Mr. Obama- Build Up That Wall!

Well, Rahm Emmanuel, the president’s Chief of Staff, has conceded that at this time, there are just not the votes to allow the 12 million illegal immigrants to stay and become citizens. Good. No one should get a free pass, and there are people who have been waiting to legally become citizens for years. This process is, I admit, unwieldy and takes an inordinate amount of time, but then, nothing worth having should come too easy. We, as people, tend to value that which is hard won, rather than that which came too easy.

There is also the little problem with the unemployment here, and the fact that no congressman wants to be seen as giving these few jobs to those many illegal aliens- after all, until ACORN registers them, these illegals can’t vote, but our citizens can.

It astounds me that a nation that can put a man on the moon within ten years of the time President Kennedy announced it, cannot seem to complete a wall between Mexico and the United States- a simple wall- a wall that is needed for several reasons.

First, to stop drug smugglers and their cargo. This is a serious problem on the border. Anyone who thinks otherwise should take a walk on the streets of Juarez, or Tijuana- if you dare. The struggle for control of this trade will spill over the border in a big way, and will force people to take the law in their own hands if our government continues to be impotent on this issue.

Second, and equally important, is the smuggling of human cargo- some of the same smugglers do the same thing with people, and then, often hold them hostage until their “ransom” has been paid. In some cases the smugglers, or “coyotes”, as they are known, simply abandon the illegal aliens in the desert to die.

First we need the wall, if for no other reason than to funnel the potential immigrants into a port of entry where they can be identified, and fingerprints taken, and photos- whatever is needed to ensure that these people are who they say they are. The last four police officers that have been killed on the job in Houston, Texas, were killed by illegal aliens. Three of these criminal aliens had been deported several times from both California, and Arizona, and had returned. These are not people you want in society. These people are not a plus for the United States.

That is, quite frankly, astounding, considering the odds- you would think, if the illegal aliens are that peaceful and law- abiding, that the proportion that committed Capital offenses would not be so high. So, control is needed, and needed badly.

“I’m sure the civil libertarians will object to some kind of biometric card — although . . . there’ll be all kinds of protections — but we’re going to have to do it. It’s the only way,” Schumer said. “The American people will never accept immigration reform unless they truly believe their government is committed to ending future illegal immigration.”

By announcing his plans, Schumer, who chairs the Senate’s main immigration subcommittee, ushered in what Obama has signaled will be his next major legislative campaign, after the economic stimulus plan, health care and energy.

Schumer said legislation should secure control of the nation’s borders within a year and require that an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants register with the government and “submit to a rigorous process to convert to legal status” or face immediate deportation. Rejecting the euphemism “undocumented workers,” he said: “Illegal immigration is wrong — plain and simple.”

We not only need a “biometric card”, but we need more cooperation from Mexico regarding the criminals they know about- they need to keep their trash at home. I can pick up any Texas paper, and the Hispanic crime that is reported is three times that of any other race. Do keep in mind that a lot of the crime goes unreported because of fear of being deported, so it would be fairly safe to assume that the rate of crime is at least double that that is reported, perhaps more. 

Understand this- I have absolutely no problem with legal immigrants- they are a plus for our society, but they must become legal, and they must go through the process, no matter how tiresome it seems to be. If and when they are legal, they do not need to fear the authorities, and can assimilate into this society the way other generations and other races have done in the past.

To say that this is impossible is in effect saying that the Hispanics of today’s generation are not as smart as their Irish, Polish, Indian, or Asian predecessors were, and thus need the “special” dispensation of amnesty. 

I reject this premise- I feel that Hispanics are every bit as intelligent as anyone else, they just need the chance to prove it. Going through the process is a type of trial by fire, so to speak. The process tests your true desire to see this through.

And with the completion of the wall, and addition of foolproof biometric cards, both employers and employees can rest easy knowing that they are legally here and can proceed with their life without looking over their shoulders.

Then they can pursue the American Dream.
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