All Hail King Obama

Barack Obama has been frustrated over the economy that he has failed to fix. He is flummoxed because he has pushed a Socialist agenda and ended up getting slapped down in the midterm elections. He is looking for a reelection that probably will not happen and he is frustrated. He is particularly upset that he has to deal with a Republican controlled Congress.

He is so upset that he has accused Republicans of failing to act on things that he could not get done when his party controlled both chambers and when he did not need one single GOP vote to get things passed. He needs a bad guy in order to get America back on his side (or so he thinks).

So after spending nearly a trillion dollars that did not stimulate and did not create jobs, Obama wants to spend 400 BILLION more to do what the first stimulus could not. He and his apologists have said that the Stimulus was not intended to grow jobs right away (in contrast to their claims before it was passed) and that job growth would occur later on (which happens to be about this time period). So if it was supposed to help by now, why do we need another Stimulus package?

Well, Obama introduced his second stimulus because he does not want it to pass. He wants Republicans to block it so he can blame them for all the problems that he caused. There is an election to win so Obama is playing the game. The problem he has is that a lot of Democrats oppose the second stimulus. There are quite a few Democrats in the Senate who are up for reelection next year and they are worried they will be voted out of office. Given that they took a beating in 2010 they already know another is possible so they opposed Obama’s second stimulus.

This has not stopped Obama and the Democrats from blaming Republicans. Harry Reid blames Republicans as his Democrats block it in the Senate. Obama blames Republicans as his party votes against it. Obama needs to keep blaming Republicans because that is the narrative. That is the plan, that is how he plans to fight to keep his job. He can’t let people know that his own party opposes his bill and that the Senate, which is controlled by his party, can’t get it passed because his Democrats do not support it.

He is now pushing on to plan B. Obama will continue to blame Republicans but he has directed his people to scour a report and identify those items which he can act on administratively in order to avoid Congressional involvement. Obama wants to do whatever he can to bypass the Congress and get his second stimulus in place. Obama wants to know how he can do things in a fashion that would conflict with our Constitution and our way of life.

He will blame Republicans and he will say he needed to do this because they were obstructing him. He will claim it was necessary and that he was looking out for you.

And you can bet that when it fails he will blame it on the very people he bypassed.

We went from a Republic to a Monarchy with King Barack ignoring a coequal branch of government in order to push an agenda.

We need to get rid of him and his enablers in 2012 or the American experiment will be marked a failure as we progress to a Socialist country.

Our Founders are spinning in their graves.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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