she needs another line of work. I realize the Senate moves at a glacial pace but Kennedy takes the cake for slow.

As for working on the campaign of Obama, well that is nothing more than a reminder to all the liberal twits and white guilt morons who elected this unknown quantity to the highest office in the land. Obama is a hot commodity and Kennedy wants to remind people that she was one of the ones who got on board, along with uncle Teddy, the Obama train early. It was a Kennedy who help elevate a black man and now she wants to serve him and the people of New York to complete God’s work that was started by her father oh so many years ago.

This dingbat needs to go back to whatever it was she was doing and stay out of politics.

Fortunately, some Democrats are not thrilled with her so maybe a qualified person will be selected. My bet is on Andrew Cuomo. That way Paterson does not have to worry about him as an opponent in the next governor’s race. Kennedy would not prove much of a threat so there is no need to get rid of her.

Yahoo News

Big Dog

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Sweet Caroline And The Life Of Entitlement

Caroline Kennedy, daughter of the late President by the same last name, has decided that she wants to be the next junior Senator from New York. Caroline wants to replace Hillary Clinton who will resign the seat to serve as Secretary of State (unless her confirmation hearing turns ugly and she withdraws). Caroline is on a tour of the state to introduce herself to the public and to make it clear that she should be selected by Governor Paterson to fill what is left of Clinton’s term.

The major problem is that Kennedy thinks she is entitled to the seat because of her last name. She has absolutely no political experience, she has been selectively involved in politics, and she has not voted in about half of the elections in about the last 20 years. The reality is that she has had little to do with politics and is now interested in the seat in New York because she is a Kennedy and thinks that in and of itself entitles her to the seat.

The amazing thing is that there are people who are pushing for her to get the seat. There are Democrats who think she would do a wonderful job as a Senator despite the fact that she has absolutely NO political experience. These would be the same Democrats who said that Sarah Palin lacked any experience and should not be a heartbeat way from the presidency. Of course, the same people making that claim ignored Obama’s lack of experience and made him the heartbeat.

So logical thought is not something we should expect from the left. But I want to be clear. The same group of feminists who say that women can do anything and deserve all the chances that men have were the ones jumping all over Palin. Despite the fact that she has more executive experience than all three of the other people who competed, they pinned her as the one without experience. I will say she was the least experienced at handling the media but she knows how to lead. John McCain knew how to do that at one time in his life.

Obama and Biden could not lead a group of people out of a burning building.

Anyway, Kennedy is nowhere near as qualified as Palin to hold office but the Democrats who are pushing for her to get the seat are ignoring their blatant double standard and holding Kennedy up as a model for the job even though she has zero, zip, nada, nyet, experience.

I understand that the qualifications for each job are different where Kennedy would be one of one hundred and Palin would have been one heartbeat away. The Palin argument was moot because Obama had less experience and fewer qualifications but they made it stick anyway. The point is, if the left is worried about qualified people then they should worry about them across the board.

Kennedy should stick to her philanthropic endeavors and leave politics to people better qualified.

Besides, she is doing much more for society in her current activities and this country can use more philanthropists and fewer politicians.

Caroline, I agree with very little of your political beliefs but that is of little consequence to me. I think you are better suited for the work you are doing now and that you serve the greater good right from where you are.

You appear to be well respected and admired. Don’t ruin that by whoring yourself out for a seat you have no experience to hold. People will resent that sense of entitlement.

I view that seat as one of entitlement in that the people of New York are entitled to have someone with experience representing them in the Senate.

Caroline Kennedy is not that person.


Big Dog

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