PVT Manning Is No Hero

The long awaited trial of Private Bradley Manning began today at Fort Meade Maryland. It has been a few years since Manning was arrested for releasing hundreds of thousands of documents that he contends the public had a right to see and the disclosure of which would spark a debate on our role of our military and our foreign policy.

Perhaps he is correct about all of those assertions. It is quite possible that the contents of the documents should be available to the public and perhaps they would spark debate. Let us assume all of that is true.

Another truth is that Manning was not in a position to make that call and it was not his right or his duty to release the information.

Bradley Manning was charged with analyzing intelligence and guarding that information. He was supposed to guard the information in accordance with the rules established for it. Someone classified the information and decided that it was not to be publicly available.

Manning disregarded the classifications and the instructions to keep the information from being released. He decided and took it upon himself to gather it and release it to someone who would make it public. This is where he went wrong. He broke the law and he is no hero for doing so.

People in certain positions within the government are charged with doing jobs that require secrecy. Manning was in such a position and he failed to do what he was trained to do. He failed to do what he was ethically and legally bound to do.

The fact of the matter is it does not make any difference if the information is damning, if it should be available to the public or if it would spark debate because Manning was not allowed to take that decision and he was not allowed to release the information.

There are those who support him and call him a hero. He is a traitor and he should spend a very long time in jail.

Suppose something he felt should be made public resulted in a terror attack in America. Suppose what he released was used by the enemy to attack and kill members of our military. I know that many on the left might still view him as a hero but most folks would be quite upset if what Manning released was used to harm them or their families or our nation.

Manning is a confused young man with many mental health issues. He got in a snit and did something very stupid and now he will have to pay.

No matter what, he is no hero.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bradley Manning Is Not Happy In Jail

The Army Private who stole classified US Documents and gave them to Julian Assange has been in jail for several months and most of the time he is in solitary confinement. It seems that this is making him quite unhappy and it is allowing those who support him to throw around accusations like Manning is being tortured.

Oh not the pull out the fingernails kind of torture, but the solitary confinement and the conditions under which he is being held. Greg Greenwald of Salon Magazine said that Manning is being held in inhumane conditions because he is kept in his cell, alone, for 23 hours a day and he is not allowed to read newspapers or use the Internet.

Considering a computer is what got him in trouble he might want to avoid them.

In any event, this little punk is not being tortured. He is being held until his trial and he is being held in the manner the military sees fit. Manning stole classified information and gave it to a man who has been publishing it around the world in an effort to embarrass the United States (under the guise of making us transparent).

As far as I am concerned Manning deserves what he gets. I would say he is innocent until proven guilty but he admitted that he is the one who stole the information when he was in a bad way after his gay lover broke up with him. He described exactly what he did and that is an admission of guilt.

He is a traitor to this country and an absolute disgrace to his uniform. If they give him the death penalty he will have more than earned it though I think he should get life without the possibility of parole. He should have to spend the rest of his miserable life at Leavenworth breaking great big rocks into little bitty rocks and little bitty rocks into sand.

Greg Greenwald might think Manning is being tortured but that is far from the case. If this puke is convicted and sentenced to serve his time in a military prison it will not be long before he begs to be removed from the general population and placed in solitary confinement.

The criminals there will not take too kindly to a traitor.

The name Bradley Manning holds the same status as the name Benedict Arnold.

Too bad Manning did not behave himself. Don’t ask, don’t tell is about to become show and tell.

That would be right up his alley.

The Blaze

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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