Shouldn’t Obama Embrace The Boston Bomber?

Barack Obama has a place in his heart for domestic terrorists. He is friends with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn both of whom were part of the Weather Underground. That group was a bunch of terrorists who bombed buildings in the United States and was responsible for several deaths.

Obama started his political career in Ayers’ home and worked with him as well. Though Obama describes Ayers as some guy in the neighborhood there is no doubt their relationship is much more than that. In fact, there is speculation that Ayers actually wrote one of Obama’s books.

Barack Obama has no problem associating and befriending a domestic terrorist who, by the way, is not in jail (and never served time) because of a technicality.

Why wouldn’t Obama embrace the two bombers in Boston? Why wouldn’t he have affection for the one who remains above the ground?

He seems to have affection for that kind of person.

I imagine if Obama actually had any experience getting his hands dirty (not politically but with actual dirt) he would have felt right at home building bombs with Bill and Bernadine, had he been old enough to participate.

The death of Americans means nothing to Obama. Benghazi put that issue to rest.

If Bill Ayers had a son he would look like the Boston Bombers…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog



Bomb Dropped On Bill Ayers

Terrorist and retired professor Bill Ayers was denied emeritus status by the University of Illinois after an impassioned speech by Christopher Kennedy, son of the late Robert Kennedy.

Kennedy could not bring himself to support emeritus status for Ayers because Ayers dedicated his book to, among others, Robert Kennedy’s assassin.

Kennedy was referring to a 1974 book co-authored by Ayers, “Prairie Fire,” which was dedicated to a long list of people including Robert Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan and “all political prisoners in the U.S.” Chicago Tribune

I don’t know who Christopher Kennedy supported for president in 2008 but the fact that he is a Kennedy makes it very likely he supported Barack Obama. If he did not I would be surprised especially since he held a fundraiser for Obama when he ran for the Senate.

Obama was linked to Ayers and though he and the media played the association down, the evidence is overwhelming that Ayers and Obama were closer than we were led to believe (OK, I never believed what Obama and the media said). Obama started his career in Ayers’ home and they were associated professionally.

Evidently Ayers’ love for assassins was too much for emeritus status but his association with a radical community organizing Socialist was not enough to keep Kennedy from supporting Obama.

I am glad Ayers was denied. I only wish people like Chris Kennedy could show this kind of conscience when it comes to our country.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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