He’s Gay So It Is A Hate Crime

I thought gay people wanted to be treated equally and if this is the case then society should treat them equally. No I do not support gay marriage (though it is a state right issue and not a federal one) but gay people have equal marriage rights. They are free to marry people of the opposite sex.

In any event, gays get treated with kidd gloves when they are the victims of crime. A gay man was knocked out and suffered an injury requiring brain surgery and people believe it was the result of the knockout game.

Police say they are investigating this as a hate crime because the victim was gay.

Well excuse the hell out of me. Ever since the knockout game started the huge majority of the victims were white people who were attacked by blacks. In addition, Jews have been the victims. For the longest time the media ignored this “game” as countless whites were sent to the hospital or killed. The race baiting poverty pimps of Sharpton and Jackson said nary a word as white after white hit the deck because of black on white violence.

Police, in some of those cases, specifically said the attacks were not hate crimes. You know how it is. When a black guy attacks a white guy it can’t possibly be a hate crime. Let a white guy fart near a black guy and the hate crime police are in full force as Jesse and Al chant no justice no peace.

One black person was attacked by a white person in the knockout game and the race baiters came to life as the police looked at it as a hate crime.

Now we have a gay person attacked and it is all of the sudden a hate crime.

I feel badly for the victim here. He is in bad shape and whether this was the result of the knockout game makes no difference because he is hurt regardless. Whoever attacked him should be arrested and tried to the fullest extent of the law as should every other criminal who does this no matter what color the perpetrator or the victim.

Assaults are against the law and all victims should be treated equally with regard to relief under the law.

Just because one is a minority or a gay does not garner that person special treatment. If it is a hate crime when a white is the attacker or if a gay or black is the victim then it is a hate crime when whites are attacked by non whites.

I have made it known how I feel about hate crime laws. They are stupid and should not be part of the process. A crime is a crime and we have penalties for the crimes on the books. In my opinion ALL crime is hate crime.

Whether it is a hatred for the victim, or society or the legal system, it is a matter of hate nonetheless.

But if we are going to have these moronic hate crime statutes then let us apply them equally.

My advice, if you are not knocked out by your attacker beat him half to death twice.

BTW, those who engage in this “game” are cowards.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Have An Ethics Problem? Just Scream Racism

Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters (this Congresswoman is about Socialism – her words, not mine) are in some hot water. Rangel has had 13 charges brought against him after a two year investigation and he faces the possibility of a public trial on his many ethical violations. Waters is under investigation and might have a public trial as well. Both trials would come just prior to the November elections and would hurt the already battered Democrats.

It is important to note that Rangel and Waters wanted the trials. Before we get into it any further, it is important to recognize this. They wanted the trials, they will get them, and now a bunch of people are crying.

You see, Waters and Rangel are black so this must be targeted against them because of their color. The evidence is that several other members have been or are under investigation and they are black. Yep, there is a concerted effort to go after black members of Congress. Never mind the illegal things they have done, they are being targeted not because of their illegal acts but because of their color.

Of course this ignores the fact that plenty of white members of Congress are under investigation or have been investigated. The major difference between them and Rangel and Waters is that they did not want a public trial so they settled the matters against them long before it got to that point. Remember, Rangel and Waters are at this stage in the game because they wanted to have the trials. The most recent white members who have been in trouble resigned from Congress. Rangel and Waters did not reach a settlement and they did not resign. They wanted a public trial.

I guess they figured it would never get that far and by screaming for a public trial they figured people would assume they must be innocent. Now that they are getting their wishes many Democrats are distancing themselves from them and some are asking for Rangel to resign with dignity (this would assume he actually had any).

Rangel is a pimp. He rides around in a big car paid for by taxpayers and he acts like a pimp in the hood. He is a slick mac daddy who thinks that the rules do not apply to him so I doubt he will resign (but the right deal might make it happen).

While he is getting pressure to resign many are looking at things and making claims that blacks in Congress are being treated differently.

There’s a “dual standard, one for most members and one for African-Americans,” said one member of the Congressional Black Caucus, speaking on condition of anonymity. Politico

Oh really? Those poor blacks have a different standard. What a crock of BS. The reality of the situation is that Rangel has been given every benefit of the doubt for the past two years. There is no doubt to sensible people that Rangel broke the law on a number of occasions. He can claim ignorance but he broke the law (what was that about ignorance of the law being no excuse) and he should pay for it regardless of his color. Rangel benefited from his skin color and his party affiliation. Representative Massa resigned quickly after allegations that he sexually harassed male staffers. He was probably worried about what would be made public if they investigated him. He resigned to avoid embarrassment.

Massa is a white Democrat. Is there any doubt that if a Republican (regardless of color) had the baggage that Rangel has or committed the acts that Waters allegedly has that Republican would be investigated quickly, would not get the benefit of the doubt and would be guilty in the court of media opinion? Rangel has had a two year ride while they tried every which way to find a way out. Rangel wanted a trial so they had no choice but to give him one.

Now they are talking a deal. I believe that it would take a Republican on the committee to agree. No Republican should (neither should the Democrats). Rangel wanted this public trial and they should make sure he gets it. Nancy Pelosi promised to drain the swamp so let us have this trial so we can see what is at the bottom of it when it is drained.

I am tired of hearing about some racist motive every time a black person gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar. If they committed a crime then it matters not what color they are and it should not matter what party they are from, they should be held accountable for what they did.

The funny thing about this is the quoted item above. There is a standard for Congress and a different one for blacks in Congress. How about there is a different standard for Congress than there is for every other person in this country?

This is absolutely true. If any other person in a private business did the things that these people have done and are doing then they would be in jail. Many people in the private sector are hauled before Congress to be grilled over things they have done that are no different than what members of Congress have done. Sweetheart deals, kickbacks, jobs for family members, affairs with staffers, and who knows how many other infractions Congress members commit only to be excused while they are pointing fingers at others.

To top it all off, Congress investigates itself and the investigation involves the rules for the House or the Senate. It does not matter if they committed a serious crime if it is not in that rule book or if the people in Congress investigating it deem it to be no offense.

You won’t find that kind of system in the real world.

No, none of this has to do with the color of the skin of the people involved. It has everything to do with entrenched politicians who feel they are above the law. It is about people who have been doing this so long they do not think they have to follow the rules.

It is about power corrupting and it is about the need for term limits.

But it damn sure is not about color.

Throw all the bums out in November and start fresh.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Give the Brother a Break

Robert Downey Jr has a role in a new movie entitled Tropic Thunder. According to the Daily Mail, the movie:

The film centres[sic] on a group of pompous actors making the most expensive Vietnam war movie ever made.

Fed up with their self-involved cast, the film’s makers drop them into the jungle to take care of themselves, where they get caught up in a conflict they don’t realise[sic] is real.

However, all is not well in movie land because Downey Jr plays the part of a black man. He wears black make-up and a wig to play the part of a black actor.

Oops, that does not sit well with groups that want to know why a white man is playing a black person. Was there no black man to fill the role? This is over the line and cannot be tolerated.

My question; Who the hell cares? Their profession is acting and their job is to make people believe something that is not true. In this case Downey Jr looks like a black man and therefore he is making people believe something that is not true.

Why are there never concerns when black guys wear white make-up and play white people? Why are there no concerns when a woman plays a man or vice versa? It seems to me that this is much ado about absolutely nothing as is the flap over a white actor on SNL playing the part of Barack Obama, who incidentally is half white.

If this movie used Downey’s character to portray stereotypes of blacks and showed them unfavorably then there might be an issue but still, that issue never arises when people like Eddie Murphy wear white make-up to see how good whites have life. Murphy is a comedian and what he did was funny though it made fun of typical white stereotypes.

I wonder if this will pass without the race baiters making a big deal about it. If there is any way whatsoever that Sharpton and Jackson can play this for face time on some camera, somewhere, we will be in for another diatribe about the racist whites.

BTW, Jack Black is in the movie (just his name is ironic) and his hair is bleached blond. Should we protest that a blond actor was not found to play the part?

Big Dog